(This is meant to be a JOKE, funny haha)
Hot to avoid a Predator:
1. Don't wear an AO, nobody wants a noob.
2. Wear something on your face so they cant see how good looking you really are.
3. Carry sharp objects, it means you are too dangerous for them.
4. Don't wear a cape of any kind, we are trying to hide your awesomeness, not make it shine like a rainbow.
5. Play dead often. Predators only want Fresh ass.
6. Respond to his RP with song lyrics or random facts, They don't like when you are smarter than they are.
7. Learn how to use your rock, and use it well. Men hate when you are a better aim then them.
8. Give them a time frame to capture you, if they can't do it in that amount of time ask them if they would rather submit to you.
9. Capture and Bind them first. Take them somewhere public and laugh hysterically at them and run away.
10. If any of these don't work for you, hang out with Me and learn these tricks first hand.
Courtesy of Ponieeexpress Ragged
I just realized you posted this on here, teeheehee!