Monday, August 27, 2012

A Musing on Second Life Relationships

There seems to be a natural order to the way that second life goes. Things come and go,  people change and move along in their second lives. But there are some things that stick with us even after they are gone. The memories, the pictures, and the emotions that still rise when we wander the fields and hills where we spend so much time frolicking together. Yet things change.

Just as in real life people grow and attitudes and needs change. The things that someone finds as thrilling can be found boring, or even disenchanting. Or perhaps real life steps in and takes them away from second life. All these things are unpredictable, and should not be held against our friends. But we should keep them in mind.

The reality of the matter is that the friendships many of us build here in second life are just as real as those that we build in real life. Second life is a social platform created to inspire people to not only socialize with people around the world, but to create and explore the imagination.

Love is a fickle thing. In Second Life it isn't uncommon to see people fall in and out of it quickly. But then there were those that did have that magic spark that seemed to linger. Those people sparkled, and you knew who they were when you spied their names and dots on the radar and map. Those lucky souls that seemed to have it all, just by being together.

But every relationship is built on ideals and expectations. Some relationships started in a whirlwind fanned by lust and desire, while others were the result of cautious exploration and searching. But as in rl the relationships in sl can sometimes simply end. No reason given other than that they were over. Sad I know, but it is  how life goes on in sl.

People are never the same as they were before they love. After love, there's often some lingering emotions, anger, wistfulness, sometimes hope. But no matter what emotions are left after a relationship ends, there are always memories. Memories can be amazing things in many ways. They linger and bring up emotions at times we may think we have lost.

But love is like any other emotion, it can change. But it also blooms in odd ways that we don't always expect. Many of us never plan to find sl love. But some search it out, longing for the company of someone that fills in a void nothing but true understanding can fill. So here's to that unexpected thing, the thing that can't be bottled or caged or kept to oneself.

Here's to friendships may they blossom and bloom eternal. Here's to love, the elusive emotion that is best when shared.

Not looking, thank you kindly. ~Tia~


Paul: I'm in love with you.
Holly: So what?
Paul: So what? So plenty. I love you. You belong to me.
Holly: No. People don't belong to people.
Paul: Of course they do.
Holly: I'm not gonna let anyone put me in a cage.
Paul: I don't want to put you in a cage. I want to love you.
Breakfast at Tiffany's, 1961

1 comment:

  1. A First Love Letter To Someone

    My Dearest XXXXXXX

    When the wind blows gently
    I can hear your whisper of love
    When the warm dawn rays
    Carass my skin
    I fall in love all over again

    When the sky sparkles
    With each day anew
    I smile and tenderly miss you
    You have helped me through so much
    With your words of wisdom
    And your gentle touch

    Your strength has been there
    As I walk the darkest path
    I hope our time together
    Have brought you sunshine
    And an occasional laugh

    Let our times together
    Be many, many more
    Let our love and friendship
    Spread wings and Forever soar

    Happy Belated Birthday
    I Love You,
