Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Pirates & A Mer

 Patience grumbles "Stupid human girl" under her breath

Rue smiles and binds the wild lady. Kindly wrapping some rope around her wrists. "My darling one what was that you were swinging at me" hearing it grumble snaps at the leash bound to the bindings "pardon me? how am I the stupid one when it would appear I am holding the leash?"

Patience huffs "I only swing at you when you hit me with the sharp!.. I can see where they come from you know!"

Rue shouts over to her friend to come see what she has caught and stops mid shout and tugs on the leash pulling her along behin

Rue smiles up at Brick "what would you reckon I caught?"

Patience got pulled along, tugging hard at the leash as the woman drug her.. She looked at the man for a moment, a smile forming oh her lips "Well hello"

Brick smiles " you got some one wanted to be caught "

Rue looks over her shoulder and smirks then glances back to Brick. "caught, yes. But me....I would venture a NO" snickers

Patience looked at the man, her eyes roaming his body, what he might consider an interested look was in truth searching his body for shiny things. She smiled seeing the large gold circle on his kilt, her eyes lingering there for a moment before looking back at the woman

Brick looks back at the captured prey " what you searching for in me is nothing would be interesting for you " looks back her her scaley body , "you seem kinda inserting then mine

Patience averted her gaze from the woman, instead settling it back on the man, she had a natural dislike for human women and shooting at her did not help. She smiled to him "You are not hard to look at'

Rue catches her captives wondering eye at her friend. Smile and back up slowly inches away from his warm body and slightly slithers down and up his body before turning and smiles before stealing a kiss with a soft moan "is this what you are desiring" smile back at the captive

Patience bit her bottom lip, feigning a bit of jealousy as she watched. She did not know the man, and had no real desire for him, except for the possibility of using him to get her off the woman's leash. "Oh um.. yes" She figured to play on his ego

Brick gives the scaley women a glace over Rue shoulder and raises his eye brows wondering what she is um'ing about , thinking to himself if she had any plans

Rue perks a brow and looks coldly at her taps her chin and thinks of what be of best use of her capture. " may fetch a pretty penny, I know pirates ❤ to all kinds of things to beings like you"

Patience wrinkled her nose at the idea "But they don't bathe!! " she whined

Brick turns around at her as he watchs the huge bird " well , probably the pirates you been with might have felt that way , not with his handsome pirate who you never came across"

 Brick humms at Rue's thought " that would be a good one I guess "

Patience looked at him, her hands flying to her hip together as they were bound to the leash "As if I'd been with them, I can smell them for miles!" She looked at the lady considering her options and a tear started slowly sliding down her cheek, she cried softly at first, a gut wrenching, heartbreaking sound that could tear at the soul

Rue reaches her other arm back puling Brick in close and turns her head to the side and breaths in deep, smelling with out fear of her nostrils being assaulted. "mmmm you do smell good"

Brick kisses Rue as she gets closer him to smell him " I do more then smelling good " winks and looks back at her asking " what about the dancing thought ".

Rue smiles blushingly and slightly shivers feeling the space between Brick and her close. shakes her head and looks up at the girl "yes how about dancing for us? I honestlly wouldnt dream of bringing any harm to you"

Patience 's cry grew louder, becoming a wail, its tone beckoning them to comfort her "I just wanna go homeee, won't you let me go home?"

Brick watches closely around as the bird goes ,spots a wingless fairy sneaking from back " looks like we got more spectators waiting on a dance "

Beth crouches upon the hill near the tree silenty observing the commotion below. Such strange creatures humans be. With quiet moves she lays her sword upon the ground at her feet close to where she could grasp it if needed while she pulled forth an arrow to grip within her right hand

Rue grits her teeth and tightens one shoulder nearly cringing at her wailing cries. "of course I will let you go home.......would you like us to escort you there?" grins almost wickedly at her

Patience nodded, bringing the bindings to her face to wipe her nose on the rag beneath as best she could, knowing if she got them underwater she would keep them there

Brick "awww's" at her as she starts cry louder , looks at his friend Rue not sure if we asked more then just a dance " looks back at the fairy lady ash she grips a arrow seems like she is ready to pounce ,keeps an eye on her

Beth keeps her bow down along with the arrow placed in the grass more as precaution. Her foot on the edge of her sword to flip it upwards into her hands should danger precipitate that she has cause to use the weapon. Her eyes glow like silver beams of moonlight as she watches with vivid curiousity as the children of man play with the fish. Her head tilts to the side as she wonders what game the fish is playing.

