Monday, July 30, 2012

Sim Review : Kingdom of Pleasure

Review by Nykkee Resident

 First let me start off by saying the lay out of this sim isn't what I thought it would be....its smaller than one would think BUT.....they made the land that they had work for them. They put a mountain on the sim with some smaller ones so it makes it seem like more they have there castle in the sky which also worked out good for them over all. I think they way they have set it up here is good.....very easy to run through ....I also like how they have spikes threw out the sim so not only the prey but the hunter can hit and lose health they have 4 safe zones that I have found and the biggest most hang at .

 Most of the prey that I have talked to have been pretty nice but I also see they're cliquey. me coming from the village there not fast to talk to me they keep to them selfs but I have had a few open up and talk . the hunters on the other hand its like fresh meat LMAO...for a lack of a better way to put it...they're very helpful when I ask something most are fast to give me a answer. They're very kind and don't mind that you're new to the sim. I have also had a few offer to show me around in hopes it would make it better for me so they don't lose the new prey is my guess...but all in all the people I have ran into have been for the most part pretty cool I cant really say anything bad about them.....

....on this sim the prey can go naked or be in silks of some kind the hunter in there normal hunting fits I don't see much of a difference there from other rp cap sims ...which is nice having to buy new stuff just to come to a sim kinda sucks for some...for others it isn't a big deal I guess....

The these I do not like at all...the free one is a big ugly gold collar that just sticks out BUT I was able to make it transparent so I don't have to see it and it still works .....gotta love it.....they do have other meters that you can get if u want to pay for it...I looked into it and its not cheap so if I'm able to hide the ugly free one...I'm happy...

There is also this potion that you can drink once your health gets low if the hunter gives up or you find a nice hiding spot it only brings your health up 50% but its always nice they have this small little building here on the sim that once a day you are able to get yourself a bottle of this potion but it only works once and of the nice prey I met today passed me one that I was able to reuse so there are some out there not sure where she got this from but I'm glad she was able to share it with me thing I can say I like but it isn't really what I'm use matter the fall you never lose health it makes it easy to get away if you're a good runner and can land right and know the land and where to if u land wrong...they don't lose health ether so there on your ass...over all I like this sim it really isn't what I'm use too but I think I like it here I can see me coming to play and have fun.....

I haven't been caped but twice so far in the few days I been coming but as far as the rp goes the two I had where pretty good but as we all know that's a hit and miss and you hope for the best ...I do think it should be a sim we could play at ...its fun and with the right people it will only get better I hope to see some new faces so I'm not the only

Friday, July 27, 2012

Upcoming Events : Broom Tournement

The Island of Lost Dreams is holding a Broom Tourney on July 29th. Basically it involves beating other players in the tournament with a broom until there's only one person left standing on the field.

How it works.
Round one is women vs women.
Round two is man vs man.
Round three is the winners of the first two.

The winner gets to pick the weapon for next months tourney and theme for the monthly gala. So grab your broom and practice! this is gonna be good!

here's the slurl to get to the sim

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Missing SZ

I have a tendency to read a few script excerpts now and then. And I found a rather interesting bit recently that made me smile. It made me think of a lot of good times. I bet some of you can agree that there was a lot of fun in just sitting by the fire in SZ snuggled up and chatting away in im. Sitting there for everyone to see while wandering in your own private events.

It was a social hub, but it was also a place to be playful and fun. I'm going to miss the nice comfy corners there, and the tavern windows where you could curl up with someone amongst the piles of pillows. There were plenty of little hidden corners to talk and snuggle and just enjoy each others company.

missing the flames ~ Tia.


Tom: Doesn't mean anything to you anymore to sit in my lap, huh?
Gerry: No.
Tom: Or if I kiss you there?
Gerry: Stop it, no.
Tom: Or Here.
Gerry: It's nothing.
Tom: Or here.
Gerry: You know I'm ticklish.
Tom: Why's your breath coming fast?
Gerry: Because you're squeezing me!
Tom: Doesn't mean anything to you anymore, huh?
Gerry: Almost nothing.
Tom: Almost nothing, huh?

The Palm Beach Story, 1942

Monday, July 23, 2012

some thoughts on rp

Role playing is one of the important factors when it comes to participation in second life. You're someone you're not, and can be nearly anything that you imagine. So it would go to pot if you didn't try to script out your character as a separate entity of yourself.

How do you create a character? As we've looked at in the past, you create a unique appearance. You want to have a look that people will know is you. They will become accustomed to you looking a certain way, physically if not fashionably. This is your character's base.

