Saturday, February 2, 2013

Moving Mainstream?

It baffles me to no end the way that Shades of Grey has been snapped up by various outlets. The book series is very popular, and although it doesn't necessarily present a positive or factual scenario; It has brought the idea of BDSM type activities into a brighter light. I can accept that the movie industry is thinking about making a movie out of it. Popular literature is an appealing source for them, because they have a pre-made target audience and don't have to hope that there is a niche for them.

But this, I wasn't expecting. *points at the cropped photo from her phone*

Yes, they're moving to accessories already. Cutsey t-shirts, underpants, jewelry and thigh high stockings of various sorts are what I saw when I investigated the display in the store. It's not really anything too bad, but are they blurring lines that they ought to leave alone? There are people that are figuring that the books are something to base ideas and activities around. That isn't a bad thing.

But there are lifestylers that may find it annoying to see some things used so flippantly. There are a lot of people that just think that they're dealing with a fashion statement, or expressing their adoration for the interesting "Mr. Grey". But unlike Harry Potter fans, Grey fans may find themselves in some interesting conversations. These can be uncomfortable for both parties involved.

So what I'm trying to get at is this: know what you're wearing. Think about the multi-facets that something can express. Educate yourself on symbolism, and don't be afraid to express yourself. But don't expect everyone to see what you're wearing and interpret it to mean what you've intended it to. So please, I know a number of you DO know what you are doing, and you are all (I think anyways) adults and entitled to do as you like. But take into mind the message your choices may send to those around you.

There are many beautiful things available to accessorize and express yourself. I personally have a set of neon rainbow plastic bamboo look bracelets. I was trounced after work one night (rl) by a group of gay men who felt that if I wasn't gay I shouldn't be wearing them. I had a very long discussion with them, and after we went on our ways. I won't forget it because they seemed slightly hostile at first, but calmed down as we discussed why I wear them. This is only an example of what I mean though. Am sure a number of folk have their own experience, good and bad.

Please have good ones.

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