Rue tugs playfully at the leash pulling it away from her mouth. Sighs softly as she watches this mysterious creature grows a longing needful look in her eyes to return home. Feels her heart swell as if a rushing wave had crashed down on her heart as if it were rocks. Looks back to Brick and gives a puzzling look "what shall I do? Shall I release her an maybe pay for it. Or put her in a cage just above the water?"

Patience heard the woman's idea, and her skin nearly turned white, she shook her head no vigorously.. "No cage.. Please.. " she started wailing again and tugging on the bindings, trying to pull the leash from the woman's hands

Brick looks back at a Rue as she looks puzzled at him " not sure if she deserves to be freed , pauses for a moment "umm ah probably we can let her go and maybe make a deal for the next time "

Rue curls a wicked grin cuing in. "mmm so you are a mermaid turn land walker after all. Then here is what I will request of you for your freedom. Tis not much in return if you think about it. I will need for you to collect 16 pearls from the waters here and bring them to me." steps in close her nose touching her neck and takes in a deep breath "I know you scent as I know all scents and smells here on this island. If you do not bring me these pearls I shall hunt you down and lock you in a cage until uselessness or old age accepts the bars to cage I will make for you"

Patience looked at him with distrust, she had heard about pirates and their deals, never good. She stopped her crying and held her wrists out to Rue "I will dance.. Here.. I know I can not out run your sharps. I will not take the treasures of the deep and give them to humans, they are not yours"

Beth cocks her head curious as to why the fish is not using her song.. she looks like a siren but perhaps she is mistaken.

Rue slyly looks down glancing a small heh kind of look as she becomes reassured at being able to fool another mythical being. "you mean you will not steal from mother her precious gift?" smiles and with out a second thought releases her. Peering into her eyes and for a moment lets her eyes flicker a deep shade of blue only the depths have seen before looking away "I shall not forget this and I mean that lovingly"

Brick well "humms ah now this looks like the negotiator negotiating , looks back at the binds and looks at the scaley lady to remind her that she is still captured and has to do what is told or he guess the cages is ready for her

Patience smiled as the ropes were removed from her and began to dance

Friday, January 17, 2014

Marketplace Gifts for Men

I know that a number of folks say that there's nothing out there for guys. And true, it is harder to come up with reasonable gifts for male players. This particular post isn't aimed at our seasoned SL players, but more  to some of our newer ones. we have a variety of items that I've found on marketplace, that are currently free to those who just go and add  them to their shopping carts.
This particular outfit comes in three colors from The Bottom Line

Men's Gypsy Costume from Gypsy Wolf

Lost Gem Mesh Assassin

~The Old Forge~ Travellers Cloak - Male

A very nice modern mesh mens outfit from UnZip Me

Well, that's a few options. As am sure many of you know by now you never know what you can find on marketplace, all you need to do is take the time to look. I hope you all have some fun and if you decide to model them, let us see what you do with them?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

No Thimbles?