Why is your look your base? What you look like and what you wear is what gives you your basic items to write about. If you do not carry a dagger, for example, how can you claim to fight with one? If you're not wearing a dress, how can you get tangled in it? These are simply things to think about. Of course it is possible to have pockets, bu t you need to keep their contents somewhat realistic.

The other things that you're going to want to think about when working on establishing your character is repeat actions. These actions are things that people will recognize and come to expect from your character. Does your character chew her lip while he watches the fire? Does she twist her hair in her fingers as she thinks? Does she have a sweet or sour disposition?

It's all things to think about. It can help make you a more appealing rp partner, as it will  show people that there is more depth to you than just being a digital barbie doll. You want your character to have aspirations and goals. These are what help you create a point of interest for yourself.

When I first re-arrived in the village my character could be found in the SZ now and then nibbling on flowers. She progressed to eating a snack we have since come to call "cricket crunchies", and  I even got them mermaid approved through rp. She also has a tendency to share fruit, which she has accessories displaying, to other characters. When she doesn't have them equipped, I improvise ways to get access to things. Many folk see me in SZ frequently, so it should come as no surprise that I would hide fruit and things behind the cushions there.

Ok, well that's enough babbling out of me. But just so you can see what I mean am including a picture and a bit of one sided rp. When starting an interaction, sometimes it can seem like you're playing by yourself, but don't be afraid to play. Having fun is the key element to enjoying your time. Here ya go.

Tiamet swims around the cavern, her tail flipping as she circles a pillar deciding that for a moment she can rest.  Her form sinks slightly her elbows coming to rest on the top of the pillar as her eyes stare at her surroundings lazily, a slightly bored expression on her face. The slight movement of the water causes her hair to sway around her face, the crown resting on top of it keeping most of it in place. She watches the bubbles escaping the plants, and playfully tries to let a bubble escape from her own mouth, and with a bit of effort she manages one pathetic bubble which slowly disappears up into the caverns darkness above.

Play like the rules never matter. ~ Tiamet ~

Friday, July 20, 2012

Avatar Appearance

Avatar appearance is a very important concept when it comes to second life. There are many different styles that we have access to, that many of us could never dream of having in reality. Currently, I'm going to be referencing fashion and appearance as it is to be seen in The Village. This is applicable to things outside as well, But I see no reason to ramble on about jeans and sneakers if we're not going to be wearing them.

What items are used to make up your avatar appearance?

One of the first things an avatar is going to have is it's shape. What are you going to look like? Do you have an hourglass figure? Are you short and busty? Do you have a delectable pear-like appearance? Do you want to mimic a rl look, or be a fantastical being? Are you tall and thin? Are you masculine? Are you feminine? Do you make people wonder what you are?

Your shape is one of the first things someone is going to see when you show up on a sim. More often than not it can take a few seconds for your skin and clothes to catch up, leaving you that wonderful sl unrezzed grey color many of us know so well. But a shape will usually hold up even if other things do not. (Unless of course you end up ruthed, but that's a blog topic for another day).

The next thing most people will look at closely is going to be your skin. Are you wearing one of the standard noob skins? Or have you at least managed to find a skin that is going to enable you to have tone? There is nothing wrong with a starter skin, but it is highly advised to find a skin that expresses something about yourself. Your skin should be something that you find appealing to look at.

If you're not sure what kind of skin you'd be interested in start paying attention to the avatars around you. If there's a look someone has that interests you don't be afraid to ask them about it. Many people find it flattering when someone asks them about their avatar build.

Hair is a touchy subject. With the influx of mesh hair available in sl, many people are moving towards it. But I would like to remind you that mesh hair doesn't flow like the flexi hair, and not all viewers can see mesh. Which equates to many bald men and women wandering around some sims. It is very frustrating to some players when someone asks why they're bald.  They're not (usually) it's just mesh being uncooperative. Some viewers have issues with mesh , because it requires a higher amount of resource usage than the computer can offer.

I like the flexi hair, that has a bounce to it when an avatar moves, personally. But everyone is allowed their own opinions. There are many different shops in sl in which to find hair, so I recommend starting your search on the marketplace, as that's an assured way to get a good viewing of different styles. Then you can check many of the stores out inside sl itself. Try a few different styles until you find something that really feels right to you.

