(RIP) Never Never Land Rules

These rules are still available here on this blog in memory of the Never Never Land role play sim. Just in case anyone is ever curious about what kind of rules a role play sim may have. May the sim rest in peace and live on fondly in our memories.

Never Never Land - Capture & Role Play Sim
(Official Sim Rules - Effective December 2012 :: Modified as of January 2014)

In this note card you will find
1. Information about Never Never Land
2. Fast Track Instructions
3. Character Descriptions
4. Ranks & Roles *****This info section only found in in world version
5. Sim & RP Rules
6. Information About Special Hunts
7. Disciplinary Actions

Information About Never Land

Never Land is a Capture and Role Play (CARP) Sim. Men (Lost boys & Pirates) and Women (Tinker Bell & Wendy's) hunting one another and Role Play once an individual is caught. There may be many different styles of RP here including, but not limited to, Fantasy, D/S, BDSM, Medieval, Sexual, and Non-sexual. Here in never land you will not only find men and women hunting, but you will also find many strange beings it is not just humans that fight and hunt on these grounds.

Hunt with caution. Walk softly, and carry a big stick if you must. You may end up getting more with the role play and women then you were actually ready for. On certain nights the pirates and lost boys will have an All Out War. Tinker Bell & Wendy's women may take shelter and watch from safe zones, or may join either the Pirates or Lost Boys in the war. This is explained in more detail later on.

Fast Track Instructions

1. Join the Main Group as well as the appropriate Male or Female group & activate tag.
2. Pick up the Never Land Meter & HUD and ADD both items in the folder.
3. Make sure scripts are UNDER 100, for best performance below 75 is recommended.
4. Dress to impress. Less is more (See Rules for Specifications).
5. Arm yourself with an acceptable weapon of choice (See Rules for Specifications).

Character Descriptions

1. Never Land Guardians - Guards & Owners
A handful got together and decided that it would be best if their was a small group of completely neutral residents. These folks relay important information between the groups. They make sure everybody is safe and that the laws of the land are followed. If you have an issue with ANYTHING, please don't hesitate to speak to a Guard.

2. Never Bugs - Renters
Never Land does offer on-sim homes for those who would like to stay here regularly. Anybody may rent when homes are available. You will need to contact SweetRose Burner for rental information & rates. Please only rez your items in your HOME. You must, however, wear your normal character group tag while playing. If you are in your home and do not want to be disturbed, please wear your Never Bugs group tag.

3. Wendy's Girls - WOMEN ONLY ((These woman are MOSTLY Human, but may be Mythical Creatures.))
Wendy's girls is a mixture of women from earth, Princess Tiger Lily's Native Indian tribe, and she has even taken in any female that has escaped from the Pirates. The escapees have come from all over many worlds and proudly call Never Land their home. The women that Wendy call her own are a unique and interesting group. Some of them are as sweet as pie, while others you may not want to cross in the dead of night.

4. Tinker Bell's Girls - WOMEN ONLY ((These woman are MOSTLY Mythical Creatures, but can be Human))
Tinker Bell takes care of the female creatures of the land. Her gang consists of fairies, pixies, mermaids, and other variations of the sort. These ladies tend to start trouble by being silly and are very mischievous. It's hard to believe, but some of these ladies are pure evil. Then on the other hand, some of them are the sweetest women in the world.

5. Lost Boys - MEN ONLY ((These men are generally kind))
The group of men that make up the Lost Boys protect the land and the women that live here, as well as battle with the pirates. Even though they try to be good, they are just men, and their hormones take over. Wendy warned them about this, and she tried to teach them how to be gentleman, but those lessons were often forgotten.

6. Pirates - MEN ONLY ((These men are generally rough))
These guys are a collection of bullies, thieves, and scoundrels. They hide along the shores of Never Never Land and hunt down the Lost boys and the women of the land. Most of these men are pure evil, only caring about themselves. The Pirates often bind Wendy's girls, drag them off somewhere, and rape or abuse them for their own entertainment.

