Friday, September 7, 2012

Sim Review: Paradise on Eclipse at Ocean Pearl

I want to introduce all you lovely readers to a new sim opening.  The owners are two lovely people I would consider good friends, CrimsonSentinal and Marion (Beauty8000).  Paradise on Eclipse is a lovely, multifaceted sim for role play (and just fun) that the pair have spent a lot of time on - and it shows, in the good way!  The rules for this adult sim are simple: act like the considerate adults we are supposed to be; derezz pose balls when you are finished with them; please keep scripts below 100; donate, if you can, as the sim is a free-to-visit area; and a few items are group-only, which can be gained from the landing zone link or by asking Marion.  While not much to remember in the least, there is the added benefit that the landing zone will offer you the code of conduct, as well, helping keep what few things they ask of their visitors fresh in your mind.

When you land, you will be situated smack outside the maze, which is a lovely place to be, as it is pretty central to most of the sim, and has a quick list of the other locations and where they can be found.  Paradise is rather unique in that there are four completely unique areas to explore and visit - five, if you count the maze, which can use it's fair share of exploration.  There are wonderful scenes and secrets in the twists and turns, and just exploring can be a fun way to while away the time.  I found a painting scene that is beautifully situated for photograph and as a place to park your avi for some quiet contemplation.

Behind you when you land, you'll find the Beach House, a wonderful spot aimed at gathering.  There are all kinds of games and group activities - borrowable vehicles, arcades, bowling, a giant chess and domino set, a TV for group members, volleyball... It's aimed as a place to bring your friends, or your lover, and have a good time.  My personal recommendation is to pick out one of the outdoor furniture places, or one of the beach huts on the islands, turn your sun to sunset, and enjoy the view - it's absolutely gorgeous.

Off to the right of the Beach House, one can see some forested Mountains and a gorgeous waterfall - and then there are the hidden secrets here, as well.  The pond doubles as a spot for mermaids, along with the merquarium, with beautiful fish and ducks on the surface, and up at the top is both a gorgeous scenic view of the rest of the sim and a mini-pool.  Across the bridge is a picnic blanket perfect for cuddles, and the winding trek down to the forest below, with it's own hiking paths and tree-lined sitting areas.  Those with rezzable horses are actually INVITED to use them here, and there are hidden spots for romantic lovers near the small falls bridge.  For those who are more adventuresome (moi!), the mountains are not a hard climb, totally fun to run through, and give some wonderful views of the rest of the sim.

And now, I saved this for last, simply because I love them so!  For those willing to explore the maze, your prizes await, for my own personal favorites lay through that gateway.  First is the BDSM Village.  Now, I won't lie - there is a bit of a fear in me for this one, because I am not a blatant kind of girl, and it is very obvious as soon as you walk to the edge of town what kind of village this is.  The public play arena makes it hard to miss, as are the feeding areas and such for pony-girls.  However, the sheer beauty of the old-timey village helps me to forget that.  Between the maze exit and the village lay an archery range, and a treasure chest of gifts from the owners.  Inside the buildings are a blacksmiths forge, a tavern, and even a form of apothecary/surgery that I just love, just to name a few.  And yes, for those seeking play, there are fully-functioning pose balls all over the place: just clean up after yourselves!  This is a PERFECT spot for rp that the old fans of the village could love, though guys will have the new challenge of bringing their captive with them, or rping their way into her panties - er, heart.  I totally meant to say heart.  The bows here are meant for boards, not backsides!

At the top of the hill is an even better treat for BDSM fans - The Mansion.  This thing is filled with secrets from top to bottom, from the wonderful collection of artwork on every floor to the fully functioning dungeon in the basement - complete with the trap door hidden in the master's study, which is itself hidden behind the secret bookcase entrance.  Think of it as the added delights to fire your blood and twist your panties for getting through the maze.  Remember, this is through the Southern exit, then up the hillside steps! ;)

And while I know I'll have lost most of my readers at the description of the village, I saved my own personal favorite for last: The Enchanted Forest, through the maze's North exit.  For anyone who loves fantasy as much as this elf, this is the place you want to be!  Tree top carousels, an elven hut, a mermaid spot hidden inside a beautiful waterfall, a giant flower... this area is just gorgeous!  This spot invites rp, plus hanging out with friends - there is a fun trivia game in the hut, with all kinds of options for the questions.  One of the owners recommended to me the Grimm Brother's one, which tickles my fancy.  Most of all, my favorite thing for this location is photography!  All kinds of textures and colors, with the sunbeams and sparkles and fairies, that just lend a magical glow to your photos that make them almost look retouched - or a simple, gorgeous background through the elven hut windows, or one of the many benches and cushions, for those who just want a beautiful location and soft lighting.

/me ends gushing rant.  So, yes.  My personal take on Paradise on Eclipse.  Now, I won't lie - the areas are very distinct, which will separate people to some degree, but this can be good, too.  To my view, the Enchanted Forest and the Village invite more serious role playing consideration, the Mansion is definite hard-core for the sex games, with the village just below, the Mountain Forest is more lightweight and romantic, and the Beach House seems more general gathering - kind of an ooc spot in the midst of the role playing.  Now, that is just my take, and certainly not owner's rules!  Role play and OOC can and probably will be done everywhere, and there is a lot of chance for variety.  The other side is that the sim can sometimes lag-steal you and does take a while to load, simply because there is so much stuff.  It looks gorgeous and is dressed to the nines, but I highly recommend giving yourself plenty of load time for your first arrival, and then taking each area piece by piece as it loads - maybe break it into chunks for exploration, until everything is up and running, then go for the real fun.  Personally, the lag is not bad at all once it loads, and I think the beauty is well worth the wait.

Moreover, the sim has friendly owners, a lot of options, and the roleplay potential is incredible, catering to all tastes and levels, from medieval to fantasy to modern (the TV in the beach house lounge definitely invites lounge lizards of all styles).  With no meter, you can come in OOC and explore, or rp to your heart of any type - be a villain, a master, a slave, a free woman, an elf, a demon, a demicorn, a satyr: whatever you dream to be.  Just please note that, if you're going to be especially vicious, make such clear in OOC or such that this is role play, and respect rules others may set as to what they are comfortable with!  The sim is officially opening Friday the 7th, and the owners have set up a challenging hunt through the areas as a great way to greet visitors, to go along with other freebies to try out.  This girl recommends go, see the sights, take some pictures, try out what the sim has to offer - and say a kind hi and thanks to Marion and Crimson if you see them around.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Sokanon for the most lovely review/beautiful pictures and Tia for offering your blog. You are both wonderful friends!
