Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sass Pride

The Sass Pack has been around for a long time now, and our membership is growing and thriving, which does my often cold heart good.  But I was wondering how many of the Blog readers truly know what it means to be Sass, or how our group came to be.  Far from our illustriousness now, the Pack started as just four girls, all from the Village: Sangrelle (DarknessisBest), Tiamet, Sokanon, and Reena (DarkAngelofSin).  Originally, we had no concept of Sass, and had no idea of what the Sass pack would turn out to be.

You could say, in a way, I started the sassy label.  I had a predator, now a dear friend, compliment another about me on my second day in the village, after the first time I was successfully capped: he said I had sass, and he liked it, and I liked the sound of it.  I had never considered myself sassy before, but the idea had merit.  After a while, we all started to realize like drew to like, and that each of the four of us had some traits in common.

For one thing, we have pride.  We don’t just bend our necks to everyone because they want us to, and we never stood around and let people shoot us.  We were there to run, and to roleplay, and if someone wanted the second, they were going to have to do the first.  We are each articulate women who are proud of our abilities, and I am not ashamed to say we are all fairly strong roleplayers, even if our manner differs from one another.  We hold our own in conversations (and often had to - the fish jokes we mermaids had to put up with were sometimes incredible!), and we are not afraid to speak our minds, to prey or to predator.

Moreover, we complimented each other.  You could say Sangrelle was our wise elder, for she had been around CaRP longer than the rest of us, possibly combined.  She was fiercely protective, and her spirit still infuses our group today.  For a long time, I was the ringleader, leading the charge to Lion Hill and starting our impromptu dance parties, a role I have since relinquished.  Tiamet is the creative, idea girl; her sparkling energy drives the group along, taking us to places I doubt any of us ever dreamed of.  And dear Reena is our baby Sass, the fun bubble that is both our reality check and our green light.  Together, we were stronger than we ever were apart, and you would be surprised at the way we defend and bolster each other, even to the point of being willing to swap as captives, if a predator would let us, if one of us got in over their head, or running as a pack to take arrows for each other.

What exactly is Sass?  Sass is a concept of worth, of bonding, and of knowing who and what we are.  Yes, we may be submissive, though levels and type of submissive vary from one of us to the other.  But, at the same time, we don’t need or want to be coddled or fully controlled.  The concept best used to describe a Sass girl is one of a lioness: we have our pack, our family, which we are devoted to… but we also do our hunting alone.  Moreover, we each seek our lion, our dominate, one who knows of our strength and pride, and is content to lie still and lets us do what we do best… but is equally able to get us by the scruff and pin us down when we need it (or, in some cases, desire it), and to come roaring to our defense if something comes in over our heads.  I know I am not the only one who has been called a "false sub," as I refuse to call every man who walks before me Master or Sir, and I am known to give a snappy comeback or a well-turned adult jest when such is due.  That doesn't mean I am not submissive: it just means that I know my own strength and worth, and I know that such titles are for those who deserve them from my lips, and cowering is no way to live.  A true lion for a Sass Pack member is one who is also a true dom, who knows that role doesn’t mean dominion, but understand it is to dominate… and that a sub is in the role she is because she wants to be, not by force, and that the relationship works both ways.  She serves and submits because she wants to please her lion, and he bolsters her in the few places her lioness strength most needs it, but also takes pride in the woman she is.

Tiamet, early on, made those “elders” of the pack a tattoo to show the way in which we are lionesses, a beautiful lion for the back of our calves.  It is based off that same explanation for what Sass is.  For any of the members who don’t have it or would like a new copy, I strongly urge them to let her know.  For those who want to be Sass… we will see you, if you show us that you are Sassy.  We are not rude, we are not belligerent, but we are strong and proud of who and what we are, be that slave or sub or just woman, and we know how to find that bond, those traits, in those we see around us.  Our numbers fluctuate, just as any true group of lionesses - sometimes with sad losses, sometimes with those who need to show their freedom, how they come and go as they please, and often with new and welcome additions to our Pack.

Sass Pack is a sisterhood, and one I am proud to have seen grow so much.  Lola (l0lafinzi) has rather stepped into Sangrelle’s spot, but is also an exotic imp with stunning ideas.  Nykkee is our lone huntress, coming to the pack when she wants to, or when needed, but also the shadow to the side - a true example of Sass nature.  And Sophia (SophiaRena) is our quiet, but fierce, lioness, roaring to the side of any of the Pack who may need her.  Some of our pack have found their lions, and contentedly roam the plains set before us under their gaze, returning to their side by our will and their right.  Some of us still range, and that’s fine, too, for Sass encompasses all types.  But, forever, we will have each other, and that is the glue that helps to bind us.

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