Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Been There, Done That

 [18:12]  Sokanon: YAY!

[18:12]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): giggle
[18:13]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): awe

[18:13]  Sokanon: We both got a captive!

[18:13]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): pouts

[18:13]  Tia Bell (tiamet) hops up floating off the ground as crows like Peter Pan
[18:13]  Tia Bell (tiamet): Now
[18:13]  Tia Bell (tiamet): chores!
[18:13]  Tia Bell (tiamet): Come come we make dem clean in de castle

[18:15]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): or dust

((The captives, Sylvr and Stevon, are dragged to the castle by Tia and Sokanon))

[18:15]  Tia Bell (tiamet): NOw we has your attentions

[18:15]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): hmmmmm

[18:15]  Tia Bell (tiamet): you wanna be's free? *teasing tone*

[18:15]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): yeps

[18:15]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles "Can has a kiss?" holds out hand

[18:16]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): grins course
[18:16]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): kisses Tia's hand
[18:16]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): and then slurps it
[18:16]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): making it clean

[18:16]  Sokanon looks at her captive, remembering Tia's thimble earlier and rolling the snowball in my hands, wondering if he can see my thoughts...

[18:16]  Tia Bell (tiamet) squeals and rubs it on her pants giggling "Ewwwwww okies dat works."

[18:17]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): goodies you can cap me any day

[18:17]  Tia Bell (tiamet) swats at Pan "stop dat you lil blighter!"

[18:17]  XxStevonxX: a penny fer yer thoughts

[18:18]  Tia Bell (tiamet) slobbers on Sylvr

[18:18]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): course.... fairs is fair

[18:18]  Sokanon blinks, looking at him, eyes going wide, then rolls my eyes toward Tia with a faint look of panic, a faint "mreeeep," sound rolling from my throat

[18:20]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): Yesh
[18:21]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): whatchya gioin to make Steve do
[18:21]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): dances around on the table top

[18:22]  Sokanon hrms softly. "He just issued me a dare... said he'd been there and done that with being drug through the water. I'm going to prove him otherwise." Turning almost imperiously, I tug at his ropes. "Come, come..."

[18:23]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggle giggle giggle

((Soka drags Stevon to the water, Tiamet following))

[18:25]  Sokanon pauses, looking at the water, breathing deeply, then tosses my head with a royal cant, eyes narrowing, eying him. My hands raise, sparkling, eyes gleaming as they reach above my head.... and then slowly lower before me. Every weapon, ever rope, falls slowly to the ground to lay at your feet, leaving just your clothing. I breath deeply, eyes challenging, then get an impish smile. "Do you prefer those clothes or not?"

[18:31]  XxStevonxX: i prefer to keep my clothes on
[18:31]  XxStevonxX: i would let my clothes loose if my hands were free
[18:32]  XxStevonxX: as i grab at her clothes,
[18:32]  XxStevonxX: yanking at the tunic

[18:33]  Sokanon grins a little, nodding my head and shaking my hood back after, smiling. "No." My hands raise again, stopping at my chest as my eyes begin to glow faintly, then close, faint light seeping from beneath the lids. The glow around my hands increase as they lower before me... wings disappearing in a faint shimmer of light, ignoring the grabbing of his hands other than to brush them away with surprising strength in mine. The tunic stays, but slowly my pants disappear, boots falling from my feet to lay in grass. Only as the partial transformation is complete do my eyes open, assessingly watching him

((Soka transforms to a mermaid from the waist down))

[18:35]  XxStevonxX: confused and amazed at the disappearing pants and boots, i cower down in surprise

[18:42]  Sokanon breaths deeply, feeling a bit at odds in a partial transformation, then humming softly, getting used to the scaled tail with my fae mein. My eyes gleam, using my tail to scoot the pile of items over toward Tia, then rolling into the stream, the salmon easily jumping around me, voice lowering to a purring taunt. "Still going with been there, done that with being drug through the water?"

