Friday, August 31, 2012

Just Words

I sing you to sleep, my dear
You're weeping gently unto yourself, your arms thin, tangled in mine...
You hair trails in whisps around your face, laying gently across your pale skin
Tears have ceased and now just the odd spasm of emotion
I sing you to sleep.

Breathing as though my heart is broken
My soul is ruptured as it collides with yours
Your maleficent grace.
Nails rip into the curve of my arm, peeling back shreds of skin
and you howl...long, deep and torrid.

I squeeze you tight, almost crushing you
I feel you tense up, hear the long and drawn out breath
I suck in and gasp, 'No stop...' i whisper 'There's really no need...'
Your body curls up, your knees under your breasts...You tuck your head in close
Feeling the bones of your spine against me and one by one they begin to break,
Falling apart, tearing, your skin opens up as though ripe fruit and you scream.

How can one in so much pain survive? no wait, it's a dream.
You are with me, laughing, you roll on the grass, dragging me with you
Standing up tall you raise your arms in the air and spin, laughing...
'Listen to the waves!' you call out...sighing deeply 'Just listen to the waves...'
You turn to me, your eyes filled with tears, as one rolls helplessly down your cheek...
You hurriedly brush it away with the back of your hand and i look to you.
'I love you, you know...'
You nod, then turn away...folding your arms in front of you, you look out onto the sunset,
I pull myself up and shuffle towards you, lingering my your hip, glancing up at you.
'I'm here' i whisper and i see the knife in your hand.

Blood flows like pain, it courses quickly and has no mercy
Gushing onto the earth and seeping into the dirt, no remorse
The skies turn a vibrant red and the clouds speed up, racing across the skyline
The small guttural noises i make don't bring me any hope,
I stare coldly at your feet as they walk way, i hear your child like voice singing as you leave...
You dance in circles, your long hair trails around your body in some kind of slowed down motion...
No more tears.
I roll onto my back and stare up at the sky, my hand covers my wound, fingers digging into flesh
The hole where it had been.
I close my eyes and beating.
I close my mind and search...
I close...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Building Avatar Appearance : Shape

One of the most important things you will ever select or create for your second life avatar it your shape. Second Life, like real life is full of many different kinds of people. This means that there are many different views on what is appealing or desirable. Not just that though, the opinions on the matter are always in flux and change frequently. Second Life enables us to change our appearance with ease though, which makes this an interesting thing to think about.

Shapes come in many sizes, and there are pro's and cons to different ones. These should be evaluated before you make a decision about what you want to look like. People tend to become accustomed to how a body looks, so your main shape is the one that you should be most concerned about. Your main shape is the one that you are going to be wearing most of the time. So your shape is going to help you decide what and who you are going to be.

First things first is the decision about whether you're going to be male or female. This is important because in the appearance settings there are some different things that can be altered on the body. Not only that sl does react differently with different body types. It's not too noticable to everyone, but there are those wonderful things called a body physics layer now. Body physics give the sl avatar a slightly liquid movement along the torso of the form. Butts and breasts bounce. It's not a necessity, but it can be an amusing thing to see.

 Anyway, once you've decided whether you're going to be male or female the next important thing to contemplate is your height. As it is very important on some sims. There are some sims that will not grant you entry if you are considered too short in their opinion. So keep this in mind as you work on creating your avatar, and making your digital you.

Second life shapes are all created by following a listing of numbers in the body parts section of your appearance section. It can seem a bit daunting at first, but there's no rush for perfection if you want to make your own shape. But you will want to watch and test what you've got. Your shape will look different at times depending on the kind of skin that you're wearing on it. Which is another thing to keep in mind but we will be looking at skins another day.

Shapes can be noticeably different. As you can see in the image below showing six different female shapes. They're all in the same pose, so it's very easy to note differences in torso length, slight differences in facial structure, and changes in the neck. Another reason for shapes being different is at times you may want to construct a different character. There are some people who construct role play characters on their account and change their entire look.

Female characters are admittedly much easier to work with in world. Mostly because of the prevalence of clothing and accessories for females.  But a well thought out and constructed male character can be very impressive. Where a female avatar is often curvy, a male avatar has different aspects in which to grow. Is he going to be muscular? Is he tall or shorter? Thin? Muscular or just an everyday being? Some of these elements can be brought to the viewers attention with more definition by applying a good looking skin to a shape. But if the shape doesn't have any sort of definition itself the skin won't look very good.

 Another thing to think about, which I don't know as much about is mesh avatars. A mesh avatar can actually have it's own shape, and present your avatar in a very different manner than sl's traditional format. You can be a petite avatar, which is very tiny usually. There are some interesting doll avatars, and some uniquely shaped avatars which are all constructed in the mesh manner. These move differently than an avatar that's shape is built up using the basic second life avatar and prim extensions. But mesh avatars don't have unique shapes really, they're usually the same as the other mesh avatars of their breed.

All the shapes shown in this article are available from Abonwood Studios. They offer a variety of shapes to those looking for a fine tuned shape, and are frequently creating new ones. The shape sculptor has done a variety of shapes, I was quite impressed by her female dwarf shape recently. It's rare that you see a good shape for one that seems believable.

Abonwood Studios can be found by following the following links. Please feel free to explore their work.
Market Place Link :

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm a what?

I'm sitting here thoroughly amused by something I was told recently.  And I'm not angry about it at all, I'm actually highly amused. There are differing opinions on the matter though. But I'm going to be looking at this from my point of view, instead of trying to reflect on why other people may think that it's wrong. Admittedly, it is downright impolite and childish to call other people names. But there is always a silver lining.