7. Never Land Mercs - Both Men & Woman
These men and woman are often mistaken for pirates because of their shady dealings. They have not yet joined one of the other groups, and may never. They will do anything for the right price, and are not here for any other reason then to better themselves. They will take Wendy's and Tink's girls and sell them to Pirates, perhaps to a Lost Boy that has give in to his urges (but we also know the girls have urges too, and perhaps would like a Pirate or Lost Boy of their own). Hell, they might even test it out and make sure they are good enough for you, first . Their Motto is: Loot. Pillage. Then blame it on someone else. They are here for nobody but themselves, and might as well have fun. ((SIDE NOTE:: Once a Merc finds their home with one of the other groups they will be removed from this role))

Never Land Ranks & Roles


Sim & RP Rules

1. First and foremost RESPECT! Respect the players that come to our sim. Respect the guards and staff members that help. Respect the new players, and if you can, help them get started. If an issue can not be resolved, please contact a member of staff, and if that doesn't help, please part ways like an adult.

2. Limits: PLEASE STATE CLEARLY in your profile what your limits are. THE CLEARER THE BETTER! This will prevent any unwanted RP. On the same note, it is recommended checking a users profile before hunting them. Respect the users limits (See rule 1). A RP may end if the other user refuses to abide by your limits. Remember, women ARE allowed to hunt and RP with women here, and the same goes for the men! Therefore, if you don't want same sex RP, please place that in your limits. For Example: "No same-sex sexual RP". Easy enough. ((Side Note)): If you prefer to be a non-sexual player, please state "NS" in your meter title, this means you are for NON SEXUAL RP ONLY! Please have a valid reason for this.

3. Acceptable Avatars: human, fairy, mermaid, neko, demon, elf, drow, vampire (No Bloodline), beast, lycan, minotaur, and centaur. If you are unsure if your avatar is acceptable please ask a member of staff. Unacceptable Avatars: CHILD avatars! There will be NO child play on this sim! If you are found taking part of any kind of child play on this sim you will be permanently banned and reported, no questions asked! "FURRIES"! Full head to toe, cartoon-like, or just plan animal avatars: Horses, Cows, Dogs, Cats, Dragons, etc. ((With the exception of the ones listed under Acceptable)) NO AVATAR MOVEMENT ENHANCERS: AO Double Jump, Speed, Quick Jump, Flying, Pose-Ball hopping across the sim, or "TP to" function ... EVER! Not before a hunt, during a hunt, after a hunt or while you are wandering around. You will be asked to remove the enhancer or leave the sim. You need to walk, run, or jump as if it were real life.

4. Allowed Weapons: Bows, Swords, Slingshots, Rocks, Blow Darts, Daggers, Throwing Knives, Scythes, Spears, Aces, Hammers, and Glaives,. Unsure if your weapon is acceptable? Please ask a member of staff. Unacceptable Weapons: Guns, Home Made ((If home made, you may be asked to provide specs for the weapon. Also the weapon builder must have an in-world or market place store.)), Automatic, Fast firing weapons, Magical weapons, or Weapon Huds. If you are unsure if your weapon is acceptable, please ask a member of staff.

**((SIDE NOTE))** When Hunting: Shoot the other user until their health drops below 0%, this will put a Cage around them. (if you are captured at this point STOP SHOOTING BACK) Click the cage and select BIND from the pop up menu. When you are done with the binds, click the bind that is on the users wrists and this will Free them! Any Questions? Please ask a Guard!**

5. Safe Zone: There are a couple Safe zones. They will be clearly marked with a Sign stating it is a Safe Zone. There is no combat of any kind allowed in these areas, as well as NO damage on ones Meter. Landing Zones are No Hunt / No Capture and OOC areas. Also the Landing Tree House is a No Hunting area. Again, If you are being hunted DO NOT enter the safe zone with damage on your meter. If you seek refuge in the Safe Zones or No Hunting areas, the individual whom was hunting you may choose to auto capture you and RP with you.

6. Meter: NO RESETTING YOUR METER IF IT HAS DAMAGE OR YOU HAVE BEEN CAPTURED! UNLESS: Your captor gives you permission or a Guard gives you permission. If your captor has made you feel uncomfortable, please speak to a guard immediately. Remember, its your responsibility to display and enforce your limits clearly. Please keep in mind that Never Land is not just any ordinary capture and role play sim. This is also a combat sim, so there are some who capture and release if you have an issue with that please state so in your limits. For Example: "Please do not capture and release me". The ONLY exception to this rule is if you are Sparring in the welcome area. Permission is not needed for those resets. Sparring may ONLY take place there, if you are on the ground this is normal game play and your meter may NOT me reset.