Clothes are going to be a recurring topic here but here's what you wanna keep in mind. Clothes are made by a lot of different people with various ideas on what is considered quality. What I like in clothes is flow and detailing. So when you pick something to wear, think about how it looks, and how it will look on your avatar. You, after all, are most likely not the same shape as the model.

Keep in mind also, what would your character be able to do with the outfit. How does it flows? can she hide herself behind one of the draping silks? Or is it so short she will fidget trying to keep it pulled down to cover her bottom? Is there a dagger that he can use to cut rope? Or is it regal and clearly made to give the idea of wealth? Think about your character and how you intend to present them and make sure to keep that in mind when you pick your outfit. The wrong outfit can always clash with a personality and create a bump in your believability.

Remember! The person who is going to be spending the most time with your avatar is YOU! What does this mean? This means that regardless what any other player in SL may say to you, the opinion that matters at the end of the day is your own.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Village Castle and More

Fire sent in some snapshots from a few locations on the Village sim. The first three you're going to see include one of her standing on the castle roof. The other two are similar in their content but they give you a glimpse over the rooftops and into the courtyard below. Many of you may have spent a lot of time running over the rooftops or down these corridors. So it is very pleasing to see them again.

Another shot shows her standing in front of the safe zone. In the background you can see the half sunken ship that hovered above one of the four entrances into the water chase.

The last shot shows the village buildings that were walled in. At the very far center The Onyx Ring Tavern can be seen, the windmill to the left in the picture. In the very left you can see a sliver of the building that called itself the wizards house when the doors were clicked. But it's the rooftops of the buildings in the picture that again, like the rooftops in the castle, were bounced over and around and through during the chase.

These pictures were sent in by Fire Stoanes.

Remember, you're more than welcome to send in images (you can even write and let me know who and what they are if you'd like, otherwise I'm going to be writing what I see and recognize in the pictures.) Naming the pictures helps in this as well since I will know who's in the pictures then. You can send them to Tiamet Resident or l0lafinizi Resident in world, or they can be emailed to thesasspack (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thank you for visiting! ~Tiamet~

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

10-31-2010 The Halloween Dance

There was apparently a lot of fun had on Halloween in 2010 at the Village, and the pictures definitely display a variety of avatars that were available for the event. I know there's more images floating around so once I get more of them I'll make another post ^_^  Who knows what's going to be coming up in our wonderful blog^_^ (and it's all thanks to YOU our amazing readers)

 Thriller Dance ^_^

pictures courtesy of Rock Chick (Paige Bollissima)

Monday, July 16, 2012


So, spotlighting community members would be a lot easier if they're willing to volunteer information. So today's post is going to include a list of questions for anyone interested in having themselves spotlighted on the blog. Consider it you're own 15 minutes of SL fame.

SL Name:
Favorite clothing store:
Favorite accessory:
Favorite skin maker:
What kind of hair do you wear?:
Recommended song for running:
Who made your bow (if you use one):
What kind of AO do you use?:
Favorite quote:
Tell us about your character's background in the village:
Do you have a sl goal?

Mind you these are just recommended questions. You can  choose to answer them in full informative format. Or you are welcome to be as simply direct as possible. What I would like you to include though is a picture of your avatar to be posted with your profile. If at all possible, please include a style card like listing for what you're wearing in the image if at all possible (list of the name of the outfit and maker, hair and skin maker,shape etc.) because you never know who's going to get a look at you and be interested in more information about your look. (Or YOU ^_~)

This information can either be dropped as a nc in sl to Tiamet Resident or l0lafinzi Resident, or emailed to thesasspack (at) gmail (dot) com. (you should replace the words with the appropriate symbols ^_~) She'll make sure that the information is formatted and cued up to be presented to your waiting public.

Safe and happy runnings! ~ Tiamet~

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Village Burned

Saturday we saw the Village burn into SL oblivion and history. It is a tragedy, but we will never really lose the Village completely. I say this because we were all part of it. Which means even though the space itself is gone, we are not. There will always be a little bit of the Village left as long as someone remembers it.

 Some were able to watch the flames. But all discussed what was to come. What would be the next chapter. Things are rarely the same when brought back, and change is something that we all need to accept. That doesn't mean that we should desire change for the sake of change. But we can accept it and learn from the past as it is.

But we won't forget. We made friends here, we learned new things here. And what matters most is the memories we take away with us. So don't despair, it is never fully gone as along as we remember.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

For All The Beautiful Amazing Friends I Made...This Is For You.

