Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Letter to the Readers

Dear Readers,
Some of you may know me, some of you may not - my name is Sokanon, often shortened to Soka.  And I wanted to be able to reach out to you all about something very serious I have been noticing on SL a lot lately, especially among dear readers and friends of mine - and even with myself.

I have heard a lot about others making people feel lesser.  Second rate, or as if they are somehow dirty or wrong.  One very dear friend of mine recently inferred to me that no one has said anything good about her in a while.  In fact, I've heard a lot more about friends being banned without reason from sims and rumors upon rumors about how bad other people are rather than anything nice being said about someone.

And I have two things to say about that: it is complete and utter bullshit and needs to stop now.  I have met a lot of people on sl, some are not pleasant, but not even the two people I have block-listed would I ever say have no redeeming features.  And that there are people out there who are to the point where they have to thank others for having something, anything, nice to say about them is just wrong.  You should thank people for honest compliments, for doing favors for you - but for just being pleasant?  No.  That should be a courtesy, not an exception to human behavior.  Despite a misconception, we are represented by avatars on SL, but we are all humans behind the forms, not computer chips.  No one should ever have the right or ability to make any single one of us feel like we are two inches tall, or a second-hand stand in for someone they would rather be with, or that we must jump through hoops and change who we are to be deserving of their company.

To borrow the words of a friend of mine, people who continually make you feel like that are a cancer best left removed.  The initial surgery may be painful, but, in the end, you will be so much healthier without them.  Surround yourself with those who see the light in you - even better if they do see what dark there is, too, as that makes them honest.  But anyone who only sees dark is not worth the time of day you have to give, my dear, precious readers.  I also like a line I said recently to another friend of mine: To those who are your true friends, you are always good enough.  There is no need to jump through hoops or hide or change yourself, because you are good enough exactly as you are.

And my true message to you is this: I think that you are beautiful.  It may not be a physical beauty, it may not be something others immediately see as beautiful, but I know, with every fiber of my being, that there is beauty within you.  Some of us may have a way to craft words, like some of my fellow bloggers; others may be able to make instruments sing, or to vocalize in a way that would make you fit to weep; for still others, it is the way they can speak, can reach out to those around them, to connect and rejoice in people and in being.  In truth, I don't care where it lies, but I know it is there, and I want you to know it, too.

So the next time someone decides to feel more powerful, stronger than they are, by trying to cut you down, mute them, or thank them for their opinion, then tell them you would be glad to talk to them again when they can speak from their head, instead of their arse - and then leave them to their darkness, for they are jealous of your light.  Never let them take that light from you.  Remember all that is beautiful about you, from your smile, the curve of your hair, the light in your eyes, the joy you take in your friendships - and walk away knowing that you are the better for being without them, and that they cannot destroy what they can no longer have.

I believe in you, Readers.  I believe in the beauty inside you.  And know that, no matter what others may say, I think you are truly beautiful.

                                                            Yours Truly,      

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Spirit Indestructible

A Beautiful Anthem For My Sisters & Friends

From my one square foot window I see outsideI've got chains on my feet but not in my mindI'll be dancing all day see the sun outsideDon't know how long it will be can't stop meI have a spirit indestructible
A heart that loving was made forA body that's a miracleI have a spirit indestructibleA heart that was made pureUnbreakable and that's for sureUnshakeable so give me more
Through my tired eyes I phase out the rainWith a meditation I erase my painThere's a rythym flowing through every veinAnd the melody is never-endingI have a spirit indestructibleA heart that loving was made forA body that's a miracle
I have a spirit indestructibleA heart that was made pureUnbreakable and that's for sureUnshakeable so give me more
And though they may and though they mayTake you away take you awayYou'll never break you'll never break (break)And though they may and though they mayTake you away take you away
I have a spirit indestructibleA heart that loving was made forA body that's a miracleI have a spirit indestructibleA heart that was made pureUnbreakable and that's for sure
Nelly Furatdo ~ Spirit Indestructible 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Flower Garden

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you,
I could walk in my garden forever..."
~ Anonymous

Raven Manor was a dark and foreboding place to look at.  Perched on a craggy, rocky hill, dotted with the stony skeleton of ancient ruins, the grayish stones and shimmering glass of the tall, lean building showed little in the manner of signs of warmth.  Instead, it looked like a giant, stony mask, silky isinglass panes the silent, watchful eyes in the glazed face, staring down the hillside with disapproval, ever watchful for prey the dark house could steal warmth from.  Even the often rain-drenched gardens, despite the wealth of neatly trimmed grasses bordering cobbled walks, seemed devoid of life, the grass slightly grey-tinged and without a single bloom in the massive yards.

Raven Manor was not completely without life, though.  Inside the great, hulking build lay a single beating heart - the Master of the Manor, supposedly.  Always sharp-eyed, the lord was quick with a quip or a smile; at least, on the surface.  Down beneath, he struggled to see if he was any more alive than his stone and glass keep.  On the days when that bleak cold threatened to engulf him, he hid himself away, staring out at the world from the glass windows of his fortress, wondering how alive he truly was.  To try to escape the seeping chill, he kept on the move, hopping from city to city, forest to village, gallery to castle, trying to break the bonds sewn and represented by his dark home.  Each time, he would manage to reawaken that warmth he needed to keep him going… only to return to his icy roost and feel that pleasure slowly slip from his grasp.

