Monday, July 30, 2012

Sim Review : Kingdom of Pleasure

Review by Nykkee Resident

 First let me start off by saying the lay out of this sim isn't what I thought it would be....its smaller than one would think BUT.....they made the land that they had work for them. They put a mountain on the sim with some smaller ones so it makes it seem like more they have there castle in the sky which also worked out good for them over all. I think they way they have set it up here is good.....very easy to run through ....I also like how they have spikes threw out the sim so not only the prey but the hunter can hit and lose health they have 4 safe zones that I have found and the biggest most hang at .

 Most of the prey that I have talked to have been pretty nice but I also see they're cliquey. me coming from the village there not fast to talk to me they keep to them selfs but I have had a few open up and talk . the hunters on the other hand its like fresh meat LMAO...for a lack of a better way to put it...they're very helpful when I ask something most are fast to give me a answer. They're very kind and don't mind that you're new to the sim. I have also had a few offer to show me around in hopes it would make it better for me so they don't lose the new prey is my guess...but all in all the people I have ran into have been for the most part pretty cool I cant really say anything bad about them.....

....on this sim the prey can go naked or be in silks of some kind the hunter in there normal hunting fits I don't see much of a difference there from other rp cap sims ...which is nice having to buy new stuff just to come to a sim kinda sucks for some...for others it isn't a big deal I guess....

The these I do not like at all...the free one is a big ugly gold collar that just sticks out BUT I was able to make it transparent so I don't have to see it and it still works .....gotta love it.....they do have other meters that you can get if u want to pay for it...I looked into it and its not cheap so if I'm able to hide the ugly free one...I'm happy...

There is also this potion that you can drink once your health gets low if the hunter gives up or you find a nice hiding spot it only brings your health up 50% but its always nice they have this small little building here on the sim that once a day you are able to get yourself a bottle of this potion but it only works once and of the nice prey I met today passed me one that I was able to reuse so there are some out there not sure where she got this from but I'm glad she was able to share it with me thing I can say I like but it isn't really what I'm use matter the fall you never lose health it makes it easy to get away if you're a good runner and can land right and know the land and where to if u land wrong...they don't lose health ether so there on your ass...over all I like this sim it really isn't what I'm use too but I think I like it here I can see me coming to play and have fun.....

I haven't been caped but twice so far in the few days I been coming but as far as the rp goes the two I had where pretty good but as we all know that's a hit and miss and you hope for the best ...I do think it should be a sim we could play at ...its fun and with the right people it will only get better I hope to see some new faces so I'm not the only

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