The ending of an Era

The news that the Village is closing is a huge shock to me. And it frightens me to think that something so wonderful is coming to an end. But the fact of the matter is that when it comes to SL nothing is forever. No matter what we want to think or believe. Every great thing eventually comes to an end.

With that in mind I'd like to ask you, our brethren, our sisters, to share your memories with us. We may not be able to stay, we can't pry open a clam that's closing for the last time. But we can reminisce and share our thoughts. Funny instances, or wonderful role play experiences, we're open to your input.

The only thing that I ask is that if you send us RP notes, check and make sure it's alright with the person that you were playing with. This makes sure that when and if the tid bit is posted, they aren't surprised to see their writing bared and exposed for others to see. I know it can be a bit shocking and embarrassing if it happens without warning.

If we could fight to keep the sim alive, I know that there are those that would bear arms to do so. There are some of us that only have our words to offer, they're the only weapons we have. Don't let this go unquestioned. Don't let it go without a response. We are here, we are listening, and we want to know what you have on your minds.

I'm terrified. I don't think I have anywhere in SL to consider home right now, the Village was the closest thing to a Home I had left. I've made the most amazing friends here, and I don't want to lose them.  We will figure out a way to stay in contact am sure, but this can't be the end. Things don't simply end without creating an opening for folk to escape into. I just don't see the enterance to that wonderful rabbit hole right now... this Alice has no Wonderland to go to.

Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. It may be a line from a Disney movie, but it exemplifies the feeling I've often felt while at the Village. So regardless where we end up, am sure we will remember the wonderful times that we've all shared. Thank you all so much, for some of the best times I've ever had in SL.

Waiting for a Miracle . ~Tiamet~

Camp rock 2 : the final jam - Can't Back Down

"We got a situation that we can't ignore
'Cause ignorance is not bliss
We know not to take this, no
With every big decision
comes an equally important share of the risk
We gotta take this on

We can't back down
There's too much at stake
This is serious
Don't walk away

We can't pretend
It's not happening
In our own backyard
Our own home plate

We've been called out
Do you hear your name?
I'm not confused
Let's win this thing

We can't back down
There's too much at stake
Don't walk away
Don't walk away"

Friday, July 13, 2012

Open Hunt Tonight!

Good Luck during Open hunt girlies! Have fun guys and remember that it's just once every two weeks us girls get to prey on you (and only if you're willing to let us try.) Remember it's from 6:30 pm slt - 6:30 am slt, and the girls are allowed to hunt!

Make sure to adjust your green titler appropriately to indicate whether you are pred or pey, and whether you are prey for male or female only, if you're prey for only one gender. It is very important to do this as it makes sure people know who and what they can hunt. ^_~

Oh and if anyone has a chance, can someone keep a list of who is prey? I'd love to interview them about it later. ^_~

Ricky Martin : The Best Thing About Me Is You
DJ Schmolli : Cruelly Good Summer Feeling
The All American Rejects : Move Along
Me First And The Gimme Gimmes : Jolene
My Pet Dragon : Moonshine
Kate Bush : The Red Shoes
Taylor Swift : You Belong With Me
Tim McGraw : Indian Outlaw
Tori Amos : Happy Phantom Girl In Town
Humpty Dumpster : If It's Too Loud, You're Too Old
Hicksville Bombers : The Prettiest
Elastica : Vaseline


Tongue In Cheek Stuff

We all know that all village prey have a huge amount of SASS in one way or another...that's what makes us so damn irresistible! A good playful sense of humour is always present in the village...sometimes the quick witted jokes that pass between the pred & prey during social times has me in stitches...I myself have a very odd sense of humour, i think its part of being from the UK...some get me, some don't...but THIS post really made me laugh that i fell across in PoniEE's profile...she was kind enough to allow us to blog it & share with you guys, her take on dealing with preds! Enjoy ;)

(This is meant to be a JOKE, funny haha)

Hot to avoid a Predator:
1. Don't wear an AO, nobody wants a noob.
2. Wear something on your face so they cant see how good looking you really are.
3. Carry sharp objects, it means you are too dangerous for them.
4. Don't wear a cape of any kind, we are trying to hide your awesomeness, not make it shine like a rainbow.
5. Play dead often. Predators only want Fresh ass.
6. Respond to his RP with song lyrics or random facts, They don't like when you are smarter than they are.
7. Learn how to use your rock, and use it well. Men hate when you are a better aim then them.
8. Give them a time frame to capture you, if they can't do it in that amount of time ask them if they would rather submit to you.
9. Capture and Bind them first. Take them somewhere public and laugh hysterically at them and run away. 
10. If any of these don't work for you, hang out with Me and learn these tricks first hand.