[00:48]  Arjun Ethaniel blinks
[00:48]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles
[00:48]  Arjun Ethaniel: well, well well, this is new
[00:49]  Tia Bell (tiamet) tips her head "why you say dat?"
[00:50]  Arjun Ethaniel shrugs, then grinning, "Just in effort to figure out what happened."
[00:50]  Tia Bell (tiamet) tips her head looking curious "Happened to what?"
[00:50]  Arjun Ethaniel points at you, "The last time we met you were, umm, less vertically challenged."
[00:51]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles "AH..... Well...not all of us stay the same as we generally appear to be <.< Depending on what am up to there are different ways to go about it you know..."
[00:53]  Arjun Ethaniel scratches his head, then admits, "No." A pause and then, "But, The look seem to carry on the same principles, it seems."
[00:53]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles and flits around him eye glimmering "we all have secrets."
[00:54]  Arjun Ethaniel tilts his head, ascending, "We all do. " He takes a step closer to pixie, "But some's are more intriguing than the rest."
[00:56]  Tia Bell (tiamet) flits a bit higher and a step or two back as he moves closer. "It all depends on the audience."
[00:57]  Arjun Ethaniel stops short as she moves away and up, he looks up following her, as the moon bathes the night with silvery hue, "Being myself one apparently, should I feel fortunate to be an audience?"
[00:58]  Tia Bell (tiamet) shakes her head "The whole island listens you know. Every secret, every instance, thrums through it's core." grins impishly. " We are merely keys in it's song."
[01:01]  Arjun Ethaniel "Perhaps." He shrugs, fully agreeing then, because in his spirit he had had felt that pull too, as every other Pan's boy do. He rephrases, "Of course. But he.... she... most definitely she is a detached deity. We may be the keys to her songs, or words in her poem. But what about our own? Our own songs, our own poems? If they are not for each other...then..." He shakes his head
[01:03]  Tia Bell (tiamet) flits in closer, her fett just grazing his shoulder as she leans in to whisper in his ear, giggling. "they are for all... it is not for ones own heart, but for every heart that one dances and makes the music that makes the world a beautiful place." she giggles running the fingertips of one small hand along his ear if he doesna move too quickly.
[01:07]  Arjun Ethaniel doesn't. He stands there, in complete and absolute lack of motion, and listens the to the word, of a pixie, of fae, of a all of that, and beyond, a woman. He turns his head askew and says in the same hushed tone, "Human nature, dearest pixie. We always strive for what we can't have."
[01:09]  Tia Bell (tiamet) tips her head peering into the eye that's turned her way, a impish grin lighting her face. "AH, but we don't always want what the humans want, do we?" Her words lilt in a sing song manner, her hand moving to gently brush along his nose if he doesna move. "Besides, who decides what one can or cannot have? Generally we are limited only by our own fears."
[01:14]  Arjun Ethaniel again, he doesn't. Her hand brush lightly against his nose, and he is reminded, of abundance of summer, of plenty back in his home. He lifts his hand offering her a place to stand, he deduces that all that fluttering must get tiresome. He snorts, very shortly, "Fear is sanity. But even sanity is a hindrance in the route for absolution." he switches from one foot to the other, to repress call of the land in his own veins.
[01:17]  Tia Bell (tiamet) settles on his palm with a grin smoothing her garments to get any wrinkles off. She giggles at his snort, and wiggles her nose, hoping it wasna her dust making him do so. "But without fear, how do we know if there is happiness or not?" she spins on his palm, the bottoms of her feet warm as she runs them along his gloved palm.
[01:22]  Arjun Ethaniel takes a seat of his own on the railing behind him. "I am not advocating insanity. I am advocating the conquest of fear." He watches her twirl, and twist and run on his palm,, his breath hitch, " He smiles directly, "I am professing that to be an audience of this phenomenon brings me happiness."
[01:25]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles some as he leans on the railing, the movement sending a slight jolt along him that she feels through his palm even if he did not. She grins laughing. "We're all a bit mad you know.... they taught me all about it in wonderland." her voice lilts again and she smiles back at him, Before looking around the island. "True there are none so merry or blessed as those that are here in never never land."
[01:31]  Arjun Ethaniel eyes the castle looming over them a moment, like a bullock's neck it shades the sky with a stoney countenance, "I wouldn't know, I have never been to these other lands. The memory of my own itself, is vague, in fragments."But I have heard of your land." He smirks, " Trailing a finger of the other hand on the path she is taking, "Tell me about this mad hatter person. He sounds a man after my heart."
[01:33]  Tia Bell (tiamet) pauses looking at him with curiosity "My land?" she looks a wee bit confused but shrugs it off, her wings flipping as she grabs his wandering finger and tries to straighten his hand up on his palm to use as a dance partner. "The mad Hatter, is far from mad, in fact he is very wise. There are many things his mind can see, than a scholars can devise."
[01:37]  Arjun Ethaniel nods agreeably, "My mistake then. If the man has the respect of a pixie so wise, then he must be wise beyond any mages and wizards , or pirates I have come to know. And is it not your land, I presumed so when you said You were traits of madness back in there. I presumed you are of Wonderland." His eyes sparkle with brimming curiosity, "And what about the red queen, is she as evil as they say, and the white queen, is she as beautiful.. and white as they say?"
[01:40]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles and dances around using his thumb and pinkie for hands as he guides his hand in a waltz across his palm, bubbling laughter brimming from her. "Oh no! I am a story thief.... I travel the story realms to bring back artifacts to never land, so that the belief in their existence will help to keep never land vibrant and alive." Her eyes catch the curiosity in his eyes and she grins. "Aye she is just as evil, but is merely in her nature. The white beautiful... but not as lovely as our island."
[01:45]  Arjun Ethaniel it's almost like an innocent game, a game of hide and seek. Seeing her trudge along the veins of his hand in her own macabre dance, he realizes the land still ascertain at least some amount of innocence still, as does she, the self proclaimed, story thief, and as does he, who once was a boy and who is still lost. He looks at her with new respect, tilting his head, "So you are the one who keeps our land as she is. Vibrant and beautiful, and alive. Questionable tactics." He admits with a grin, "But highly effective. You wouldn't hear a complaint about a trick well done from a Pan's follower."
[01:49]  Tia Bell (tiamet) grins mischievously releasing his hand and walking up to his elbow and sitting there eyes studying his face if he doesna move to put her back on his hand. "Not I, I merely seek to bring what's needed.... We have green elixirs from oz, mushrooms and cookies, and a wee bit of drink me from wonderland....and a few other things....kept here safe and as far as we care, unknown. For they're believed in yet. That is what is important.." She flips her wings batting her eyelashes at him. "Ah but do ~YOU~ like to be tricked?" her tone teases playfully.
[01:55]  Arjun Ethaniel plops down to the floor of the deck, still accommodating her, and keeping an eye on her as trots her way to his elbow. Her tiny feet barely leaving an impression there. He says earnestly, "You bring balance in our land, after the shift of magic, you and those others keep neverland what it is, a place for uninhabited imagination. He gently, very very gently touches her cheek with the tip of his other thumb, "Thank you." But her next comment does get a curious, and weary look from him, "At times yes. Mostly though, I prefer to be an accomplish."
[01:59]  Tia Bell (tiamet) curls her fingertips tightly in the fabric of his coat as he sits, careful not to fall from the crook seat. She nuzzles his thumb letting out a giggle before trying to nip the pad of it. "No thanks needed... belief in magic is imperative to our existence... if there was none...what would happen to us?" She giggles some as he confesses to preferring to be an accomplice. "Well, than rather than being tricked, may I ask for a gift from you?" her words are merry and have a hopeful hue to them if they were colored they'd be bright as a spring rain rainbow.