So what was I called? Well it wasn't just me who was caught in the cross fire of name calling, but I'm content to wear the badge for now. Slut. Mhm, that's supposedly what I am. Writing the word actually brings a rather amused smirk to my face. So we'll start with a definition of the word, as well as some information concerning the way it has evolved.
1.a. A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous.
   b. A woman prostitute.
2. A slovenly woman; a slattern.
4. an immoral woman
5. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Animals) Archaic a female dog
(defined by the dictionary)

The following is a quote from Wikepedia.
"the term has been used as an expression of choice to openly have multiple partners, and revel in that choice: "a slut is a person of any gender who has the courage to lead life according to the radical proposition that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you." A slut is a person who has taken control of their sexuality and has sex with whomever they choose, regardless of religious or social pressures or conventions to conform to a straight-laced monogamous lifestyle committed to one partner for life. The term has been "taken back" to express the rejection of the concept that government, society, or religion may judge or control one's personal liberties, and the right to control one's own sexuality."
So in all actuality there isn't a reason that I should find offense in being called a slut. It is a rather... odd word, and not one that I hear often. In fact part of me finds it kind of thrilling to have someone label me with it. Why? Because I haven't had anyone else try to classify me with it before. That doesn't mean  that it is right. But what it does do is have me open my eyes and reflect on what I do. Do I really seem that bad? In my opinion, no.

To live life is to have experiences. Even in second life we are entitled to trial and error. There is no designated right to wrong way to do things. We go through the digital world testing new experiences, making friends and acquaintances along the way. So what if I wanna try out a new vertical mambo pose ball for kicks? It's just pixels. 
Unlike the real world, Second Life holds less danger in exploring thoughts and ideas than real life does. I don't have to worry about who my partner was last with, and what kind of nasty heebe jeebie I might be the lucky recipient of. Unless I want to role play pregnancy, I don't have to worry about that either (And honestly I really don't want to RP that). It really is a place to explore thoughts and ideas without being worried about judgment.

Which leads me to my next point. Many of you are thinking that there must be something wrong with me if I'm trying to say that I accept this as an alright definition of myself. It is not ideal in any way, but I find it amusing. The one word I find to be most useful for expressing why is the one I'm defining next. Immoral. I will explain why this is the key to understanding this issue for me.
1. transgressing accepted moral rules; corrupt
2. sexually dissolute; profligate or promiscuous
3. unscrupulous or unethical
4. tending to corrupt or resulting from corruption

I do not feel that anything I do or have done is in the intent to corrupt others. I do not feel that I am unethical. And I sure as hell do not feel that I am promiscuous. In fact in all honesty I feel that I am more likely to hold up moral rules than to try and get around them. There is nothing in second life that defines what the moral values and codes are across the board. In fact what is and isn't acceptable changes not only on a daily basis in this digital realm, but by sim. You can go to twenty different sims, and each one will have different values, rules, and expectations.

That said, sure if you want to call me a slut. Fine, call me one. But there are a lot of things that you don't know about me. In fact, there are thousands of things you will never ever know about me. What you do know is from experience and what I have admitted. I would advise that those who are pained by the words of another to really think about what is driving that person to sway what they are saying. Are they frustrated? Jealous? Angry? Lonely? Nine times out of ten their words will be driven by jealousy.

The green eyed monster can make people say horrible things. It can make them do horrible things, and they won't even realize what is altering their behavior in such a horrible way. So smile, and wear your badge of dishonor.  They're only giving it to you because they're not getting what they want.

Monday, August 27, 2012

A Musing on Second Life Relationships

There seems to be a natural order to the way that second life goes. Things come and go,  people change and move along in their second lives. But there are some things that stick with us even after they are gone. The memories, the pictures, and the emotions that still rise when we wander the fields and hills where we spend so much time frolicking together. Yet things change.

Just as in real life people grow and attitudes and needs change. The things that someone finds as thrilling can be found boring, or even disenchanting. Or perhaps real life steps in and takes them away from second life. All these things are unpredictable, and should not be held against our friends. But we should keep them in mind.

The reality of the matter is that the friendships many of us build here in second life are just as real as those that we build in real life. Second life is a social platform created to inspire people to not only socialize with people around the world, but to create and explore the imagination.

Love is a fickle thing. In Second Life it isn't uncommon to see people fall in and out of it quickly. But then there were those that did have that magic spark that seemed to linger. Those people sparkled, and you knew who they were when you spied their names and dots on the radar and map. Those lucky souls that seemed to have it all, just by being together.

But every relationship is built on ideals and expectations. Some relationships started in a whirlwind fanned by lust and desire, while others were the result of cautious exploration and searching. But as in rl the relationships in sl can sometimes simply end. No reason given other than that they were over. Sad I know, but it is  how life goes on in sl.

People are never the same as they were before they love. After love, there's often some lingering emotions, anger, wistfulness, sometimes hope. But no matter what emotions are left after a relationship ends, there are always memories. Memories can be amazing things in many ways. They linger and bring up emotions at times we may think we have lost.

But love is like any other emotion, it can change. But it also blooms in odd ways that we don't always expect. Many of us never plan to find sl love. But some search it out, longing for the company of someone that fills in a void nothing but true understanding can fill. So here's to that unexpected thing, the thing that can't be bottled or caged or kept to oneself.

Here's to friendships may they blossom and bloom eternal. Here's to love, the elusive emotion that is best when shared.

Not looking, thank you kindly. ~Tia~


Paul: I'm in love with you.
Holly: So what?
Paul: So what? So plenty. I love you. You belong to me.
Holly: No. People don't belong to people.
Paul: Of course they do.
Holly: I'm not gonna let anyone put me in a cage.
Paul: I don't want to put you in a cage. I want to love you.
Breakfast at Tiffany's, 1961

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Celtic Music taking me back...

