Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Village Burned

Saturday we saw the Village burn into SL oblivion and history. It is a tragedy, but we will never really lose the Village completely. I say this because we were all part of it. Which means even though the space itself is gone, we are not. There will always be a little bit of the Village left as long as someone remembers it.

 Some were able to watch the flames. But all discussed what was to come. What would be the next chapter. Things are rarely the same when brought back, and change is something that we all need to accept. That doesn't mean that we should desire change for the sake of change. But we can accept it and learn from the past as it is.

But we won't forget. We made friends here, we learned new things here. And what matters most is the memories we take away with us. So don't despair, it is never fully gone as along as we remember.

1 comment:

  1. Some of could, but many of us couldn't, to see it goes down, piece by piece, as the skys reddens in a sad spectrum, the world spiral into oblivion.

    I recall standing beside her on the watch tower. Much more had been said without a single word. It was not without sadness that the choice is such, but yet we will come to survive it and memories as it is, will remains forever.

    I do know that there is a 6 months grace period for full recovery of sim. Thats is why the date is such. Whetehr she would change her mind or not, is yet to tell. But I m glad I had been a part of this. It was just forlorn for I had to stand alone as if fall apart when I could had held her hand and share her pain...