[02:03]  Arjun Ethaniel lets her nip at his thumb, a laughter rolling out of him. he laughs, throwing his head back, his entire body shake with reverberating happiness. He takes his thumb back, kissing it himself, " I don't find fear in being forgotten. That is a very abstract concept for me these days. These days My survival becomes precedence. I don't have much pixie. None at all, it seems. But if it is something I can give, then it is yours."
[02:05]  Tia Bell (tiamet) shifts standing and stretching her arms up to his shoulder as she climbs as best she can, struggling slightly to get footholds in the fabric until she's perched on his shoulder (unless he stops her). She whispers softly "Do you have any marbles?"
[02:08]  Arjun Ethaniel with the corner of his eyes he watches her as he climbs up and up until she is perched on his shoulder, he blinks at her odd request, "What? Marbles? Like the ones we played with when we were boys?"
[02:09]  Tia Bell (tiamet) nods up and down "The pretty glass ones with things inside them, ja." She looks hopeful as she stands on his shoulder, one small hand curling into his hair in case he decides to move too quickly, so she can keep her balance.
[02:12]  Arjun Ethaniel thinks, and then shrugs, "I used to. One. As a remembrance of day's past. A siren managed to steal it, even if I later managed to deduce it and question her about it, the only thing she revealed that she gave it to one of her sisters." He frowns at her, "One of you." He grins wistfully at the memory, "Though I cant particularly complain. She was indeed a brave girl."
[02:14]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles and hrms,moving and carefully, trying to climb up onto the top of his head, her hands tug gently at his hair and her feet would tickle his ear as she used ti as a step up. "Shame... you should ask Pan to bring more back to de is no good for lost boys not to have any marbles." if she makes it to the top of his head she would sit there a moment.
[02:19]  Arjun Ethaniel for the first time he tries to stop her, reaching up, and gently trying to pluck her from his head and back on his palm, "You know," He says thoughtfully, "The only time she could have stolen it was when I was at the water and she was still on the deck. And then she discarded her clothes to jump in." He taps his chin, trying to connect dots, "So logically she would have to transfer it to someone else in between that time. " He peers down at her, raising an eyebrow, "Dearest pixie, do you have something to say for yourself?" The candle has finally lit
[02:22]  Tia Bell (tiamet) wriggles some as he tugs her from her climbing adventure but she doesna pull his hair too much letting go and sitting in his palm. She tips her head listening to him speak, an innocent air to her position as she sits on his palm. Her wings flip some. "What would I have to say?" her tone is curious and her eyes widen in surprise at his words. "You think I have something to do with it?"
[02:27]  Arjun Ethaniel winces at the slight pain as she pulls on his hair before letting go. Her answer, coming from apparently oh so innocent source should have satisfied him, if he didn't know what she is. She is beautiful, no doubt, and to be an audience of that beauty is enriching. But she is as mischievous as her kind comes. He almost pokes her nose, and but stops short considering the sheer difference between their size and what unwelcome horrible thing might just come from that. Instead, curling his finger behind her, he blows lightly on to her, making sure she doesn't fall off his palm. " You were the only one around there at the time that she could give it to. Don't lie now, pixie."
[02:29]  Tia Bell (tiamet) falls back against his fingertips as he blows on her, a worried cloud flickering across her face. "I am not lying. I do not know what you think I have done!" Her tone is plaintive and her lips purse into a pout as she shifts crouching on his palm.
[02:33]  Arjun Ethaniel sighs, rolling his his eyes, "Oh please, don't do that.. I can see through the sad faces. " he leans forward, and winks, "And anyway, I did promise you to give anything you wish for didnt i? If it was under my ability." And that marble, " He clears his throat, "I can give you. So there, pixie, you can have my marble."
[02:39]  Tia Bell (tiamet) tips her head and pats his palm before holding her hands out making grabby motions. "Huzzah! You're giving me a marble! Can I have it now then?" Her eyes go HUGE as she holds her hands palm up towards him waiting for the marble to be put in them.
[02:41]  Arjun Ethaniel sighs, so that didn't work. apparently even the exoneration from all the guilt wasn't enough to lure her to the trap, to make her at least confess of being the mastermind of such complex crime. he tilts his head, "Well played."
[02:43]  Tia Bell (tiamet) pouts and stomps one little foot on his palm making grabby hands some more. "You said I could have a marble!!!! Where is my marble?" Her tone lilts but is tinted with annoyance and her lips purse into a pout as she waits for the promised prize.
[02:46]  Arjun Ethaniel looks around, wincing at her voice, who knew such a small creature can compose out... THAT. He considers then gives her the only thing he could give, if she wants to play it this way then very well. He says, "That particular marble is at a keep sake to a fairy of this land. If you can manage to find her and compel her to give it to you, then it's yours"
[02:48]  Tia Bell (tiamet) hops up and down on his palm and whines unhappily "But you said you would give it to me NOW!" Her face is unhappy and her wings stretch out as she glowers at him, her bottom lip quivering in frustration. "I dun want one from someone else, you said I could have it from you!"
[02:51]  Arjun Ethaniel "No wait, right there, I dun recall mentioning any now, or you can have it from me. all i said if it's mine to give then its yours." He taps at her flowing hair, "I cant give you what I cant have. I can only give you the permission to have it if and when you do manage to get it." He smiles down at her charmingly."
[02:52]  Tia Bell (tiamet) glowers some and eyes him feeling him patronizingly tapping on her. SHe crosses her arms and huffs. "Then I want a thimble!"
[02:55]  Arjun Ethaniel shakes his head offering a placating gesture with free hand, "I am afraid I don't have it." He nods at her, "Can I offer something else?"
[02:57]  Tia Bell (tiamet) pouts at him some more looking at his face, knowing full well he has plenty of thimbles he just has no intention of sharing them with her. She pouts some more her bottom lip quivering as the corners of her eyes tilt down, big soggy tears dripping down her cheeks. "You have no thimbles at all?"
[02:57]  Arjun Ethaniel shakes his head quickly, "None whatsoever."
[02:59]  Tia Bell (tiamet) flops down on his palm and sobs big wet soggy tears. "How Terrible!!!! No thimbles!"
[03:00]  Arjun Ethaniel reaches forward, catching one big (respectively) tear on his finger, "Instead of thimbles would it it be such a shame if I offer a poem I learn a while ago, back in my childhood? You being the story thief, would you like that?"
[03:02]  Tia Bell (tiamet) sniffles some and wipes her nose on the back of her hand eying him, Sniffling she nods her head once. "Ja, dat...would be...acceptable." she huffs and snuffles trying to regain her composure.
[03:03]  Arjun Ethaniel nods, sighing in relief, though he very well knows that all that tears are just show, but he would rather prefer not having a shouting pixie on his palm, thank you very much. he gently puts her down on his lap, leaning back, and diving back into memory
[03:05]  Tia Bell (tiamet) shifts around on his lap until she is comfortable, her head resting on his tummy, and feeling the rise and fall of his form as he breathes. She sniffles some and grabs the corner of his shirt tugging it and blowing her nose on it before wiping her face on another spot.
[03:07]  Arjun Ethaniel with closed eyes, he says, "It is a song really, an imprint of a memory . A man's memory of his beloved. The one he call Banalata Sen.
[03:07]  Arjun Ethaniel recites,
[03:07]  Arjun Ethaniel: "Long I have been a wanderer of this world,
[03:07]  Arjun Ethaniel: Many a night,
[03:08]  Arjun Ethaniel: My route lay across the sea of Ceylon somewhat winding to
The seas of Malaya.
I was in the dim world of Bimbisar and Asok, and further off
In the mistiness of Vidarbha.
[03:08]  Arjun Ethaniel: I am a weary heart surrounded by life's frothy ocean.
To me she gave a moment's peace-Banalata Sen from Natore.