Despite the seemingly alone, isolated existence of the Raven lord, the village around his manor was not as devoid as his domicile.  The faint, happy shrieks of girls having fun sometimes managed to ring off the ruins of the hillside, briefly invading the hulking behemoth, bright bubbles of laughter that glistened like liquid sunbeams in the murky stones, finally fading to tinkling shards of memory.  They both haunted and encouraged the lord, and for them he brought out his smiles and his charm, hiding the cold soul the manor left until he had to explore once more, to reignite the faint spark left inside him.

But not all of the distant village citizens were oblivious to the darkness of the creeping manor, or as blind to the mask the lord chose to draw.  More than one tried to see what lay beneath, and a few could feel the stark chill radiating from the seemingly bland stones.  They watched, and they waited, wondering what the manor would do to the man inside, worried that he seemed beyond their aid.

But one did not give up so easily.  She watched, and she felt his pain with a wisdom belied by her pretty face, watching the stone manor with a sick dread in her stomach, and the coming and going of the Raven lord.  As she watched, she knew that chilly stone place was slowly whittling away at the human being underneath, and the pain in her gut drove her to try to do something to fix it.  ‘Maybe… just maybe… if I can bring some light to that horrible place, it will be enough…’

So, one day, when the sun was bright and chased the chill of the stones to the darkest corners, protecting itself, and the master was off on one of his jaunts, she braved the rocky hillside.  Holding floaty layers of skirts from the jagged teeth of the ruins, like reaching fingers trying to hold her back from nearing the gargoyle on the hill, she crept upward, try to ignore the rapid beating of her heart.  In her hands, carefully gathered, she cradled cuttings of a tender rose, the velvety red petals a stark streak of warmth against the stone of the manor as she got closer.  Ignoring the feel that the bricks, themselves, were eying her, trying to hold the ice of fear straight against her heart, she rounded the back to enter the garden, finding a promising circular spot near the steps to plant the young bud, a streak of warmth in the gloom, seeming to bring some light.  She tunneled into the cool and loamy earth with her fingers, uncaring of the dirt in her set mission, making a spot for the roots, murmuring encouraging words as she planted the flower and soothed the disturbed earth back around the shoot.

Ignoring the prints she made on her shimmering skirts, she got back down to her feet to look at the little bud of the rose, smiling tenderly.  A single shaft of sunlight seemed to sink through the towering trees from outside the fence, highlighting the ruby bloom, making her smile softly.  One dirty finger stroked over the barely-parted petals as she gave it a caress, then turned to walk more slowly from the garden, feeling less afraid now.

Almost anxiously now, she watched the stone manor, watching for some sign of the brightness to come - and for the return of the Raven lord.  One day, as she watched him return from his jaunts, seeing him smile as he entered his domain, she felt her heart lift for his happiness, and smiled to herself that maybe, just maybe, she had managed to clear some of the cold from his life.

It was not to be.  Before her eyes, she watched the true lightness fade from his step, his smiles again becoming his surface mask as the life faded behind his eyes.  One day, when he was out and about in the village, roaming the sunnier lands around Raven Manor, she crept back up the hill, her heart thundering again, to peek over the rear gate.  Inside, her thundering heart seemed to shrivel in her chest.

The rose was gone.  The spot where she had planted the cutting still peeked from the newness of her tender transplant, but the flower had wilted to naught but the faintest of black sticks in the ground.  A soft gasp fell from her lips at the cold chill the garden seemed to give, as if something sinister was laughing at her attempts to let the sunlight through the gate, and she involuntarily stumbled back a step, as if struck.  She knew they had plenty of rain, and the spot should have had plenty of light… but the chill of the manor had still managed to kill the plant.

Feeling her heart beat in her ears, she turned and fled back down the hill, feeling like the chill of the manor was creeping over her shoulders, trying to kill the heart of her, as it had the flower she had dared to plant in it’s realm.  She ran all the way back to the safety of her own rooms, slamming the wooden door and leaning against it, her ragged breathing loud against the still of her sanctuary, only the crackling of the candles on her desk adding the odd break to the rasp.  Shaking hands clasped tremblingly over her heart, eyes wide and staring at the familiar red paper of her walls, the pristine white of her couch and coverlet, thoughts racing through her head too quickly to be cornered and examined, fear still chasing down her spine.

For the rest of the day, she hid inside her room, listening to the distant sounds of her sisters and friends, the odd, low rumble of a passing male, sometimes the false cheer of the Raven lord, making her shiver again, remembering the cold of that house.  Long into the star-studded night, she sat on the cushioned bench of her desk, staring at the twin flames of the candles on the peek, her mind racing.

Within days, he was away again, once more chilled and driven to find something to renew his warmth, to sustain his life.  A part of her wondered why the company he could find where he was could not do so, why the village could not sustain him, but a part of her realized his fear of chilling them, too - and so he left to wander, to save them from the pain of what he seemed to feel was his due fate.  Once she watched him leave, she went out into the meadows again, purposefully gathering what she needed into two heavy baskets.