Courtesy of Ponieeexpress Ragged  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Open Hunt This Friday!

That's right girls! Get your bows out and practice, Open Hunt is this Friday at the Village! It happens once every 2 weeks, and Friday's the night our waiting is done! What does that mean for those of you that have never participated in open hunt before? Keep reading to find out.

Well first of all it goes from 6:30 pm slt through 6:30 am slt (that is our window of opportunity). Opportunity for what though, you ask? Well it's our opportunity to hunt. Girls are invited to change their green titler tag to pred, and hunt those that have the word prey in their titles. Which means, YES you can hunt that adorable pred you've had your eye on for the past two weeks (as long as he changes his tag to prey that is).

The Pretty Reckless : Hit Me Like A Man

"I am strong, love is evil
It's a version of perversion that is only for the lucky people
Take your time and do with me what you will
I won't mind, you know I'm ill, you know I'm ill
So hit me like a man and love me like a woman
Buried and sad, look me in the eyes, I want it
One will give you hell, one will give you heaven
Hit me like a man, love me like a woman
Love me like a woman"

Monday, July 9, 2012

Something that's been wandering...

The Following list has been wandering around SL for a long time, for those that may not have seen it before, it's quite charming. 

1. When she walks away from you mad
[ Follow her ]
2. When she stares at your mouth
[ Kiss her ]
3. When she misses you
[ She's hurting inside ]
4. When she starts cussing at you
[ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]
5. When she's quiet
 [ Ask her whats wrong ]
6. When she ignores you
[ Give her your attention ]
7. When she pulls away
[ Pull her back ]
8. When you see her at her worst
[ Tell her she's beautiful ]
9. When you see her start crying
[ Just hold her and don't say a word ]
10. When you see her walking
[ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]
11. When she's scared
[ Protect her ]
12. When she lays her head on your shoulder
[ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]
13. When she looks at you in your eyes
[ Don't look away until she does ]
14 .When she doesn't answer for a long time
[ Reassure her that everything is okay ]
15. When she says that she likes you
[ She really does; MORE than you could understand]

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Silky Prey

This is my first fashion post and i want to take this chance to review one of the amazing silks from Deviance. They are one of the best fantasy/role play outfitters on the market, they come at a price but they are truly beautiful.  This one is 'Enchantress'
The textures are beautiful and it fits in all the right places. There is a choice of a few different looks for the detail on the jewels around the hips and it comes with resizing menu.
I rate these beautiful, slinky silks so get yourself to their store and grab yourself something sexy. 


[LeLutka] Hair 'Trend' Rigged Mesh
[Forge] Noir Collar

Friday, July 6, 2012

Getting To Know You

                                                                           The Team
                                                   Nykkee                Lola                     Tiamet          Sophia

Hi Guys!

Just a quick foreword from me to welcome you to the all new Sass Pack blog.
Anyone who wishes to contribute can contact any of us as new Sass bloggers are always welcomed! You can pretty much include anything from Silk reviews, weapon (Bow) reviews, short stories, book reviews, Role play tips, Fashion, anything else that might be of interest, be creative!
We will of course be reviewing the open hunts and giving all the gory preds...get your scrubbing gloves out for the ladies! Monthly Pred will also be making a show...want to nominate your pred for 'Pred of the Month?' look out for the poll going around the village and stick his name down and give a good reason!
And last but not least we will have the 'Weekly Blah' a chance to get an insiders view on topics cropping up around the village, Our lovely Sophia will be leading the discussion on the stark differences between a RL M/S relationship and of one in SL very look out for that and we look forward to your feedback and comments..   

Safe paths to all!


The Sass Pack Blog Goes Live

There are many reasons to sing and dance and have fun. In second life there is no end to the things that we can do or see. This is our first post, so consider it a leaping point.

We're planning to give you reviews, tips on fashion and sales, hunting, and who knows we might even be lucky enough to get some guest pred writers in! But the main thin is that we're here to have fun and share what makes The Village, such a wonderful place to hang out and make friends.

If you have any ideas or questions feel free to leave a comment below, as that will help us know what kind of things you're interested in.

Abney Park - Neobedouin

"Running daily, hunted nightly
I know we must stay sprightly
Our numbers thinning every day
So in tether, we dance together
Our bonds have forged all weather
Ours is the law that we obey"

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Remember RUN & JUMP! ~Tia