[03:08]  Tia Bell (tiamet) listens snuggling in, her head tipping as she hears the interesting names of places far away from neverland, far away on the mainland.
[03:09]  Arjun Ethaniel: Her hair was like an ancient darkling night in Vidisa,
[03:09]  Arjun Ethaniel: Her face, the craftsmanship of Sravasti.
[03:09]  Arjun Ethaniel: As the helmsman,
His rudder broken, far out upon the sea adrift,
Sees the grass-green land of a cinnamon isle, just so
Through darkness I saw her. Said she, "Where have you been so long?"
And raised her bird's-nest-like eyes-Banalata Sen from Natore.
[03:10]  Arjun Ethaniel: At day's end, like hush of dew
Comes evening. A hawk wipes the scent of sunlight from its wings.
When earth's colors fade and some pale design is sketched,
Then glimmering fireflies paint in the story.
[03:11]  Arjun Ethaniel: All birds come home, all rivers, all of this life's tasks finished.
only darkness remains, as I sit there face to face with Banalata Sen.

[03:12]  Tia Bell (tiamet) tips her head curious, and wondering what became of de Banalata Sen, wonders what comes next.
[03:12]  Arjun Ethaniel opens his eyes, "That's it"
[03:12]  Tia Bell (tiamet) shifts some "what happened to her?"
[03:13]  Arjun Ethaniel shrugs, "I do not know. Or to him for that matter. Perhaps they lived a happily ever after, or perhaps not."
[03:14]  Arjun Ethaniel cocks his head looking at her, "Would that suffice, my lady pixie?"

