Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Letter to the Readers

Dear Readers,
Some of you may know me, some of you may not - my name is Sokanon, often shortened to Soka.  And I wanted to be able to reach out to you all about something very serious I have been noticing on SL a lot lately, especially among dear readers and friends of mine - and even with myself.

I have heard a lot about others making people feel lesser.  Second rate, or as if they are somehow dirty or wrong.  One very dear friend of mine recently inferred to me that no one has said anything good about her in a while.  In fact, I've heard a lot more about friends being banned without reason from sims and rumors upon rumors about how bad other people are rather than anything nice being said about someone.

And I have two things to say about that: it is complete and utter bullshit and needs to stop now.  I have met a lot of people on sl, some are not pleasant, but not even the two people I have block-listed would I ever say have no redeeming features.  And that there are people out there who are to the point where they have to thank others for having something, anything, nice to say about them is just wrong.  You should thank people for honest compliments, for doing favors for you - but for just being pleasant?  No.  That should be a courtesy, not an exception to human behavior.  Despite a misconception, we are represented by avatars on SL, but we are all humans behind the forms, not computer chips.  No one should ever have the right or ability to make any single one of us feel like we are two inches tall, or a second-hand stand in for someone they would rather be with, or that we must jump through hoops and change who we are to be deserving of their company.

To borrow the words of a friend of mine, people who continually make you feel like that are a cancer best left removed.  The initial surgery may be painful, but, in the end, you will be so much healthier without them.  Surround yourself with those who see the light in you - even better if they do see what dark there is, too, as that makes them honest.  But anyone who only sees dark is not worth the time of day you have to give, my dear, precious readers.  I also like a line I said recently to another friend of mine: To those who are your true friends, you are always good enough.  There is no need to jump through hoops or hide or change yourself, because you are good enough exactly as you are.

And my true message to you is this: I think that you are beautiful.  It may not be a physical beauty, it may not be something others immediately see as beautiful, but I know, with every fiber of my being, that there is beauty within you.  Some of us may have a way to craft words, like some of my fellow bloggers; others may be able to make instruments sing, or to vocalize in a way that would make you fit to weep; for still others, it is the way they can speak, can reach out to those around them, to connect and rejoice in people and in being.  In truth, I don't care where it lies, but I know it is there, and I want you to know it, too.

So the next time someone decides to feel more powerful, stronger than they are, by trying to cut you down, mute them, or thank them for their opinion, then tell them you would be glad to talk to them again when they can speak from their head, instead of their arse - and then leave them to their darkness, for they are jealous of your light.  Never let them take that light from you.  Remember all that is beautiful about you, from your smile, the curve of your hair, the light in your eyes, the joy you take in your friendships - and walk away knowing that you are the better for being without them, and that they cannot destroy what they can no longer have.

I believe in you, Readers.  I believe in the beauty inside you.  And know that, no matter what others may say, I think you are truly beautiful.

                                                            Yours Truly,      

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