Again, the lone girl trudged up the stony hill, rocks coming out to threaten thin ankles, seeming to try to trip her and keep her from the stone of the Manor, to roll her back down the hill to the safety of her home.  With a grim determination, she kept forging upward, determined even in the edge of remembered terror.  Again, she circled the stone building, pulling a shawl she had brought tighter to her shoulders, gripping the twin wicker handles tighter in her slim fingers as she used her hip to nudge open the gate, going to kneel near the stunted grass near the manor’s back steps again, frowning determinedly as she knelt and carefully removed the diseased-looking remnants of her rose from the ground, then turned to open the lids on the baskets, carefully emptying them to the flagstones by her knees.

Riot of colors poured out, a rainbow of blooms in carefully harvested stalks, the open “jaws” of snapdragons lining stalk after stalk.  Pink with yellow hearts, bright and vibrant red, cool white… she had collected every color of the sunny plant she could find, filling her baskets to the brim with the hardy blooms, their colorful petals looking to snarl at the frosty shadows of the Manor, driving the creeping shadows back to their proper corners.  Again, her fingers were her tools, warming the cool, dark, damp earth as she turned it, carefully arranging the flowers in wild arrays on either side of the wide stone steps.  With every stem she planted, she felt her heart lighten, until she caught herself humming under her breath and moving around the garden paths with a light step, placing the last few plants in small clusters wherever it suited her fancy, inviting the sunlight into the garden again.

She left with a light step, this time determined to keep a closer eye on her weapon of choice.  At least once a day, she would sneak away from the village fare, moving stealthily up the hill, no longer fearing the catch of the ruins, to peer over that garden gate.  The flowers seemed fine, blooming in color, and she heartened to see the first start of shoots, where they were already taking root and spreading.  Assured that all was well, she sank back into her routine, gradually letting the garden do it’s thing, waiting almost eagerly for the lord’s return.

When he came back, she was happy to see the lightness to his step, the gleam back in his eyes, and she joined in the general merriment that always came with his general return.  This time, the true man inside seemed to stick around longer, and she heartened to think her flowers may have helped to chase the gloom from his home, keeping him around.  Gradually, though, she again noted him starting to draw back, to spend less and less time interacting, and more just watching, and she rather wondered that he never mentioned the flowers in his garden, after the desolate, empty grey grasses.

Already knowing what she would find, she waited until the coast was clear to head back up the hill again, mind in a whirl.  Before she even neared the gates, she had prepared herself for what she may find, though she still winced at the shriveled stalks of her snapdragons, each more a brown stick lying in the grass, the colorful petals of the ferocious “jaws” long since disappeared in whatever cold wind the Manor managed to brew.  Her heart began to thud again, and her head to pound… and her hands formed trembling, white-knuckled fists as her blood thrummed through her body, no longer cold at all.

Instead, to her faint surprise, she was angry.  Angry at the cold Manor, and at that impassive mask the Raven lord used to hide.  Angry for every wilted flower she had so carefully planted, and for every sunbeam the cold stones managed to turn away.  This time, she did not flee from the towering building, but stomped resolutely away, sometimes hurting her heels on the rocky hillside, making her way through the village with such a dark cloud and foreboding look that even her sisters kept from her side, watching her passing with curiosity and wincing at the resounding slam of her door.

Again, the girl stayed up long into the night, thinking and plotting, the rasp of her pen loud as she jotted down notes, only to scratch them out again.  No matter what she could plant, the cold of the Manor could leach the life from it, and her nails drummed impatiently on the wooden desk.  What she needed, she knew, was such a labor of love that even that horrid Raven Manor would be afraid to touch it… and, if it tried, there was nothing it could manage to take.

An idea struck her at the same time dawn did, her eyes widening as she looked at the balls of discarded lists and ideas littering her room.  A slow smile slid across her pink lips, and she went to bed exhausted, but determined, a plan shaping in her head.

For many days, she spent long hours locked away, working, her windows tightly closed from prying eyes.  She gathered paper and candles with fervor, emerging long enough to keep her friends from worrying, her eyes always lingering quietly on the Raven lord when he joined the village throng, tracking his shift, the loss of his light.  Every time he got a little further inside his mask, she got a bit more determined, and stayed up that much later, working on her projects.

One more time, she made the trek up that stony hill, this time by the light of a single lamp in the dark of a moonless night, knowing the Raven lord was tucked away in his bed.  She let herself through the gate, determined to ignore the threatening stone of his walls, slippered feet sliding silently across the dew-slicked surface of his flagstone path.  She worked with hurried fervor, determined to have the morning sunlight sink well into his stones, the fire of her anger keeping even the cold of the Manor from her.  Her nails became brown and dirt encrusted, her cloak heavy with the moisture of the sodden grass, her knees stained from her toils… and still she worked onward.

Come dawn, the Raven lord awoke to an unfamiliar sensation - that of the light of the sun on his face, stretching against the soft, downy pillows and counterpane that he had long since given up hope of giving him a good night’s rest.  He could not remember the last time the sun had felt so warm in his room, for he never bothered to close the curtains: the Manor’s stone always seemed to eat the light.  Getting up, feeling still tired, he made his way to his lonely kitchen at the back of the ground floor, brewing his morning tea by rote, eyes staring bleakly at the stove, even as his brow furrowed, as something seemed different.  Lighter, almost.