I have always listened to Celtic music, i was brought up on it & it always holds a special place in my heart & memories. At my time at The Village i used to spend most of my days going through my old back catalog of albums including many by Clannad, The Celtic Stone Circle album used to always fit perfectly those days sitting on top of the hill with my sisters, looking down on the mainland and Safe Zone...watching out for the distant scurry of one coming up the side of the hill...or hearing that 'Puphdt' sound as arrows whizz past you. Many songs remind me but this one reminds me the's a very beautiful song & when i listen to it...i'm transported right back to the hazy days in The Village that i miss so much...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Feeling Slightly Villainous

Sometimes something catches your eye while your bouncing from place to place. For me this silk did it. I HAD to have it.The only thing was finding someone to match up with me at the Lucky Fortune Machine that they have out at Shack >.<. Am sure that there are a lot of you that can understand and relate to that. Anyways here's a picture in my new silk and a list of how to look just like me. (Though it is more fun to look like yourself, if there's something you like in the picture then you can find it yourself)

Outfit : *Shack* Occasion Silks Green
Skin : Heartsick Deity Djinn Linear (and ears)
Feet : [AL] Promo Bare Tip Toe Foot
Hair : Battle Angel Girl Black Hell
Eyes : Vels Boutique Wolfen Eyes Forest
Hands : [Virtual/Insanity] Eye Rings & nails
Tattoo : Ezura Xue Arcane Mage Unisex Tattoo
Shape : Spiral Designs Dirty Slut Shape

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Meaningful Music

This is a beautiful song that i am currently listening to on loop. Kate Bush has never been known for her music making a whole lot of sense, but i love the femininity of the lyrics to this song, its beautifully sung and to me it is meaningful in the way as a woman, beyond out everyday demands...we are simple creatures, uncomplicated lovers, not fighters...
Tender Touch

The song of Solomon
The song of everyone
Who walks the path
Of the solitary heart
The soul cries out
Hear a woman singing

Don't want your bullshit, yeah
Just want your sexuality
Don't want excuses, yeah
Write me your poetry in motion
Write it just for me, yeah
And sign it with a kiss

Just take any line
"Comfort me with apples
For I am sick of love
His left hand is under my head
And his right hand
Doth embrace me"
This is the Song of Solomon
Here's a woman singing


And I'll do it for you
I'll be the Rose of Sharon for you
I'll do it for you
I'll be the Lily of the Valley for you
I'll do it for you
I'll be Isolde or Marion for you
I'll do it for you
Ooh I'll come in a hurricane for you
I'll do it for you

Don't want your bullshit
Just want your sexuality

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Still Missing The Village

It's been  a little over a month now. Many of us have been trying to find a location to call home. But none of us are having an easy time of it. Sure, there's some people who are arguing 'it's just a game, it shouldn't be bothering me so much' but  they're wrong. Why?

Well, some of us invested a lot of time getting to know the lay of the land (and yes you can take that both ways if you want). We worked at getting to know people, and came to feel as though the sim was our home. Which if you think about it, considering the amount of time many of us spent there it really was. Home is not only where you hang your coat and hat, it's where your heart feels fullest. Many of us felt that way there.

The sense of community was awesome. Maybe more so for us prey than for the preds. But I know I miss the fun banter and joking that used to happen in prey chat. There never really is anything that's as much fun as picking on the guards in prey chat. I mean really? Who didn't love poking at the guys in the girl infested waters of chat?

The Village's Last Day by Taboo (Vixenn Moonshadow)
In any case at this moment in time, I'm still looking for a place that still has the same kind of heart and sense of community. It isn't really as easy as some may have thought it would be. But maybe I'm spoiled. Maybe I just want too much. Or maybe... just maybe, I'm not going to find a place like The Village again.

But... there is one thing....we will always have the memories that we made on the sim. The friendships (some of them) aren't going anywhere. And I do know... that on the grid, there are still pods of us hoping and praying for a miracle.

not quite home yet,

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wild Hunt at the Kingdom

Review Written by Nykkee Resident

Ok, this is a game they play at the Kingdom of Pleasure that I think is pretty cool. I didn't understand it at first, but was glad to be there for it and having a chance to participate in it.

Now the day they had it the hunters and prey where pretty even as far as body's on the sim which doesn't happen often but for something like this it was nice change.

The name of the game is wild hunt. The point of the game is to see if the hunters can get all the prey on the sim the hunters would give chase and once he had one of the pray capped he would begin to strip her once her cloths/silks are off they had to release them and the prey till the end of the game had to stay naked .....

The small twist of the game is the hunters only have a small window of time to get all the prey naked. Once a member of the prey team is naked they are able to run around and help the other prey to keep from being capped. They are also able to hinder the hunters by shooting them and running between them and the prey they are trying to hunt....

When the time is up and the guards look around at all the prey if the hunters have gotten them all naked then they win ....if not the prey win.

now this was my first time playing this and the fact that it was pretty much even for hunters to prey made the game that much more fun and so everyone knows......*smiles big*the prey won that time.

talking with a few of the prey and very few of the hunters i was trying to get a feel for how others felt about the wild hunt event and some thoughts on it...truth be told in the amount of people i asked it was like pulling teeth no one had any real opinion  on the topic at all i wanted to show what others felt and heres what i got.

From the prey ~ I had a few tell me how much they liked it but the lag they said gets 10x's worse and that's one thing they didn't like about it now we all know that lag happens everywhere so that to me isn't a real topic. One girl told me" Carri Vaniva: would be nice if they had more... regularly" but others and I mean a lot of others haven't even seen the event, some being new or just on a different time zone and they're unable to make it. I had another girl I talked to say she also likes it. See a clip of our conversation below.

 "Marja Geesink: i like the wild hunt ,you don't have to role play but it is fun but not too often
 nykkee Resident: its something different for a change
 nykkee Resident: to pull everyone together just to have fun
  Marja Geesink: indeed and the best one seven they get captured  but not always btw
  nykkee Resident: ok
  nykkee Resident: how often do they hold the events?
 Marja Geesink: well i am European time ,so not often for me
 nykkee Resident: ahh ok
 nykkee Resident: but when your able too you try to make it if they have one?
 Marja Geesink: yes i do , guard or long time one of sl  lol"

As you can see from the small clip of this conversation  I had with this member of the prey group, most like it and wish to have it again, just as I thought. The hunters on the other hand they either didn't know what I was talking about or didn't care to talk to me about it. I got one that told me he liked the event but that was all of many words *laughs*

Friday, August 17, 2012

In Memory of Sangrelle

In every live,be it rl or sl, we cross paths with people that make a difference and impression in our lives. As many of you already know, the village prey Sangrelle Phantom was hit by a drunk driver in early April which left her in bad shape.  She was in a coma for 10 days, and was slow to rally, facing a long road to recovery.  Despite all of this, from her hospital room, she did make her forays back into the village while she was still there in the hospital, as it was a second home to her.