[03:14]  Tia Bell (tiamet) pouts a little. "It doesna have an ending then. That is quite peculiar." SHe peers up at him and pouts. "What would you have happen to them?
[03:16]  Arjun Ethaniel: "Me?" He smiles, "I like it as it is. It tells their journey will continue forth, To where, and to when, who knows. Perhaps she and him are here in neverland."
[03:17]  Tia Bell (tiamet) hrmmms and shakes her head "I ahvena met anyone by dat name... though folks do tend to hide behind different ones." pouts some anyway, because he still gave the story no closer. She shifts some anxious. "When will you get a marble or a thimble?"
[03:20]  Arjun Ethaniel "For the first," I am not sure, as for the second, he tilts his head at her, "I would say whenever you wish to."
[03:21]  Tia Bell (tiamet) grumbles some sitting back down crossing her arms and scrunching against him with a pouty sound. "But you already told me you don't have any!"
[03:22]  Arjun Ethaniel nods vigorously, "Not yet at least." he points at her, "The moment you give it to me, I will."
[03:24]  Tia Bell (tiamet) shifts some looking suspicious, "But that is me giving you one! I wants one from you!"
[03:25]  Arjun Ethaniel follows her with his eyes, "And I will give it back, two folds." He salutes, "Lost boy's honor."
[03:26]  Tia Bell (tiamet) shifts and stands in his lap looking up at him. "You promise?"
[03:27]  Arjun Ethaniel crosses his heart wordlessly
[03:30]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles and tries to climb up his shirt if he will let her, though it would be easier if he would give her a hand up.
[03:32]  Arjun Ethaniel "allow me." he says softly as he places his palm before her, if she climbs up, he would bring her to before his face.
[03:33]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles and shifts her feet trying not to fall off his palm. She pouts a little bit, eyes opening wide before she giggles. "Just a thimble, ja?"
[03:34]  Arjun Ethaniel smiles heartily, "Just one."
[03:39]  Tia Bell (tiamet) stretches on her tip toes, hands resting against his cheeks so she doesna fall. Giggling some she brushes her lips featherlight across the end of his nose, eyes closed as she does, the tips of her ears glowing pink as she blushes a bit.
[03:44]  Arjun Ethaniel feels as the stars shooting within his mind, his eyes open wide, as he never knew what a thimble was. So this is it then. This is the thimble. His mouth quirks up almost painfully. If her eyes her still closed, he brings her down, just so, and plants a kiss on her temple.
[03:47]  Tia Bell (tiamet) blushes from head to toe, a vibrant pink shade before opening her eyes and giggling, scrunching down into his palm shyly after feeling the soft brush of his lips against her temple. Giggle.
[03:49]  Arjun Ethaniel thanks the moon and stars inwardly, a giggling pixie is infinite better than a wailing one, in every single aspect that count and that don't. He reaches outwards as if letting her fly up, with a stupid grin in his face.
[03:51]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles and hops off his hand and hovers there a bit. "Dankies for de thimble, and de story, and I will be waiting for my marble ^_^." giggles and flits off.
[03:52]  Arjun Ethaniel chuckles as she flutters off, and shaking his head he falls back to dreamland