His first steaming cup was carried to his lips as he wandered toward the light spilling in from the patio, and his large, open, grassy stretch of garden, drawn to the warmth he found there, and the way it seemed to chase his chills away.  What he saw, though, had his dark eyes blinking wide, staring through the sun-drenched glass, before swinging the door open and striding barefoot to the flagstone steps outside.

For once, the stone, despite the early hour, felt warmed to the touch, despite the cold that normally chased even through his boots.  Sun spilled through the dappled leaves of the trees outside his fence, lighting the riot of color that seemed to fill every inch of the grass of his garden, blooms and flowers of every type having sprung up overnight, waving on thin green stalks.  His heart beat in his chest as he moved down the steps, looking closer at the magical flowers, as nothing ever grew in his garden.

What he saw made his eyes widen in surprise, for the flowers were not just any flowers.  Birds of paradise, roses, mums, snapdragons, lily of the valley… all were ornately arranged in clusters and lines, rows that were artistically disarrayed.  Moreover, none of them were real, and he trailed one finger cautiously over a sun-drenched “petal,” lips parting in surprise.

Paper flowers.  Someone had spent hours filling his garden with paper flowers, so many that he could wander forever and never see them all.  Even more, they had coated them with something, to keep the wind and rain from ravaging them, and he leaned closer, surprised to catch a whiff of floral fragrance, carefully removing one wire “stem” from the ground and holding the white paper rose to his face, touching it gently.

Wax, with some kind of metallic component, making the petals and the little faux leaves glisten in the warm of the sun, the riot of color impossible to douse in the gloom of the Manor.  Even more, the wax had been scented… the rose really smelled like a rose!  As he carefully replaced the wire in the tilled soil, he caught whiffs of the other fragrances, rising up to the warmth of the sun, and he felt something in him warm, too.  The sunlight spilled through the garden, chasing the shadows from the stone, and he smiled at his colorful garden, strolling gently, laughing faintly when unexpected designs in the larger bed - a bird, or a heart, or just a bull’s-eye of colorful circles - dawned on his mind.

The sound of that laughter tumbled down the hill, bouncing off the ruins to meet the awakening burble of the village chatter, the two sounds mingling and rising to the sky, the sparkling shards of the mingled sound of smiles piercing the gloomy atmosphere of Raven Manor and tossing the shadows to the ground like broken webs.  The new sounds caught the ears of the early risers, and curious onlookers trudged up the hill, moving to stare in surprise into the sunny garden, the way the light seemed to bounce off the dark tiles of the roof in a way they had not before seen, moving to join the Raven lord in his own domain, marveling at his flowers.

Only one figure missed the gathering, as the whole village slowly heard and stumbled up the hill to look at the flower garden.  The lone girl was not there.  More than one of her sisters stopped by her room, knocking to invite her along, only to peek inside and see the bed carefully made, assuming she was already there.  None knew her bed had not yet seen her sleepy head.  In the wee hours of the dawn, as the filtering sunlight broke the trees and bounced with rainbow speckles off the leaves of her paper flowers, shattering the shadows of the Manor, she had slowly, tiredly trudged from the garden, shutting the gate softly behind her.  In her sleepy befuddlement, she had turned wrong, trudging down the wrong side of the hill, and become hopelessly lost, wrapped in her soiled cloak, in the trees down behind the manor, until she had sank to the loamy earth, curled her cloak over her head, and sank into an exhausted sleep, clasping her aching, dirty hands over her equally aching heart; for part of it would remain forever in the flower garden, inviting in the light to chase away the shadows…

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Styling with Soka (2)

Tulsi - RP Character

Tulsi is, quite obviously, a faun.  She is a very young adult, so still coming into her own.  As shapes go, she's on the shorter, rounder side, and I gave her big, innocent, doe-like eyes.  I was honestly trying to go with what would make a healthy, viable creature in the wild - a good, solid body, and nothing too big or too small.  I may have went a tad on the short side with her, but, when you are an herbivore (partially), being smaller than what is behind you can work to your advantage.  Being a creature of nature, she is not too worried about personal appearance, her hair is a bit on the wild side and she's really not overly concerned with wrapping herself in all kinds of cloth and keeping covered: she covers what she covers mainly because it is what outsiders to the herd tend to be most shocked if she doesn't cover it.

Now, the complete faun avatar I originally bought is a fine set and makes for a gorgeous faun... I just had to mess with it a little bit, give Tulsi some character and originality.  To that end, the hair, shape, and tail I used did not come with the original set, and she is pictured here in a different outfit from the kit default, though I kept that one, too.  All the information follows.

Outfit: ~*Fantasia*~ Fervor - Brown by Fantasia: Fantasy Clothier
Skin, horns, hooves, eyes and ears: ND/MD - Little Faun Girl, Complete Avatar by Moonlay Laval
Tail: Spring Satyr [Brown] by Fatal Love
Shape: Self-made
Hair: Amacci Hair Eva ~ Coffee

Thursday, September 20, 2012

OPEN HUNT! 9/21/12

Yes Yes Yes! That's right darlings! Friday night is Open Hunt! Get your bows out of storage, check your strings, re-feather your arrows! We're back on down at The Village!