7. Groups: Before leaving the Welcome Area take the time to read the appropriate Male or Female groups. Please join our Main Group as well. This will help keep you informed about changes, updates, and upcoming events. While hunting, being hunted, and or role playing you must ALWAYS have your proper group tag activated. This does not include the "Never Land Lover" group tag. The only time when "Never Land Lover" is acceptable is when we are having special events. We would prefer you choose ONE Role Play group to join and play under so that you may Rank up in that group. If you are found in the wrong gender's group you WILL be ejected.

8. Roleplay: Women ARE allowed to hunt and RP with whom they like here, same goes for men. While hunting, do not randomly shoot at players. Please do your best to Role Play with them, this then leading to a hunt. If you see a group of people standing together, sneak up on them, listen a while, Role Play that you can hear them speaking, inch closer. If you are unsure if a person is already in the middle of Role Play, please private message them and ask. This will prevent unnecessary resets, and unhappy players. Side note for the non hunters, you do not have to hunt someone to engage them in a role play. There are many ways to catch the attention of a potential role play partner. Be creative. If you capture anybody on the sim, please attempt to roleplay with them, unless you both agree otherwise. That's the whole point of Never Land, Capture & Roleplay. However, make sure you abide by the limits of the individual & respect them. We are not here to "Kill" each other, and our meter is not configured to Kill, it will only Capture. If you choose to kill your role play partner, ALL PARTIES must agree on the scene, and you better have a darn good excuse! REMEMBER: NO: Godmodding, Meta-Gaming, or Fae Powers, (The only "Fae Power" that is allowed is shape shifting & it must be within reason and fully RP'd out.!)

9. Clothing: Keep it as close to the theme of the sim as possible! Which is: Fantasy, Pirate, Medieval, Silks, Loin Cloths, Naked, and variations of the sort. Collars and **Mama-Allpas** are NOT required, but may be worn to enhance the Role Play. Don't hesitate to ask another person on sim what they wear, or for ideas. NO "modern day" clothing. For Example: high heels, latex, formal suits or dresses, sneakers, baseball hats, sunglasses, jeans, hoodies or robotics. If you are unsure, please ask a guard.

10. NO TROLLS: NO griefing, no shouting, no flying, no pushing, no escorts, no recruiting, no vehicles, no over use of gestures or sounds that spam the entire sim. Insulting, rude or verbally abusive talk will not be tolerated. If you come and harass people in Never Land you will be banned no questions asked.

Information About Special Hunts


Every Sunday evening, the Pirates and Lost Boys will have an All Out War ("Raid" style). Wendy's Girls, Tinker Bell's Girls, and Tink's Pirates may join the Pirates or Lost Boys in the war. Anybody that doesn't wish to partake in the war may take shelter and watch from the safe zone. During this war a few of the rules are null and void. Nowhere is safe, your captor does NOT have to RP with you, the floating bridges will be off limits to those in the All Out War.

There may be 3 Wars in one day depending on how many people show up:
The 1st and 2nd All Out War will be Pirates Against Lost Boys. Capture as many people from the opposite team! (meter's will be marked) The 2nd All Out War will be either Men vs. Woman OR Red Team vs Blue Team. The 3rd All Out War will be a FREE FOR ALL! Capture as many people as you can and the Last Man Standing wins!

How an All Out War Works:
1. Pick a side: Lost Boys or Pirates & move to the designated side of the sim. Set your meter title to say "PIRATE" or "LOST BOY" so everybody knows who's team you are on. Round 2 will either be Men vs Woman or teams will be randomly picked by the Red vs Blue board.

2. Once there is enough players (volunteers may be asked to switch sides to even out the groups) the war will begin & no other players may join either team.

3. Capture as many people, both men and women, and from the other team, as you can. You don't need to bind your captives, a guard will teleport them back to the starting point.

4. Once there is only one player left hunting (or more from the same team), the war is over and the guards will tp everybody back to the starting point.

5. The group with the last player(s) standing will be the winning team.

If you have any questions before, during or after the war, PLEASE ask a guard or owner!

Disciplinary Actions

1. Warning: Please fix the problem.
2. Ejected: Fix the problem, then you may come back.
3. 24 Hour Ban: You can come back after 24 hours as long as your problem was fixed. You may appeal this to an OWNER.
4. Permanent Ban: If you still can't follow the rules you will be permanently removed from the sim. You may only appeal this to the Owners if you have learned how to handle yourself like an adult.

If you feel as if you are being treated unfairly by another user, please contact a GUARDIAN.
If you feel as if you are being treated unfairly by a GUARD, please contact an OWNER (SweetRose Burner or PonieeExpress Ragged)

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