Friday, January 10, 2014

Shak's Boots

[01:56]  Shaktar Woodford chuckles and swats her butt "Now where are my boots."

[01:56]  Mene (menefae) yelps, then giggles. "I dun have that. I didna ask for them. You'd have to ask Ms. Bell."

[01:56]  Shaktar Woodford: hnmm now that i have somethign to trade maybe we'll do that.

(The two join Gost, Tia Bell, and Blue)

[01:58]  Shaktar Woodford grumbles

[01:58]  Mene (menefae) stumbles, nearly falling, and grabs the back of Shak's pants for balance, threatening his kilt. "Halp! He wants boots!"

[01:58]  Shaktar Woodford: Miss Bell I have something of your's and i wants me boots."

[01:58]  Gost Solo: hi MeneFae and Shaktar

[01:59]  Mene (menefae) curtsies to the Pan and Tink, winking at Blue

[01:59]  Tia Bell (tiamet) looks over at Mene and Shak and puts her hands on her hips, one brow arcing high "and what makes you think ~I~ have your boots?"

[01:59]  Shaktar Woodford grumbles again lifting the tiny thing to her feet and straitening his kilt. "careful i need that."

[01:59]  Mene (menefae) turns and sticks out a pert tongue, tossing red tresses over her shoulder. "Well, *I* needed my hands. You have them, so I used what was... handy!"

[02:00]  Shaktar Woodford glares "I have it on good authority that a tink took them and if you don't have them then you should know who does."

[02:01]  Tia Bell (tiamet) wrinkles her nose at his glare and purses her lips "What if I told you it is more of a matter of Had than have?"

