Saturday, September 15, 2012

Just a Reminder.

There's no such thing as too much fun when it comes to SL. Here in this digital world we get to explore a lot of ideas and possibilities that in rl may be improbable for us to experience. We can travel the world. Explore the pyramids, see a museum, tempt our senses by attending a concert, or even find a wonderful view to help promote meditation. But regardless of what we do we share this amazing digital world with others.

Every player in SL has their own observations and take on what is going on in our digital world. So in order to have the best experience possible it is highly recommended to keep an open mind. This is crucial as it helps to offer us each the maximum number of opportunities that we can explore. None of us are right, neither are we wrong when it comes to what we can do or be. So remember to keep an open mind.

The Dresden Dolls : Missed Me

missed me missed me now you've got to kiss me
if you kiss me mister you must think i'm pretty
if you think so mister you must want to fuck me
if you fuck me mister it must mean you love me
if you love me mister you would never leave me
it's as simple as can be!

missed me missed me now you've got to kiss me
if you miss me mister why do you keep leaving
if you trick me mister i will make you suffer
and they'll get you mister put you in the slammer and forget
you mister then i think you'll miss me won't you miss me
won't you miss me