[18:47]  XxStevonxX: mmm no, never been here, or done this. quite curious and antcipating the next thing, cautiously

[18:49]  Sokanon smiles, tying the rope securely to my waist, then cautions him. "Take a deep breath, and do not panic. I will not let you come to harm..." That said, I start off into the water, head awkwardly raised until I hear the breath, then plunging under, quickening, and towing him behind me

[18:49]  XxStevonxX: breathes deeply
[18:50]  XxStevonxX: enjoying the view
[18:51]  XxStevonxX: gurgle

[18:52]  Sokanon makes a low, thrumming, reassuring hum, twisting to look over my shoulder now and then, giving you a reassuring smile. Hearing your gurgle, I pick up speed, rushing through the gate and dragging you faster. Only when I reach under the castle do I turn, slowly wrapping my arms around you, lips moving to yours with a gentle pressure, encouraging your mouth to open under mine

[18:54]  XxStevonxX: i open my mouth , my pulling you close to me, mouth closing on yours
[18:56]  XxStevonxX: my arms wrap around her,

[18:57]  Sokanon hums, lips parting, head tipping to keep water from entering your mouth, tongue gently slipping across yours... and then my lungs sucking gently, drinking the carbon dioxide from your lungs, bubbles appearing from my necklike as my gills release it into my tunic, taking out the waste... and then breathing deeply, forcing clean oxygen back into you with careful pressure, watching for signs of giving you too much, sinking into your arms, against your chest, as you press me close, hands gentle on your back, reassuring, trying to get you to remember my promise

[19:00]  XxStevonxX: relaxes as i feel the welcome oxygen fill my lungs. the panic subsiding, the need to struggle easing. becoming comfortable, remembering the promise that no harm would come to me. beginning to feel the warmth of her

[19:02]  Sokanon smiles, lips gently closing, urging yours to do the same, then pulls back to smile at you. My arms squeeze.... and then shift, body tilting, strong pushes of my tail propelling us through the water in a dance, lips coming back to yours every so often, again sucking the carbon from your lungs, then slowly pressing in more air

[19:06]  XxStevonxX: gurgles more often, so she will touch my lips more often... enjoying the taste of her, enjoying the feel of her, appreciating the breathes of oxygen, keeping me alive, keeping me feeling, keeping me in her arms, looking into her eyes ignoring the beautiful surroundings because , despite being in a sea, gazes into the sea of her eyes

[19:12]  Sokanon grows a little confused, wondering if the strain was getting to him, or a silent panic lessening his ability to breath effectively. Very slowly, I ease the dance, taking a few deep breaths, then leaning forward again. This time, with a faint blush, I close my eyes and send my tongue on a foray, tasting, learning, teasing around your tongue and the roof of your mouth, then suck the air out after before breathing in a larger mouthful, filling your lungs with a slightly impish smile. Pulling back, I push off, turning and zipping through the water with incredible speed, whizzing back toward the way we came with insane speed, just controlled enough to keep you from being bashed into anything.

[19:17]  XxStevonxX: feeling the incredible strength she possesses, amazed at the speed and ease, unsure of what lies, ahead,but trusting now that she will not harm, i enjoy the ride

[19:20]  Sokanon reaches the shore, emerging drenched and gleaming, making a small choking noise before remembering to switch from gills to nose, coughing faintly and moving my hair out of my face. I tug you to shore, then unbind you, looking at your possessions, then making a disgruntled noise and sitting on the shore, hugging my tail. "We will need to find my sister. She seems to have pilfered a few things..."

[19:21]  XxStevonxX: oh my, well lets find her. your skills amaze and astound me.

[19:25]  Sokanon nods, then shifts, hands shifting, raising again, reforming my legs and wings, though still dripping wet... except for suspiciously dry pant legs. I reach for my boots, stuffing my feet in, then gesture at your items. "There is what is left. It looks like she took every weapon you had..."

((The two wander off after Tiamet))

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