Unfortunately, due to that accident, Sangrelle was left with bleeding on her brain that required surgery.  She went in to surgery early in the morning on May 8th with the hope that the bleeding would stop.  While that was successful, Sangrelle almost died twice on the table, and things were still not looking very good.  Tests showed minimal brain activity and responsiveness, and they were not very hopeful, with her other injuries, that she could recover from this, though our hopes were that she would.

Sadly we lost Sangrelle. She passed away, and we lost a wonderful friend and a true heart. She recommended that anyone who wished to  help her would contact MADD and other organizations, to help spread the word about how much drunk driving can cost. As far as we know they never found the drunk driver that hit Sangrelle. It is very sad that someone would think so little of others to drink and drive. Sangrelle you may be gone but you are anything but forgotten.

Sangrelle's Song

In the crystal-clear waters of SL shores swam a beautiful mermaid queen by the name of Sangrelle.  Her shiney scales were a beautiful purple marred with faintest lines of magenta and pink, her hair long and blonde, her eyes crystalline blue.  As she swam, her leaps would cast the rays of the envious sun and jealous moon back to the sky, body arching to break the water and throwing crystalline drops around the earth as she returned to her comforting home.  Many, many tried to catch Sangrelle, but few could, and none of those so bold could tame her strong, wild heart.

But that did not mean Sangrelle swam alone - far from it.  Watching over here from the shore was the dark lady Zin and the strong Firebird, and swimming with her through the waves was her pale shadow, Soka.  And beside her, keeping her heart so safe, was her Music Man, his bold red and grey and black tail allowing her to shine as he spun his music for her to dance in the waves.

But one day, evil invaded those sparkling waters.  Carelessness and thoughtlessness hurt the pretty mermaid, tossing her body upon the waves and washing her to shore.  Strangers had to find the pretty mer, but they worked to save her, wrapping her in fine cotton cloth and brushing the sand from her wounds, and, even as the darkness rose to claim her, she murmured to them to beware the hurt to her lovely tail, as she was mer and had to swim again.  But these nice strangers from the Lady Zin and called her to her side, and the Lady leant all her strength to the poor mer.

Moreover, as her other friends pined and waited, Zin braved the choppy waters to find them, to carry them news of the mer queen's condition.  First, she found Soka, waiting in the waves, and she and the pale mer hugged and cried and prayed together for Sangrelle, before Lady Zin was forced to return to the surface, to a land where the little mer could not follow.  Instead, the pale mer found the Firebird, and told him of what she knew, and the two sat and cried and mingled their tears on the earth, and flowers of purple flame grew where the tears fell, to honor Sangrelle.

But it was not enough.  And the pale mer went and she found the Music Man beneath the waves, and the two talked of the lovely mer queen, drawn together by their love for her, and by their wish to be able to transverse the unfriendly earth to be by her side. And they sat and they cried and their mingled tears sprouted lavender butterflies to fly through the flower fields.  But it was still not enough, never enough, to convey their love and distress for Sangrelle.

And so the Music Man began to play, his heartfelt notes slicing through the air of second life, carrying his pain and his love to her the only way he could.  And Soka, wanting to do the same, choked her milky tears and she began to sing, calling out to her mer sister, wishing her well with all the strength and love in her heart.

And their song travelled through the air.  In the skies above the waters, the Firebird heard, and his coarse "woo-hoo" cries were silenced as he listened, and he heard, and it touched his heart, and he threw back his dark head to join in their song.  In the clouds above him, and Angel heard their song, and she was touched, and she leaned down and added her cloud-bound whispers to their words.  In the darkling forests fo second life, the Winter Wolf heard the song, too, and he sat, and he listened, and he thought, and he tipped back his bold head to howl along to the music.  And in the mighty castles, the Earth Princess and the Taboo One heard the music, and they shared a look and began to sing, too, until the music for Sangrelle flew across all of second life, borne to the care of Lady Zin, who stifled her tears and carried it to the broken-doll body of the beauteous mer queen.

And the music mingled with Lady's words, and woke the queen from the dark realm to which she had been sent, her strong heart and soul fighting her way back, and her blue, blue eyes opened, and the world rejoiced.

But the evil was not yet broken, and the kind people of the earth told Lady Zin and Sangrelle that she would need strong, dangerous magic to make her strong enough to swim again.  The day of the casting, the mer and the firebird knelt together at the shore, singing the Music Man's song for Sangrelle, choking in their fear and love, and they waited... and their hearts frozen when Lady Zin stumbled to them, bearing the sleeping form of their queen, painfully explaining all the spells had cost Sangrelle as she laid the beautiful mer beside the shore, and they watched as they prayed, and Lady Zin joined in their song, the lyrics of love ones she already knew.

The pale mermaid crawled from the waters to lay across from the kneeling lady, scale brushing scale brushing gown, and her white hand closed tight to Sangrelle's.  The Firebird, his own heart in his throat, was brought to earth, kneeling by the lady, his own hand closing on the mer queen's free one, calling her name in his once-crowing voice.  And the Music Man found them, and he knelt by her head, placing her golden locks across his lap, hoping to brush her heart as he brushed the hair from their face.  And, choking with tears, the four continued to sing for their beloved mermaid, to call her back from the darkness again, to reach her fierce heart and make it aware of their love...

     You have been through so much pain and darkness... but you have never, ever been alone.  You are loved, Mer Queen, more than you may ever know, and I can only hope my words can reach your heart.  You are missed and with me every day, in the corner of my heart that belongs solely to you, my friend.
                        With love,

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Who's Hunting Now?


Just thought some of y'all could use a little pick me up. This video is sure to get you ready for your hunting this weekend, or running if that's what you choose to do.

Theory of a Deadman : The Bitch Came Back
I like her so much better when she's down on her knees
'Cause when she's in my face that's when I'm starting to see
That all my friends are laughing thinking that we belong
Well she's so fuckin' stupid that she's singing along

The trouble with girls is they're all the same
Forget the diamonds and pearls they just want a ring
Before you know it you're like a dog on a leash
Well you can try and change the world but you won't change me

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sim Review : Tank & Spank

Tank & Spank is a BDSM role play and capture sim. Tank&Spank is a term derived from old days of Taverns and huge tankards of Ale served by wenches and the joy men took in spanking those wenches. The idea of the sim is BDSM and D/s set in a rural medieval period. A time where men were strong and honor bound and those bound only by their own laws. The women were protected by some and ravaged by others.

