Friday, January 18, 2013

An Alpha Relationship

Am very sorry that the past month has been a bit sparse. Reality hasn't been kind, and there hasn't been a lot to write 'home' about. But I did recently finish reading a very good book. No, not a Shades of Grey one (the next two of those are still on the to read list). But the book I read did explore in its own ways the way a pack works, as well as the idea of there being an Alpha personality as the leader of a group.

The Mating
by Nicky Charles
895 pgs

First of all I acquired this book for free, I think from the nook book website. That said it isn't something that is going to be coming up on the best seller list soon. But if you're looking for a good piece to read and kill some time, I recommend it. There are a few mistakes in the formatting, as well as a few errors in words and name use. But they aren't enough to detract from the overall storyline.
Available Here

Most of the story revolves around a pair of characters named Elise and Kane. Through some alliance type action they're led to a relationship neither of them had planned.There's also mystery, intrigue, and a lot of interesting plot twists. But WHY am I posting here about it? That's the question that I'm sure a lot of you are asking.

The concept of having an Alpha Male in a group is what brings this story into our realm of examination. When people are looking at people as being dominant in a relationship or social situation, certain types do take point and lead. So it was nice to read this book because we're all looking for someone to watch over us sometimes.

Why did I enjoy this book? It was a mystery with a nice feel to it. There as a lot of instances that showed that the writer had thought about how people in a pack would interact. It was fascinating, and the romantic elements weren't horrible either. In any case enough babbling out of me, I'm going to leave you with a rather amusing definition of Alpha Male. Thanks for joining us!

One way that Alpha Male as defined on

The term 'Alpha Male' can be defined in both a classical and modern sense. The classical definition derives from the animal kingdom and represents a physical form of dominance over other males. The alpha male lion, for example, claims sexual rights to all females, fights off other male lions to enforce it, eats first after every hunt and dominates a vast territory of land for hunting rights.

In a modern/human sense, younger males (teens, early 20s) will subscribe to the classical form. Like a lion, they will often be the strongest, most intimidating, hit on all of the women beta males want, are usually the first to have new sexual experiences and often dominate a set territory in their 'hunt' for new women, such as local nightclub scenes.

Older alpha males, however, will evolve the classical traits of strength, intimidation and dominance beyond the physical by gaining power over men through their very means of living and professional reputation. A powerful business executive, for example, will hire, promote, demote and fire others according to how well they serve his own interests. Rock stars, famous actors and other individuals of 'power' hold very similar capabilities over others in their respective professions.

Younger alpha males who cannot mature into the modern form will usually cling to the classical form of alpha-maleness for as long as possible.

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