What's The Sass Pack?

The Sass Pack was originally an informally formed group that hung out on a sim called The Village. Their general MO was to tease and role play with folk both in and out of the safe zone. They went by the name as a joke, but eventually even jokes start to make sense as a possible reality.

Many of the pack members enjoyed dancing on Lion Hill. This of course was an activity that was found to be both fun and silly by others in the prey group, so hill top dances were a repetitive activity. Over time the pack adopted the lion as their symbol, and they can frequently be found with a lion tattoo.

Over time new members were collected and the title sass-kateer was issued. The idea being that like in the Three Musketeers, there is an "all for one, and one for all" attitude. How does this make them different than other groups of people? It doesn't exactly, but there is definitely a family like feel, and they do enjoy chattering and exploring, as well as sharing experiences. Which was something that perhaps others could enjoy as well.

Which is how the blog came up. The blog is a way for them to share with all of you, and not just keep things to themselves. The blog is also a place for you to share your experiences. We here at The Sass Pack blog are happy to post your reviews, observations, or tips. All you need to do is let us know ^_~. We can be emailed at thesasspack (at) gmail (dot) com. Please include your sl name in the email, as we don't know everyone by their various online alias'.

We'll be together again, and we'll be stronger.

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