Now that The Village is back on the grid it's time to get back to the schedule, and back in the game. If you've never been to Open Hunt, well here's how it works. Preds, can become prey, and prey can become preds. It's kind of a topsy turvey type time, and it only lasts a night. But it is well worth the adventure. And there has been an update to it. It's now 48 hours long!


THE VILLAGE Slave Hunt™ is strictly gender oriented, dominant Men hunt submissive woman.

Twice a month we change that rule and open the strict gender themed roleplay, so: Everybody entering the sim between  the days and times of FRIDAY 6:30 PM SLT (Second Life Time) AND SUNDAY 6.30 PM SLT  (thats right... 48 hours) agrees to CHOOSE  to be prey OR predator. Just that simple!   *Stay in your current Group!! * Only your meter title needs to be changed!!  ☺

Example: do you play usually as a predator and want to be a prey? Do you usually play as a prey and want to be a Predator? Then follow these instructions during "Open Hunt weekend" and identify yourself by putting your preference into your meter title:

1. Choose the role you want to play. EVERYONE MUST add your choice to your meter title! Click THE VILLAGE Slave Hunt™ Meter Hud, choose "Set title", wait for the local chat to state " THE VILLAGE: The next line you say will become your title", then type into local chat ONE of these three titles:::

        A.  Prey, Men only
        B.  Non gender specific Prey (female prey ... male or female can hunt me)
        C.  Predator
**Reminder... we will never force anyone to play!  Example: If you are a male and don't want to run as a Prey... just put "Predator" for your meter title.*
2. CLOTHES FOR MEN: same rules as usual - be classy and wear some decent clothes, gorean clothes style is always a good choice.

3. CLOTHES FOR WOMAN : Panther clothes, silks, camisk, or naked.

4. TITLE CHANGES  in OOC or Safe Zone areas ONLY at any time as long as your meter is at 100% health. There will be No changing in the middle of a hunt.

5. WEAPONS: BOW OR ROCKS only (no guns - during open hunt, girls can use bows as well)

6. If there is a dispute you will bring it to the Guard, or kindly solve the issue as an adult between the two of you.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Digital Relationships and Mourning

There was never a time in which loneliness felt as severe and prominent as the moment in which we find out that someone we love has passed from our lives. There is always a chance that the report can be wrong, but generally that is not the case. Mourning is considered to be a very private thing. But it is often accepted easier by those in our every day lives if we mourn over someone that they have seen.

But with the way that technology has evolved people are able to make friends and companions around the globe from the safety of their own living rooms. We are not simply restricted to the mundane localities that we exist in day to day. We can open our arms and hearts to the lives of those who may at times, feel just the way that we do. It sometimes feels like a miracle when we find a like minded soul. It is a true blessing when it happens, but as with all things, the world turns and things change.

Thus there is a mourning period when we lose contact with these people we come to connect with. It is not always due to death, at times it can be due to a change in schedule, or even a change in interests. Any of these things can put a strain on a relationship, giving the illusion of a closed door, an end to what is happening. This may not necessarily be a long term problem for some, as it may be a withdrawal moment, but for some others it can be truly devastating.

But the pain is real. It is not an illusion and the ache and hurt that courses through the heart and mind is just as strong as that which our compatriots in our real lives feel. Do not let them try to put your feelings off as irrelevant or overblown. If you feel you need time to mourn and reflect on the way a relationship has gone, take that time. Trying to pretend that things never really mattered at all will not benefit you in the end. It creates a build up of resentment and some bitterness that can color your judgement when it comes to the creation of new social bonds.

So do try to go through the mourning stages. Don't leap into the next thing, and don't give up. Like real life, second life is full of people. Just because one person didn't work out long term, doesn't mean you should give up. Try to go on, even if it hurts. Someone out there is looking for you, you just haven't found each other yet.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Strong Woman

A Strong Woman

Is one who feels deeply & loves fiercely
Her tears flow just as abundantly as her laughter
She is both soft & Powerful
She is both practical & spiritual

A Strong Woman...

  In her essence is a gift to the world   

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Just a Reminder.

There's no such thing as too much fun when it comes to SL. Here in this digital world we get to explore a lot of ideas and possibilities that in rl may be improbable for us to experience. We can travel the world. Explore the pyramids, see a museum, tempt our senses by attending a concert, or even find a wonderful view to help promote meditation. But regardless of what we do we share this amazing digital world with others.

Every player in SL has their own observations and take on what is going on in our digital world. So in order to have the best experience possible it is highly recommended to keep an open mind. This is crucial as it helps to offer us each the maximum number of opportunities that we can explore. None of us are right, neither are we wrong when it comes to what we can do or be. So remember to keep an open mind.

The Dresden Dolls : Missed Me

missed me missed me now you've got to kiss me
if you kiss me mister you must think i'm pretty
if you think so mister you must want to fuck me
if you fuck me mister it must mean you love me
if you love me mister you would never leave me
it's as simple as can be!

missed me missed me now you've got to kiss me
if you miss me mister why do you keep leaving
if you trick me mister i will make you suffer
and they'll get you mister put you in the slammer and forget
you mister then i think you'll miss me won't you miss me
won't you miss me

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sass Pride

The Sass Pack has been around for a long time now, and our membership is growing and thriving, which does my often cold heart good.  But I was wondering how many of the Blog readers truly know what it means to be Sass, or how our group came to be.  Far from our illustriousness now, the Pack started as just four girls, all from the Village: Sangrelle (DarknessisBest), Tiamet, Sokanon, and Reena (DarkAngelofSin).  Originally, we had no concept of Sass, and had no idea of what the Sass pack would turn out to be.

