Saturday, September 22, 2012

Styling with Soka (2)

Tulsi - RP Character

Tulsi is, quite obviously, a faun.  She is a very young adult, so still coming into her own.  As shapes go, she's on the shorter, rounder side, and I gave her big, innocent, doe-like eyes.  I was honestly trying to go with what would make a healthy, viable creature in the wild - a good, solid body, and nothing too big or too small.  I may have went a tad on the short side with her, but, when you are an herbivore (partially), being smaller than what is behind you can work to your advantage.  Being a creature of nature, she is not too worried about personal appearance, her hair is a bit on the wild side and she's really not overly concerned with wrapping herself in all kinds of cloth and keeping covered: she covers what she covers mainly because it is what outsiders to the herd tend to be most shocked if she doesn't cover it.

Now, the complete faun avatar I originally bought is a fine set and makes for a gorgeous faun... I just had to mess with it a little bit, give Tulsi some character and originality.  To that end, the hair, shape, and tail I used did not come with the original set, and she is pictured here in a different outfit from the kit default, though I kept that one, too.  All the information follows.

Outfit: ~*Fantasia*~ Fervor - Brown by Fantasia: Fantasy Clothier
Skin, horns, hooves, eyes and ears: ND/MD - Little Faun Girl, Complete Avatar by Moonlay Laval
Tail: Spring Satyr [Brown] by Fatal Love
Shape: Self-made
Hair: Amacci Hair Eva ~ Coffee

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