Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Digital Relationships and Mourning

There was never a time in which loneliness felt as severe and prominent as the moment in which we find out that someone we love has passed from our lives. There is always a chance that the report can be wrong, but generally that is not the case. Mourning is considered to be a very private thing. But it is often accepted easier by those in our every day lives if we mourn over someone that they have seen.

But with the way that technology has evolved people are able to make friends and companions around the globe from the safety of their own living rooms. We are not simply restricted to the mundane localities that we exist in day to day. We can open our arms and hearts to the lives of those who may at times, feel just the way that we do. It sometimes feels like a miracle when we find a like minded soul. It is a true blessing when it happens, but as with all things, the world turns and things change.

Thus there is a mourning period when we lose contact with these people we come to connect with. It is not always due to death, at times it can be due to a change in schedule, or even a change in interests. Any of these things can put a strain on a relationship, giving the illusion of a closed door, an end to what is happening. This may not necessarily be a long term problem for some, as it may be a withdrawal moment, but for some others it can be truly devastating.

But the pain is real. It is not an illusion and the ache and hurt that courses through the heart and mind is just as strong as that which our compatriots in our real lives feel. Do not let them try to put your feelings off as irrelevant or overblown. If you feel you need time to mourn and reflect on the way a relationship has gone, take that time. Trying to pretend that things never really mattered at all will not benefit you in the end. It creates a build up of resentment and some bitterness that can color your judgement when it comes to the creation of new social bonds.

So do try to go through the mourning stages. Don't leap into the next thing, and don't give up. Like real life, second life is full of people. Just because one person didn't work out long term, doesn't mean you should give up. Try to go on, even if it hurts. Someone out there is looking for you, you just haven't found each other yet.

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