You could say, in a way, I started the sassy label.  I had a predator, now a dear friend, compliment another about me on my second day in the village, after the first time I was successfully capped: he said I had sass, and he liked it, and I liked the sound of it.  I had never considered myself sassy before, but the idea had merit.  After a while, we all started to realize like drew to like, and that each of the four of us had some traits in common.

For one thing, we have pride.  We don’t just bend our necks to everyone because they want us to, and we never stood around and let people shoot us.  We were there to run, and to roleplay, and if someone wanted the second, they were going to have to do the first.  We are each articulate women who are proud of our abilities, and I am not ashamed to say we are all fairly strong roleplayers, even if our manner differs from one another.  We hold our own in conversations (and often had to - the fish jokes we mermaids had to put up with were sometimes incredible!), and we are not afraid to speak our minds, to prey or to predator.

Moreover, we complimented each other.  You could say Sangrelle was our wise elder, for she had been around CaRP longer than the rest of us, possibly combined.  She was fiercely protective, and her spirit still infuses our group today.  For a long time, I was the ringleader, leading the charge to Lion Hill and starting our impromptu dance parties, a role I have since relinquished.  Tiamet is the creative, idea girl; her sparkling energy drives the group along, taking us to places I doubt any of us ever dreamed of.  And dear Reena is our baby Sass, the fun bubble that is both our reality check and our green light.  Together, we were stronger than we ever were apart, and you would be surprised at the way we defend and bolster each other, even to the point of being willing to swap as captives, if a predator would let us, if one of us got in over their head, or running as a pack to take arrows for each other.

What exactly is Sass?  Sass is a concept of worth, of bonding, and of knowing who and what we are.  Yes, we may be submissive, though levels and type of submissive vary from one of us to the other.  But, at the same time, we don’t need or want to be coddled or fully controlled.  The concept best used to describe a Sass girl is one of a lioness: we have our pack, our family, which we are devoted to… but we also do our hunting alone.  Moreover, we each seek our lion, our dominate, one who knows of our strength and pride, and is content to lie still and lets us do what we do best… but is equally able to get us by the scruff and pin us down when we need it (or, in some cases, desire it), and to come roaring to our defense if something comes in over our heads.  I know I am not the only one who has been called a "false sub," as I refuse to call every man who walks before me Master or Sir, and I am known to give a snappy comeback or a well-turned adult jest when such is due.  That doesn't mean I am not submissive: it just means that I know my own strength and worth, and I know that such titles are for those who deserve them from my lips, and cowering is no way to live.  A true lion for a Sass Pack member is one who is also a true dom, who knows that role doesn’t mean dominion, but understand it is to dominate… and that a sub is in the role she is because she wants to be, not by force, and that the relationship works both ways.  She serves and submits because she wants to please her lion, and he bolsters her in the few places her lioness strength most needs it, but also takes pride in the woman she is.

Tiamet, early on, made those “elders” of the pack a tattoo to show the way in which we are lionesses, a beautiful lion for the back of our calves.  It is based off that same explanation for what Sass is.  For any of the members who don’t have it or would like a new copy, I strongly urge them to let her know.  For those who want to be Sass… we will see you, if you show us that you are Sassy.  We are not rude, we are not belligerent, but we are strong and proud of who and what we are, be that slave or sub or just woman, and we know how to find that bond, those traits, in those we see around us.  Our numbers fluctuate, just as any true group of lionesses - sometimes with sad losses, sometimes with those who need to show their freedom, how they come and go as they please, and often with new and welcome additions to our Pack.

Sass Pack is a sisterhood, and one I am proud to have seen grow so much.  Lola (l0lafinzi) has rather stepped into Sangrelle’s spot, but is also an exotic imp with stunning ideas.  Nykkee is our lone huntress, coming to the pack when she wants to, or when needed, but also the shadow to the side - a true example of Sass nature.  And Sophia (SophiaRena) is our quiet, but fierce, lioness, roaring to the side of any of the Pack who may need her.  Some of our pack have found their lions, and contentedly roam the plains set before us under their gaze, returning to their side by our will and their right.  Some of us still range, and that’s fine, too, for Sass encompasses all types.  But, forever, we will have each other, and that is the glue that helps to bind us.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome Memories

There's no real rhyme or reason to the madness that gripes us at times. So that stated, I want to thank everyone that sent over images from the Village. We will undoubtedly be having another slideshow soon, so if you think something is missing you wanted to remind people about, send it on over. (and sorry if some images are repeated >.< as much as I tried to beat the program into shape it appears to have won on some fronts >.<)

A special thank you to the following folk who were willing to share their memories with us.
Caligirl Swanson
Cheyanne Ghost
Honda Ariantho
Kosmo7878 Resident
Loretta Dallagio
Ponieeexpress Ragged
Rudiments Renfold
Sereem Shabtay
Slice Whiplash
Sokanon Resident

Monday, September 10, 2012

For Female Friends and Readers

Men and women are vastly different creatures. There are many books that explain this, and there's many people who will gladly swear to the fact from experience. At this moment, I have a strong desire to thank you for being in my life. You are all amazing, and unique. Each and every one of you offer a different perspective, and are willing to share your experiences to some degree with others. Your willingness to do this helps to keep the group as a whole strong.

