Friday, August 17, 2012

In Memory of Sangrelle

In every live,be it rl or sl, we cross paths with people that make a difference and impression in our lives. As many of you already know, the village prey Sangrelle Phantom was hit by a drunk driver in early April which left her in bad shape.  She was in a coma for 10 days, and was slow to rally, facing a long road to recovery.  Despite all of this, from her hospital room, she did make her forays back into the village while she was still there in the hospital, as it was a second home to her.

Unfortunately, due to that accident, Sangrelle was left with bleeding on her brain that required surgery.  She went in to surgery early in the morning on May 8th with the hope that the bleeding would stop.  While that was successful, Sangrelle almost died twice on the table, and things were still not looking very good.  Tests showed minimal brain activity and responsiveness, and they were not very hopeful, with her other injuries, that she could recover from this, though our hopes were that she would.

Sadly we lost Sangrelle. She passed away, and we lost a wonderful friend and a true heart. She recommended that anyone who wished to  help her would contact MADD and other organizations, to help spread the word about how much drunk driving can cost. As far as we know they never found the drunk driver that hit Sangrelle. It is very sad that someone would think so little of others to drink and drive. Sangrelle you may be gone but you are anything but forgotten.

Sangrelle's Song

In the crystal-clear waters of SL shores swam a beautiful mermaid queen by the name of Sangrelle.  Her shiney scales were a beautiful purple marred with faintest lines of magenta and pink, her hair long and blonde, her eyes crystalline blue.  As she swam, her leaps would cast the rays of the envious sun and jealous moon back to the sky, body arching to break the water and throwing crystalline drops around the earth as she returned to her comforting home.  Many, many tried to catch Sangrelle, but few could, and none of those so bold could tame her strong, wild heart.

But that did not mean Sangrelle swam alone - far from it.  Watching over here from the shore was the dark lady Zin and the strong Firebird, and swimming with her through the waves was her pale shadow, Soka.  And beside her, keeping her heart so safe, was her Music Man, his bold red and grey and black tail allowing her to shine as he spun his music for her to dance in the waves.

But one day, evil invaded those sparkling waters.  Carelessness and thoughtlessness hurt the pretty mermaid, tossing her body upon the waves and washing her to shore.  Strangers had to find the pretty mer, but they worked to save her, wrapping her in fine cotton cloth and brushing the sand from her wounds, and, even as the darkness rose to claim her, she murmured to them to beware the hurt to her lovely tail, as she was mer and had to swim again.  But these nice strangers from the Lady Zin and called her to her side, and the Lady leant all her strength to the poor mer.

Moreover, as her other friends pined and waited, Zin braved the choppy waters to find them, to carry them news of the mer queen's condition.  First, she found Soka, waiting in the waves, and she and the pale mer hugged and cried and prayed together for Sangrelle, before Lady Zin was forced to return to the surface, to a land where the little mer could not follow.  Instead, the pale mer found the Firebird, and told him of what she knew, and the two sat and cried and mingled their tears on the earth, and flowers of purple flame grew where the tears fell, to honor Sangrelle.

But it was not enough.  And the pale mer went and she found the Music Man beneath the waves, and the two talked of the lovely mer queen, drawn together by their love for her, and by their wish to be able to transverse the unfriendly earth to be by her side. And they sat and they cried and their mingled tears sprouted lavender butterflies to fly through the flower fields.  But it was still not enough, never enough, to convey their love and distress for Sangrelle.

And so the Music Man began to play, his heartfelt notes slicing through the air of second life, carrying his pain and his love to her the only way he could.  And Soka, wanting to do the same, choked her milky tears and she began to sing, calling out to her mer sister, wishing her well with all the strength and love in her heart.

And their song travelled through the air.  In the skies above the waters, the Firebird heard, and his coarse "woo-hoo" cries were silenced as he listened, and he heard, and it touched his heart, and he threw back his dark head to join in their song.  In the clouds above him, and Angel heard their song, and she was touched, and she leaned down and added her cloud-bound whispers to their words.  In the darkling forests fo second life, the Winter Wolf heard the song, too, and he sat, and he listened, and he thought, and he tipped back his bold head to howl along to the music.  And in the mighty castles, the Earth Princess and the Taboo One heard the music, and they shared a look and began to sing, too, until the music for Sangrelle flew across all of second life, borne to the care of Lady Zin, who stifled her tears and carried it to the broken-doll body of the beauteous mer queen.

And the music mingled with Lady's words, and woke the queen from the dark realm to which she had been sent, her strong heart and soul fighting her way back, and her blue, blue eyes opened, and the world rejoiced.

But the evil was not yet broken, and the kind people of the earth told Lady Zin and Sangrelle that she would need strong, dangerous magic to make her strong enough to swim again.  The day of the casting, the mer and the firebird knelt together at the shore, singing the Music Man's song for Sangrelle, choking in their fear and love, and they waited... and their hearts frozen when Lady Zin stumbled to them, bearing the sleeping form of their queen, painfully explaining all the spells had cost Sangrelle as she laid the beautiful mer beside the shore, and they watched as they prayed, and Lady Zin joined in their song, the lyrics of love ones she already knew.

The pale mermaid crawled from the waters to lay across from the kneeling lady, scale brushing scale brushing gown, and her white hand closed tight to Sangrelle's.  The Firebird, his own heart in his throat, was brought to earth, kneeling by the lady, his own hand closing on the mer queen's free one, calling her name in his once-crowing voice.  And the Music Man found them, and he knelt by her head, placing her golden locks across his lap, hoping to brush her heart as he brushed the hair from their face.  And, choking with tears, the four continued to sing for their beloved mermaid, to call her back from the darkness again, to reach her fierce heart and make it aware of their love...

     You have been through so much pain and darkness... but you have never, ever been alone.  You are loved, Mer Queen, more than you may ever know, and I can only hope my words can reach your heart.  You are missed and with me every day, in the corner of my heart that belongs solely to you, my friend.
                        With love,

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