The rules are very basic and a quick read. Women are wenches and men are Rogues. Mythical creatures can suddenly appear, and Honor and chivalry may clash in resulting duals. There would be a lot of lawlessness going on in this environment, and with this kind of role play the sim leaves peeps with all kinds of opportunities to grow in character. Wenches beware, the meter defaults at a full RP option, which means you are game to any Rogue that fancies you. But at Tank & Spank you can draw you bow on Him too! Any era weapon is game here, for men and for women.

 Wenches were often ruff and tough in those days. So be it here. There are areas of interest throughout the sim such as a dungeon, a Tavern, an ancient ruins and a ooc safe zone as well. Each area is equipped. RLV  users can find equipment about the sim that allow more control of those captives. Lets mention too the terrain is designed to allow any chase to take effort..

As for you Rogues, your skill with your weapon may be tested, but be assure, it is Men that will be the only winners in these capture games. Rogues take hold of their wenches with bindings and what happens next is your call. The stocks? make them serve you an Ale in a Tankard?...maybe take them to the ancient ruins and find out what spells are conjured.

The meter, built by the same maker of the Village meter with modifications that make role play easier without excessive interference of any staff. This meter features modes you can set that can be seen with just a sweep of you camera in any direction. Full RP= full capture and sexual play. Capture only=Just here for the chase, no rp. No Sexual RP= capture and roleplay with sexual restrictions honored.

Review written and submitted by Sereem Shabtay

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Silk Worms : Tadpole Review

There's a silk in second life for every character. And many of us go through a lot of different silks on the hunt for the perfect one. The truth is, is with the frequent changes in sl there is never going to be ONE perfect outfit. There's always a new designer, or a new accessory that can be added to an outfit.

Today though I want to tell you about an outfit that a dear friend selected for me. It's called Tadpole. In the images below you can see both varieties that come in the box. There is a sheer copy, and a solid one. It has a number of pieces included. Tadpole is made by Silk Worms. I have a few different silks made by them, each one is unique and has a different feel to it.

Am sure when I said that tadpole has a  number of pieces you are wondering, What exactly do I mean by a number of pieces? Well there's bangles to wear on your arm and leg. Two different belts (one with sheer silks, the other with solid). Then there's the set of tops and bottoms, one in sheer and one in solid.

The skirt is interesting in the way that it is constructed. It falls over one hip, while the silver chaining of the belting wraps around the waist mimicking the intricate knotting of the arm bands in the fine detailing. The silks that hang are shorter than most that I am accustomed to, but the lovely detailing makes the silk one that I do love.

One thing I will recommend is that when you pick out a silk, no matter what store you are planning to purchase it from you take into considerations your skin and hair coloring. If you are frequently wearing a burnt orange red hair, buying orange silks isn't really going to work for you. And beige silks may not show up if they're the same color as your skin. I'm not saying that you can't do these sorts of  things, am simply saying you should think about how it will look on your coloring. (for example, irl i can't really wear yellow as it makes me look kind of seasick green.)

But I really liked this silk from Silk Worms. They are reliable when it comes to the quality of their work. You can expect things to be beautiful and workable when you select it. Two thumbs up from me.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Mystical Pleasures : Slave Auction

We all have a time when there's someone that we'd simply adore to have time with, but can't quite manage to catch up with them. This is your chance to get that time. Hopefully you've saved up all your L (every little bit adds up you know) because the auction is active today! The auction is done to both open up an avenue of fun competition between bidders, as well as to help sponsor the sim. Running from August 10th through the 18th the Auction is your chance to spend rp time with the 'slave' of your choice. You can check out the status of the auction by viewing the boards on the sim.

Currently available are the following:
Kyla Mistwood
Natalie Wendel

The Sim is looking to hold one of these weekly, so if you're interested in participating please see the information below.

9. the lindens are split 60/40. 60 to you and 40 to the sim it self .

Please send note cards containing the above information as soon as possible to: SWEETDEWMIST

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Coffee Break Read ~By Lola~

I have been wandering down this road, it is a lane, there are tall trees on either side all the way down as far as the eye can see, the sunlight filters through them making the edges almost glow with a soft ambiance, the leaves look like transparent gold and some of the light spills onto the path, spreading it’s gold dust further still.  I wake up there as though I have woken from a dream, I can hear voices in the distance and also the thud of loud music very far away, I hear children playing, letting out shrieks of delight, the sound of parents whooping together loudly, the sounds of teenagers in a playful argument, cussing each other and rolling around in the grass like young puppies.  The air is warm and almost soulful and I take a few steps, hearing the gravel crunch under my feet.  Curiously I stop and look through the trees at a clearing in the density, there I see a small child sitting, she is alone, her dark hair is pulled up on top of her head, she is sitting with her tiny legs crossed, surrounded in longish grass and meadow flowers, in her lap sits a small stuffed toy and as I approach I see she is playing with the ears, lifting them up and down and cocking her head from side to side as though copying the movements of the toy rabbit.
  A branch breaks under my foot and it seem the loudest thing in the world, the little girl is startled and she looks at my quickly, her eyes narrowing for a second, then she looks down at her toy rabbit and I hear her say ‘Bunny is sick’
 I wonder for a second whether to get closer, I carefully take two or three steps ‘Oh?’ I say in a soft voice, the girl nodded without looking at me, I stepped closer,
 ‘What is wrong with him?’ i ask... she looked at me quickly and pouted ‘Bunny is a girl’ she held her up to me ‘Look!’ snapped the tiny girl.
 The rabbit was indeed sick, she had a huge rip down the centre of her chest, as if someone had taken a knife and ragged it down and the stuffing was half pulled out. I grimaced at sucked in my breath for a moment and sighed ‘Oh did that happen?’ the little girl was quiet for a second as she carried on playing with the ears, twisting them around and pulling them from side to side with her little fingers, she hummed for a second or so the stopped, going very still as though choosing her words carefully, she looked at me again, her eyes squinting in the half light
 ‘Can you fix her?’ she said
  The words seem to echo in my mind for a second, as if it stirred something inside me, my stomach turned slightly and I furrowed my brow, not enjoying the odd feeling, the wind blew gently against my arm, making the hairs stand up on end and it travelled up to the nape of my neck, I shivered slightly.
  The girl was still looking at me, a questioning look in her eyes, I moved towards her and crouched down next to her, looking down at her tiny thin fingers and I sighed ‘Hunny, why are here alone? Where are your parents?'
’The girl replied almost immediately ‘I don’t have any Mom or Dad’
 We went silent for a second, not an awkward silence, just something in between sorrow and questioning, how was this girl all alone here? She was soft like an angel, her voice was quiet and almost sad, yet still child like...I felt that feeling again inside me, like a feeling of loss.
I sat down in the grass, the little girl looked at me and smiled, her eyes turning into tiny rainbow shapes, they looked up to my hair ‘You’re hair is really pretty’ she giggled ‘I wish I had my hair pink...I really like pink it’s my favourite’ her voice was all tinklely and sweet a she laughed at her own words, I couldn’t help smiling ‘Why thank you little Miss’ I said with a laugh ‘Maybe one day when you grow up- you can have it pink too! ..But I’ll tell ya a secret...’ I took my voice down to a half whisper ‘People sometimes may think you’re a little crazy’ a did a goofy stern face at her and laughed as she burst out laughing, her little laughs echoing around the quiet forest.
After a few minutes of quiet, the little girl asked me my name, ‘My name is Lola’ I replied with a smile and I was shocked to discover that we shared the same name ‘So I will have to call you little Lola’ I laughed ‘Otherwise it could get confusing’ we agreed on that and I shook her tiny little hand, she smiled broadly and nodded her little head....

