Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wild Hunt at the Kingdom

Review Written by Nykkee Resident

Ok, this is a game they play at the Kingdom of Pleasure that I think is pretty cool. I didn't understand it at first, but was glad to be there for it and having a chance to participate in it.

Now the day they had it the hunters and prey where pretty even as far as body's on the sim which doesn't happen often but for something like this it was nice change.

The name of the game is wild hunt. The point of the game is to see if the hunters can get all the prey on the sim the hunters would give chase and once he had one of the pray capped he would begin to strip her once her cloths/silks are off they had to release them and the prey till the end of the game had to stay naked .....

The small twist of the game is the hunters only have a small window of time to get all the prey naked. Once a member of the prey team is naked they are able to run around and help the other prey to keep from being capped. They are also able to hinder the hunters by shooting them and running between them and the prey they are trying to hunt....

When the time is up and the guards look around at all the prey if the hunters have gotten them all naked then they win ....if not the prey win.

now this was my first time playing this and the fact that it was pretty much even for hunters to prey made the game that much more fun and so everyone knows......*smiles big*the prey won that time.

talking with a few of the prey and very few of the hunters i was trying to get a feel for how others felt about the wild hunt event and some thoughts on it...truth be told in the amount of people i asked it was like pulling teeth no one had any real opinion  on the topic at all i wanted to show what others felt and heres what i got.

From the prey ~ I had a few tell me how much they liked it but the lag they said gets 10x's worse and that's one thing they didn't like about it now we all know that lag happens everywhere so that to me isn't a real topic. One girl told me" Carri Vaniva: would be nice if they had more... regularly" but others and I mean a lot of others haven't even seen the event, some being new or just on a different time zone and they're unable to make it. I had another girl I talked to say she also likes it. See a clip of our conversation below.

 "Marja Geesink: i like the wild hunt ,you don't have to role play but it is fun but not too often
 nykkee Resident: its something different for a change
 nykkee Resident: to pull everyone together just to have fun
  Marja Geesink: indeed and the best one seven they get captured  but not always btw
  nykkee Resident: ok
  nykkee Resident: how often do they hold the events?
 Marja Geesink: well i am European time ,so not often for me
 nykkee Resident: ahh ok
 nykkee Resident: but when your able too you try to make it if they have one?
 Marja Geesink: yes i do , guard or long time one of sl  lol"

As you can see from the small clip of this conversation  I had with this member of the prey group, most like it and wish to have it again, just as I thought. The hunters on the other hand they either didn't know what I was talking about or didn't care to talk to me about it. I got one that told me he liked the event but that was all of many words *laughs*

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