Friday, December 7, 2012

Light Reading

Or also known as a slight change of pace. This month am sure a lot of us are going to be spending a decent amount of time with our families. We are likely to get bored, annoyed, and just want some sort of entertainment to use as an escape hatch. Second Life isn't always an option in times like these, but reading can be. So what does this mean?

It means that I've gone and dug my nook out and I'm going to be sharing some thoughts on a few different books, novella's, and short stories that you may find interesting. I will say before hand, it's likely a number of the things I may mention you may not have heard of. Why am I saying this off the bat? Well, I have a habit of roaming the internet and checking out different websites where authors offer their work up for free. As a way to get people interested in their writing.

Also this month is December! Which means there are a number of holiday affairs going on in world! So if you find something that you'd like to share with the rest of us, we are always happy to have a guest blogger. You can share just about anything, just as long as you enjoy it. Just contact us in world or by email.

Thank You for joining us!

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