To be continued...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Just A Little Laugh

source unknown.

Role Play...Can it Push Boundaries?

I was recently in a conversation with an old friend in SL whom i hadn't seen for a while, we caught up over prim Starbucks & poor sipping animations in a diner on the New York sim, it was a nice hour or so and we mused over old times and past relationships, we laughed and joked and it was nice to have a connection with someone who held quite a bit of my history.  We soon shifted onto some of the contents of my picks in my profile, she had spotted during a nose that i had several picks relating to role play, she hummed and hared over quizzing me about it and finally i just said to her 'You think it's weird don't you'
She laughed and said no, she explained how she does not entirely understand it and wondered if its any different from the kind of antics you get up to in IM with a partner? 'No...well...yes, sort of' i said to her, It's different for everyone i'm guessing...but for me and many other people i know, it's that creative out let, it's a story unfolding and it can end in one chapter...or it can carry on for many, some even write whole books over the course of time with the same person...but when the story ends and you come out of character...that's it.
'So its a free and easy well for people to get laid guilt free then?' she snorts...i laughed at her bluntness, 'Its not always about sex' I tell her, plenty of people i know don't sexually RP, they may have some kind of romance or tease but like with real life, when things get too steamy there is always the word NO.
It would be arrogant of me to assume that all people who RP do it just for the sex, but such a large percentage do, not often for sinister reasons, but to have that fantasy, to be that gallant knight or that filthy pirate who chases the captains daughter as she flee's around the shipwreck, shrieking and trying to escape...when secretly hoping he catches her..oh and what if he also catches her sister who is hiding in the jungle? with all that rope he could quite easily tie then both up & they would be at his complete mercy!
My friend burst out laughing at this notion and suggested that i take her along to a carp sim one day...quickly adding that she was joking, as she is very happily partnered. So she then asked me...'What if feelings get involved?' Good question.
A friend who also RP's said to me that she is fed up of men assuming they were becoming romantically involved after they had got intimate during RP on a few occasions. I said, Well you just must be THAT GOOD! of course not too far from the truth as men seemed to fall all over her and she was merely interested only in creating stories with people. Were they right to get huffy? Mm not so sure...but on the other hand men and women have been sleeping together, no strings attached, since way back...and it has been the cause of so much sleeping with multiple women, women doing the same with men..people finding out...tears and tantrums...
So what if feelings DO get involved? Sometimes or often RP can be intense, fast, passionate,creative...i heard one session being described once as 'The whole room vanished and it was just me & him there, typing to each other like crazy...' It's like the first throws of love & passion, it can get your heart when its over? we just turn our feelings off? and what if then you know that its likely that person will be making some other persons heart thrash the next day, while you sit there and pout to yourself.
And what if it's one sided? YOU think it was amazing...out of this world...but the other person logs off and thinks..'Well that was aright i guess' i suppose we never know.
And then comes the big old question... Can we RP with close friends more than innocently?
A friend asked me straight up if i think that could affect our friendship...i was positive it would, not down to the fact i wasn't attracted to the person or cared about them, but because RP to me is fantasy, i can save those precious moments of being intimate with someone i like,and i mean REALLY like...remove myself and be with that person on a more whole level rather than it being the non consistent act of simple RP.  So to be so casual with a friend will in my opinion, push boundaries.
I have the utmost respect for the NSRP'ers, it's something that can be a bit of a taboo on the carp sims, looked down on a little and questioned, it's simple really, as humans we are not all the same, we have our own needs and desires and we act accordingly to those...i am often in awe of the non sexual male who keeps to his word & says 'Thank you...but no' to the ladies...although its does happen! It says to me, a strong person with respect for himself and women...or maybe just very shy! (laughs out loud)
So in conclusion, i think that RP in its many forms can push boundaries, depending on the person ...
I don't think it at all right or acceptable for a person to literally walk away or cut out a previous player, it's polite and respectful to be gracious to that person, understanding to any feelings they may have...treat other players as they treat you, RP is after all a huge community based on communication...
It's all supposed to be fun...but don't forget that we are all humans behind the words guys :)

Peace Out


Monday, August 6, 2012

Events at Club Dream

Club Dream is a new club that recently opened with a fun fantasy theme to it. they currently do about four events a week, and are open to the public. The sim is adult, and everyone is welcome.

