Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Still Missing The Village

It's been  a little over a month now. Many of us have been trying to find a location to call home. But none of us are having an easy time of it. Sure, there's some people who are arguing 'it's just a game, it shouldn't be bothering me so much' but  they're wrong. Why?

Well, some of us invested a lot of time getting to know the lay of the land (and yes you can take that both ways if you want). We worked at getting to know people, and came to feel as though the sim was our home. Which if you think about it, considering the amount of time many of us spent there it really was. Home is not only where you hang your coat and hat, it's where your heart feels fullest. Many of us felt that way there.

The sense of community was awesome. Maybe more so for us prey than for the preds. But I know I miss the fun banter and joking that used to happen in prey chat. There never really is anything that's as much fun as picking on the guards in prey chat. I mean really? Who didn't love poking at the guys in the girl infested waters of chat?

The Village's Last Day by Taboo (Vixenn Moonshadow)
In any case at this moment in time, I'm still looking for a place that still has the same kind of heart and sense of community. It isn't really as easy as some may have thought it would be. But maybe I'm spoiled. Maybe I just want too much. Or maybe... just maybe, I'm not going to find a place like The Village again.

But... there is one thing....we will always have the memories that we made on the sim. The friendships (some of them) aren't going anywhere. And I do know... that on the grid, there are still pods of us hoping and praying for a miracle.

not quite home yet,

1 comment:

  1. More Pictures:
