Monday, July 15, 2013

A Pirate & Fairy Go To The Moon (Part 1)

[22:18]  WldDog (wldknight): be careful of the clocks on my desk. They open portals

Tiamet peers over and eyes the clocks "what kind of portals?"

WldDog : well... I opened one to hell yesterday. Had to get a guy back"

 Tiamet giggles her eyes widening in amusement "there's no such place!"

WldDog smiles, "Oh yes there is. I have been there, recently. The demons there dont like me hacking them to pieces"..."Can't say I blame them"..."took one of their helpers from them. They never like that."

Tiamet laughs merrily "no more than my kin appreciate the sort of things akin to that."

WldDog: "Good point. Is there anyplace you would like something from?" He eyes the fairy carefully.

Tiamet hrms "The moon? Is supposed to be made of apple pie, my friend the Doctor told me so once..."

WldDog: "Hmm... I always thought it was cheese. Lets see." He places the clocks on his desk and points all the hands to the sky. He grabs a book of the shelf and opens it to retrieve a key from a hollowed out portion section of the book.

Tiamet giggles leaning in and running a fingertip on the back of his neck as he places the clocks, she watches with interest "Hook doesn't like clocks you know...."

WldDog: "Yeah, he doesn't like these either, but he knows what they can do so i am allowed to keep them. As long as he doesn't have to see them"

Tiamet giggles and makes a grab for the key "what's that for?"

WldDog Takes the key and winds the clocks, then replaces the key to the book.. only to have the fairy remove it before he could close the book. "That is one of the ways the clocks work" He reaches for the key

Tiamet balances the key on the tip of her nose like a seal would a ball, and dances out of his reach giggling "It's shiny! am keeping it!"

WldDog: chases the fairy around the room. "No no no no,,, don't drop it. It could destroy the clocks."

Tiamet flips it off her nose and catches it in her teeth grinning at him some from the other side of the desk. She tips her head and opens her mouth taking in the key and holding it like a squirrel would a nut "Why?"

WldDog: "I dont know what would happen. The magic of the clocks is locked onto the moon, and if it is destroyed right now it could bring the whole moon to us and destroy never never land."

Tiamet squeaks and swallows the key startled by the idea

WldDog slowly approaches Tiamet and just misses the key before it is swallowed. A look of fear crosses Wlddog's face. "Oh no."...."No no no no no no no."

Tiamet winces some feeling the key go down she blinks looking sheepish "sorry >.>"

WldDog gives her a blank look as he looks at the clocks. "Well, it seems like everything is alright....." The entire ship starts to shake. "never mind!" He shouts.

Tiamet squeaks and fllips her wings hovoring off the shaking floor, a frightened expression on her face as she watches books tumble off the shelves "what is that?"

WldDog looks around and runs on shaky ground to look out of the hatch, fearing he does not see the moon rushing to crush them all. He looks in dread as he does indeed see the moon flying towards them. "I think we all are going to die now."

Tiamet flips her wings anxiously and picks up two of the clocks and starts shaking them "Make it stop!!!"

WldDog  rushes over to her and carefully takes the clocks from her. "No no no... That could make things worse!" He grabs the clocks and glances out of the port side windows. He did not see any water. He instead saw the edge of the earth. suddenly the clocks were not longer that important. "Uh, Tiamet, can fairies fly in outer space?"

Tiamet blinks some "Technically......why?" she tips her head looking worried not quite getting what he's getting at she makes a grab for the clock "make the time stop on them make it stop!"

 WldDog  hears the clocks release a spring as she shakes one of them. The ship lurches to a stop as the spring stand oddly the side of the clock.

Tiamet grabs for the clock that has the spring sticking out, intending to pull out the springs and cogs

WldDog slowly climbs to the deck and looks over the side. The ship was now sitting on the surface of the moon. He whispers: "Uh, Tiamet? You can find out if the moon is made of pie now."

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