Events are usually held : Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Events run from: 7 pm SLT to 9pm SLT

This week the event theme line up is as follows
Wednesday - Best in Purple
Friday -  Disney
Saturday - Best in Stripes
Sunday - Rocky Horror Night

Check out line ups, as well as images from past events on their Facebook page :

Here's your Slurl :

Sunday, August 5, 2012

One from the Past

This image was sent in by someone who was going through some of her older images. It's from a sim she visited back in 2007, though she isn't sure what the name of the location is. She only was able to provide a date because of the date of the image creation. For those that may have trouble reading the content of the image, it's a list of how to satisfy a lady.

Ten Commandments of a Ladies Pleasure
  1.  Thou shalt observe the details of her desire.
  2.  Thou shalt stimulate her senses.
  3. Thou shalt compliment her meaningfully and often.
  4. Thou shalt encourage her to show and tell how she likes to be touched.
  5.  Thou shalt listen to her attentively.
  6. Thou shalt make her laugh.
  7. Thou shalt present her with gifts.
  8. Thou shalt exude both confidence and vulnerability.
  9. Thou shalt have foreplay.
  10. Thou shalt discover what her dreams are made of.

Friday, August 3, 2012

New Huntings ~ Mystical Sim Review

Well as everyone well knows, trying to find a suitable place to hunt, be hunted or to just make new friends this past few weeks has been somewhat a mission for most since the closing of our beloved home.

I took advantage of my new found free time and spent it exploring some of the few carp sims that SL has to offer.  Now i took into consideration what many of us may want from their particular hang for some, or may not be just so much to do with the hunt but also to do with being with like-minded people with a shared interest, to practice sparring, to practice running, to meet someone, to role-play with close friends or a place to go with your master/mistress.

Each place i visited has similar rules regarding activity on the sim...some are more strict than others, some more lenient..some are so strict that its possibly better they don't have any general public there and just close the sim to specific VIP's.

It's always good to ask yourself what is your ideals regarding your hang out before you settle for one particular place, take time to observe the people there...are they friendly? are they all old friends? do they welcome new-comers willingly? is it mainly couples? is it switch orientated? has the sim been there long? it is established? Is it laggy often/always/sometimes? ...all obvious things to think about when you look at it but also important as finding a new place to settle is one of the hardest things to do in SL.

I often found myself visiting the same places over and over, between them and the Gor Hub which to me is one of the coldest places i have visited to date, but it enables you to find out about possible new places.  I found myself visiting quite a few of the pretty Gor sims SL has to offer which in my opinion was far better than standing around in the hub its self which i found to be quite soul destroying.

So on my travels i came across this pretty little sim called Mystical Land Role Play of Sexual Pleasures . I was straight away welcomed by their non fussy approach to entering the actual sim, it was a literal case of join the group, stick your meter on...and TP down.  The rules were simple and uncomplicated, Hunters & Prey could be either sex and also more mythical folk are more than welcome, the place is switch friendly & GM meters are used. On TP'ing down to the main sim...i was transported outside of a neat little comfortable safezone set within their little village of quaint little cottages on the edge of some forest land. The village is set out in the style of a working community, with its haylofts and gardening plots, neat little houses positioned carefully for privacy for the renters, a nice little dancing gazebo for couples, the dock where fish hang on hooks and its very much like working docks behind it sits a neat little tavern.

The left of the village is all dense woodland, you can plow through it, hide in it, relax in it, the textures are beautiful and uncomplicated and as you come out of the other side along the shoreline you see the huge castle overlooking  the pretty  lake, their cliffs sit to the left of that, running along side the actual safezone which consists of a comfortably cushioned area of gorean style with its central fire and an interesting cage hanging above! The colors are warm and inviting.

Over the cliffs or through the trees that sit slightly behind the safe-zone and village area there are all kinds of interesting things to be found.  Its beautifully designed with its landscape and hills, bridges that lead to a volcano. the hills hide a number of caves and pathways, some so hidden that you find them by accident! There are endless private places to role play or snuggle up, you can leap across the rock face or charge underwater along the fast moving river that divides the landscape. It's green and lush with its open spaces and cool and shady in the woodland areas that hold all manner of naughtiness (winks)

I found the folk of Mystical very welcoming and friendly to newcomers, the environment is very laid back and people there just seem to be hanging out and enjoying each others company for the most part. This is key for me, as the social aspect is important without being bogged down by a group of unfriendly people and harsh rules, Mystical is in no way like this and i would recommend it to anyone! The hunting grounds are amazing, the rope-play equipment is of a very good standard and you can tell that a lot of work has gone into the sim that has been standing there for about a year now.

Mystical is hosting one of their regular scavenger hunts coming soon, There are many nice items to be won and a chance to meet people and see a little of what goes on...

Mystical has almost everything you could ask for in a carp go over and check it out!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Swan and The Moon ( RP)

[03:11 PM]  Dread Lord Dragoon(dragoondarkwolf): i'd like to hear a story as you spin flax for me.

Tiamet giggles "any story at all?"

Dread Lord Dragoon: know any good ones?

Tiamet nods "aye i do."

Dread Lord Dragoon: good, then come along.
Dread Lord Dragoon: pulls on the rope as he drags her back to the castle, taking his sweet revenge.
Dread Lord Dragoon(dragoondarkwolf): they enter the castle as he smirks and chuckles, leading her inside and up the main set of stairs to the tailors shop. he walks her over to the wheel and turns "you will take that bushel of flax and turn it into thread, my dear". he smirks as he lowers his hand, pointing to the seat.

Tiamet sits down at the stool, reaching into the flax basket, and carefully starting to twist the strands together, her foot gently pressing the peddle to get the wheel turning so that it will make sure the flaxen thread is smooth and even. She nods "fair enough." She watches as the thread wraps around the spindle as it turns. "is that all?" her tone is amused as her hand reaches for more flax, easily working the flax into thread with a practiced hand.

Dread Lord Dragoon: he watches her closely as she begins to work the flax, listening. he replies, no, i'd like to hear a story, tell me a good one". he turns, seeing the chair in the corner as he makes his way over to it and sits down, making himself comfortable as he keeps a close eye on her.