“There are women who make things better... simply by showing up. There are women who make things happen. There are women who make their way. There are women who make a difference. And women who make us smile. There are women of wit and wisdom who- through strength and courage- make it through. There are women who change the world everyday... Women like you.”
― Ashley Rice

In Life we meet many people. They come and go and flit through our lives sometimes like shadows on the wall, or like butterflies with a brilliant flash of color.  They walk in and teach us something, or are a shoulder for us to lean on when we feel like our strength is too far gone to stand on our own. I know that at times it is hard to believe, but we all have moments when we've needed someone. And fortunately, guys don't be offended, it's our sisters of the heart that usually help fill the void.

Sisters of the heart, are those women that we meet that truly seem to understand what we are, where we've been, and where we are going. They accept us for who and what we are. They're not afraid to tell us that our ass looks huge in the latex pants, or that our wiggles and jiggles are too surreal. Sometimes in second life we just need that reminder that there are people around besides ourselves. After all, who really wants to walk around looking like a derp?

One other thought I'd like to mention is that even men realize how valuable a woman is. Sometimes they don't realize it until it's too late. And there are some who feel so daunted by the number of things that you can accomplish, they will try to squash you and make you feel as though you cannot do anything. NEVER ever believe that. We are all strong, we are all human, and we all have an amazing amount of talents to access in our journey.

“One girl is worth more use than 20 boys.”
― J.M. Barrie

Mhm, he got that one right. Don't get me wrong though, I love a nice mannered man as well as the next girl does. But experience in SL has shown me that it is often only my girl friends who will be left standing by me if something goes wrong.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sim Review: Paradise on Eclipse at Ocean Pearl

I want to introduce all you lovely readers to a new sim opening.  The owners are two lovely people I would consider good friends, CrimsonSentinal and Marion (Beauty8000).  Paradise on Eclipse is a lovely, multifaceted sim for role play (and just fun) that the pair have spent a lot of time on - and it shows, in the good way!  The rules for this adult sim are simple: act like the considerate adults we are supposed to be; derezz pose balls when you are finished with them; please keep scripts below 100; donate, if you can, as the sim is a free-to-visit area; and a few items are group-only, which can be gained from the landing zone link or by asking Marion.  While not much to remember in the least, there is the added benefit that the landing zone will offer you the code of conduct, as well, helping keep what few things they ask of their visitors fresh in your mind.

When you land, you will be situated smack outside the maze, which is a lovely place to be, as it is pretty central to most of the sim, and has a quick list of the other locations and where they can be found.  Paradise is rather unique in that there are four completely unique areas to explore and visit - five, if you count the maze, which can use it's fair share of exploration.  There are wonderful scenes and secrets in the twists and turns, and just exploring can be a fun way to while away the time.  I found a painting scene that is beautifully situated for photograph and as a place to park your avi for some quiet contemplation.

Behind you when you land, you'll find the Beach House, a wonderful spot aimed at gathering.  There are all kinds of games and group activities - borrowable vehicles, arcades, bowling, a giant chess and domino set, a TV for group members, volleyball... It's aimed as a place to bring your friends, or your lover, and have a good time.  My personal recommendation is to pick out one of the outdoor furniture places, or one of the beach huts on the islands, turn your sun to sunset, and enjoy the view - it's absolutely gorgeous.

Off to the right of the Beach House, one can see some forested Mountains and a gorgeous waterfall - and then there are the hidden secrets here, as well.  The pond doubles as a spot for mermaids, along with the merquarium, with beautiful fish and ducks on the surface, and up at the top is both a gorgeous scenic view of the rest of the sim and a mini-pool.  Across the bridge is a picnic blanket perfect for cuddles, and the winding trek down to the forest below, with it's own hiking paths and tree-lined sitting areas.  Those with rezzable horses are actually INVITED to use them here, and there are hidden spots for romantic lovers near the small falls bridge.  For those who are more adventuresome (moi!), the mountains are not a hard climb, totally fun to run through, and give some wonderful views of the rest of the sim.

And now, I saved this for last, simply because I love them so!  For those willing to explore the maze, your prizes await, for my own personal favorites lay through that gateway.  First is the BDSM Village.  Now, I won't lie - there is a bit of a fear in me for this one, because I am not a blatant kind of girl, and it is very obvious as soon as you walk to the edge of town what kind of village this is.  The public play arena makes it hard to miss, as are the feeding areas and such for pony-girls.  However, the sheer beauty of the old-timey village helps me to forget that.  Between the maze exit and the village lay an archery range, and a treasure chest of gifts from the owners.  Inside the buildings are a blacksmiths forge, a tavern, and even a form of apothecary/surgery that I just love, just to name a few.  And yes, for those seeking play, there are fully-functioning pose balls all over the place: just clean up after yourselves!  This is a PERFECT spot for rp that the old fans of the village could love, though guys will have the new challenge of bringing their captive with them, or rping their way into her panties - er, heart.  I totally meant to say heart.  The bows here are meant for boards, not backsides!