Tiamet twists the flax between her fingers, pulling out small thorns and twigs as she works it onto the wheel. Her eyes ponder a moment looking at the wall. She then lets her eyes move towards his though they're hidden by the glasses. "Do you know the tale of the swan and the moon?" her words lilt as she moves her foot, the wheel clicking cheerfully as she spins.

Dread Lord Dragoon: he listens and thinks for a moment, slightly tilting his head and replies "i haven't". he sits back further into the chair shifting his eyes to the wheel for a moment, watching it spin before putting them back on her hands as she works the flax in them.

Tiamet reaches into the basket taking another handful of flax, twisting it between her fingers, continuing to clean it as she presses the peddle."T'was many moons ago, when the animals could still speak and sing in languages the people could understand." She starts the story her voice mellow and almost sing songy as she spins the thread. "Swan was known to be the most beautiful bird in the forest. And he took the title as his given right, believing that anything he desired he could have." She pauses pricking her finger on a thorn. She brings her thumb to her mouth tugging it loose, spitting the thorn to the floor as she continues twisting the flax and letting it drift along the wheel. "And the other animals did grant him that right. Swan had anything he wanted. But one thing, swan could not find love."

Dread Lord Dragoon: he listens to the story, watching as she pricks her thumb and spits the thorn to the ground. he slowly raises his hand to his chin, resting it on his fingers as his elbow leans into the arm of the chair. he tilts his body and continues listening as he wonders why a bird that could have anything it wanted couldn't have love.

Tiamet reaches for more flax twisting it between her fingers. "Swan was haughty, and as he believed he could have anything he wanted, he could not truly see that which was before and around him.So though goose, and she swan both adored him, he could not see it. Instead he lamented as the other animals celebrated the solstice together, reveling in their primal needs and desires. As he sat at the edge of the ring, the firelight flickering as the sun lowered behind him, he saw the pale white orb of the moon rising on the horizon. His heart skipped a beat, and it was as though he saw her for the first time, the goddess of the evening sky." She pauses her peddling to reach for more flax, checking the spindle to make sure it is not too full. "It was then that swan fell in love."

Dread Lord Dragoon: he lowers his hand from his chin and rests it back on the arm of the chair as he continues listening. he pulls himself forward and lifts his head, trying to catch a glimpse inside the bushel to see how much flax remains before easing himself back in the chair. he begins to wonder if this is some kind of childrens fairy tale but, he listens in silence as she continues.

Tiamet reaches in the basket again, pulling out more flax, spinning it in her fingers as she clears it and works it onto the wheel. "Swan followed her that night, and every night for weeks, lamenting on the evenings when she hid in the shadows, denying him her beauty. Swan sang sadly on the evenings that moon did not appear in the sky, and the other animals slowly came to pity him. For unrequited love is the worst kind of love to fall into." She finds another thorn, hissing slightly as it is unexpected. She tugs it out of her thumb quickly spitting it to the floor with a slightly irritated air. "The animals thought it was a shame that the handsome swan could not see what was befor ehim, and instead poured his song and desire into something he could not have."

Dread Lord Dragoon: he leans back further into the chair, paying no mind to her hiss as another thorn pricks her. he lifts his foot and rests his ankle on his knee as his arms relax on the arm rest, slowly leaning his head back in the chair, knowing that should he drift off, she could not see his eyes.

Tiamet reaches into the basket, frowning slightly as she realizes that the flax is almost spent. She slowly cleans the handful, twisting it between her fingers and letting it move along the wheel as she continues her story. "Then one evening as swan flew, following the moon in his blind desire and adoration, he passed over a pond, spotting the moon in the murky waters below. A frantic pang jolted through him, and he paused in his flight. His view was obscured by his desire and panic, he didn't remember that the moon was above him." She spun more flax, her eyes glancing over to look at him as she pauses.

Dread Lord Dragoon): he rests in the chair, motionless except for his chest moving as he breathes.

Tiamet spins and peddles her foot on the wheel, listening to the soft clicking as she reaches in the basket pulling out the last bits of flax. Spinning and letting the twigs and thorns fall to the floor. She finishes spinning the flax as she slowly settles back on the stool. "Swan threw himself into the water, determined to save the moon from the waters. But the moon hung in the sky, unmoved by his panic and adoration. Swan dove and struggled in the water, eventually drowning himself in the murky cold water." She checks the spindle as the thread goes onto it. "And moon continued drifting through the sky." She rests her hands on her knees. "The other animals mourned the loss of swan, but his love, was seen as having been fool hearty and they did not pity him in his death."

Dread Lord Dragoon(dragoondarkwolf): he hears the end of the story and leans his head forward. he clears his throat before speaking and says "are you nearly finished?". he pulls himself forward and pushes himself up and from the chair as he stands in front of it, looking down at her and shifting his eyes to the bushel.

Tiamet nods lifting the empty basket and showing him the bottom.

Dread Lord Dragoon: seeing the basket empty, he slowly approaches her, shifting his eyes back to her as he says "you may put the bushel down and stand".

Tiamet sets the basket down and stands keeping herself on the opposite side of the wheel. One of her hands brushes the spun thread musingly.

Dread Lord Dragoon: he stares at her for a moment and then turns his head to the spindles of thread, he brings his eyes back to her and says "you will come out from behind the wheel and stand in front of me".

Tiamet frowns a bit moving around the wheel her hands folded in front of her as she pauses in front of him. "yes?"

Dread Lord Dragoon: he shows no expression at all as she stands in front of him. he reaches his hand to his side and slowly pulls back his jacket, feeling the handle of his knife he takes hold of it, pulling it from its sheath as he lowers his head, putting his eyes on her binds as he reaches his other hand for them and pulls them toward him as he runs the blade between them, pulling back on it as he slices through them, letting them drop to the floor. he slowly raises his head, keeping the no expression look as he brings the knife back to his side and re-sheaths it and says "with the thread made, you are free. your story was interesting, perhaps you can tell me another one should our paths cross again".

[04:17 PM]  Tiamet bounces gleefully "thank you. and perhaps....i know many stories...."