At the top of the hill is an even better treat for BDSM fans - The Mansion.  This thing is filled with secrets from top to bottom, from the wonderful collection of artwork on every floor to the fully functioning dungeon in the basement - complete with the trap door hidden in the master's study, which is itself hidden behind the secret bookcase entrance.  Think of it as the added delights to fire your blood and twist your panties for getting through the maze.  Remember, this is through the Southern exit, then up the hillside steps! ;)

And while I know I'll have lost most of my readers at the description of the village, I saved my own personal favorite for last: The Enchanted Forest, through the maze's North exit.  For anyone who loves fantasy as much as this elf, this is the place you want to be!  Tree top carousels, an elven hut, a mermaid spot hidden inside a beautiful waterfall, a giant flower... this area is just gorgeous!  This spot invites rp, plus hanging out with friends - there is a fun trivia game in the hut, with all kinds of options for the questions.  One of the owners recommended to me the Grimm Brother's one, which tickles my fancy.  Most of all, my favorite thing for this location is photography!  All kinds of textures and colors, with the sunbeams and sparkles and fairies, that just lend a magical glow to your photos that make them almost look retouched - or a simple, gorgeous background through the elven hut windows, or one of the many benches and cushions, for those who just want a beautiful location and soft lighting.

/me ends gushing rant.  So, yes.  My personal take on Paradise on Eclipse.  Now, I won't lie - the areas are very distinct, which will separate people to some degree, but this can be good, too.  To my view, the Enchanted Forest and the Village invite more serious role playing consideration, the Mansion is definite hard-core for the sex games, with the village just below, the Mountain Forest is more lightweight and romantic, and the Beach House seems more general gathering - kind of an ooc spot in the midst of the role playing.  Now, that is just my take, and certainly not owner's rules!  Role play and OOC can and probably will be done everywhere, and there is a lot of chance for variety.  The other side is that the sim can sometimes lag-steal you and does take a while to load, simply because there is so much stuff.  It looks gorgeous and is dressed to the nines, but I highly recommend giving yourself plenty of load time for your first arrival, and then taking each area piece by piece as it loads - maybe break it into chunks for exploration, until everything is up and running, then go for the real fun.  Personally, the lag is not bad at all once it loads, and I think the beauty is well worth the wait.

Moreover, the sim has friendly owners, a lot of options, and the roleplay potential is incredible, catering to all tastes and levels, from medieval to fantasy to modern (the TV in the beach house lounge definitely invites lounge lizards of all styles).  With no meter, you can come in OOC and explore, or rp to your heart of any type - be a villain, a master, a slave, a free woman, an elf, a demon, a demicorn, a satyr: whatever you dream to be.  Just please note that, if you're going to be especially vicious, make such clear in OOC or such that this is role play, and respect rules others may set as to what they are comfortable with!  The sim is officially opening Friday the 7th, and the owners have set up a challenging hunt through the areas as a great way to greet visitors, to go along with other freebies to try out.  This girl recommends go, see the sights, take some pictures, try out what the sim has to offer - and say a kind hi and thanks to Marion and Crimson if you see them around.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Past

Do we try and keep the memories of the past alive through music? Do we visit old places to feel what we once did? The nostalgia can sometimes take your breath away.  When i feel hurt or my new life isn't quite how it should be, i take comfort in the fact that at one time what i felt was so strong and real, beyond the blue i can feel that.  Voices, laughs, fun times, bad times and how when you look back, the present never seems to measure up to the past.  But I'm glad i came back from several dark places, each time a new chapter in my life story begins, new memories, new places, new songs...all in the hopes this time it will not become 'The Past'

Monday, September 3, 2012

I Always Wanted To Do This...

Some of my fondest memories are of what we did up on that hill. Dance Party anyone? Thank you Rudi for sending this image our way, it brightened my day like you would never know.

I want to send out a hearty thank you to all of those that have sent me snapshots of The Village. I have been a bit busier than usual, and have full intentions of putting them into a musical slideshow. But In order to do that I need to convert them to the right file types. Between then and now though I will also try to post some of them into the blog in single shots or maybe in strings If I get courageous enough. Just be patient with me, it's a wee bit of work.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Styling with Soka (1)

In an article a bit ago, Tia mentioned people and designing avatars around role play concepts.  Yeah, I would be one of those people.  For a little style variety, I'm going to be offering some of my own avis up for consideration.

When getting back into SL, I decided I wanted a change of style, so I made myself into an elf.  No specific character, but the shape, design, and clothes were all pictured with the concept in my mind of what would be *my* elf.  So below is one of my favorite outfits I made for her.

Outfit: Shaiya by Elvenbreath
Necklace: Caged Heart Necklace - Rope Chain from KaiAna
Ears: Caverna Obscura Elven Ears Sculpted
Feet: Similar Bare Feet
Skin: Heartsick Enchant Rapture (Nude, Mid-Cleavage, Freckles)
Shape: Self-made
Hair: Truth Bree - Mahogany
Eyes: *Shack* Reflections Eyes - Green