[02:01]  Shaktar Woodford swats Mene on the butt "Well be more careful lass. You free that kilt and i may decide to keep you for awhile."

[02:01]  Mene (menefae) tugs at the ropes, then sticks her tongue out at the mercenary again, looking at his bootless foot with a bit of impish uncertainty, then over at the other forest dwellers contemplatively

[02:02]  Gost Solo: have to leave, will keep talking later Tink, and till later to all
[02:02]  Gost Solo: Good day and sweet dreams

[02:03]  Tia Bell (tiamet) nods "Be safe Pan. and we will think about the care of de lot of them marbles. Be safe "

[02:03]  Mene (menefae) curtsies again to Pan decorously. "Sleep well, and may you fly high over NNL..."

[02:03]  Shaktar Woodford bows to pan "Be safe Pan."

[02:05]  Bluepaws McMillan: looks like everyone is heading to bed nows

[02:06]  Shaktar Woodford raises and eyebrow at Tia "And what might you mean by that?"

[02:06]  Bluepaws McMillan: sorry about shooting you earlyer Shaktar I thought you were Epiphany

[02:07]  Shaktar Woodford chuckles "Hnmm i don't see the resemblance but the miss shot is forgiven."

[02:07]  Bluepaws McMillan: you were running along the treetop area where I saw her go
[02:08]  Bluepaws McMillan: all I saw were the bottoms of your feet
[02:08]  Bluepaws McMillan: so I took the shot

[02:08]  Mene (menefae) tugs gently at her bounds again, then looks at the merc and smiles very sweetly before bringing her heel down on his stocking-clad toes, grinding gently. "Me hands?"

[02:08]  Shaktar Woodford chuckles "Ahhh i do have rather small feet."

[02:08]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles some "Oh well seee.... they ended up the same place any boots the tinks bring in do." Her lashes flutter and she folds her hands in front of her like a student about to recite facts. Her wings flip up making her look bigger than she is.

[02:12]  Shaktar Woodford growls and dances around a sec as his foot is stomped on glaring at the two tinks and swatting Mene sharply on the butt "You had best keep those feet to yourself or i will add your ankles to the ropes as well and drag you where i need to go. You Tia need to elaborate on that as i am new to the lands."

[02:13]  Mene (menefae) yelps again, jumping slightly, her feet coming back down in the same spot, possibly right back on his toes, hard, jerking her hips foreward to try to avoid his hand. "Drag me? Well, that's not a very nice thing to do, now, is it?"

[02:14]  Tia Bell (tiamet) coughs slightly, rolling on her feet and bouncing as her hands fidget as she tries to stay focused on the task at hand. She looks amused and excited as Mene is behaving so wonderfully and keeping the boy folks out of trouble. "It is common practice that the boots that come to never land from off island and worn off island, are brought in for cleansing." Her tone is light and airy as she smiles adorably. "Is there anything wrong with that?"

[02:19]  Bluepaws McMillan ponders about boots, having never worn any just cannot fully comprehend what everyone is talking about

[02:20]  Shaktar Woodford growls and pulls his toes from under the offending foot with a low yelp of pain pulling the tink close and tossing her over his shoulder "Draging might be a bit much but i can damn sure carry your little ass." turning his attention to Tia "So when do i get my boots back? I'll be keeping this little tink till i do. I'm sure she can cook and clean or at least make the attempt."

[02:24]  Mene (menefae) gives a soft grunt, air shooting out of her parted lips with a whoosh as her belly connects with his hard shoulder, then bringing her bound arms down against his back, smacking at his own ass with her hands, yelping, "Beast! Put me down!"

[02:25]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles some at the growl and she frowns a bit as he ruins the sport by throwing the tink over his shoulder. "I told you, they've been cleansed from the island." her tone drops almost scoldingly "WHat is so hard to understand about that?"

[02:26]  Shaktar Woodford growls and swats the little ass under his hand rather hard "Behave tink. I don't know Tia, why don't you try that in a language i understand. Like one that tells me where the hell my boots are?"

[02:27]  Mene (menefae) yelps again, small body jerking, the fine layer of glittery dust on her skin lightly shedding onto his skin, then her knees come forward to connect with his belly. "Beast! Put meh down!"

[02:28]  Tia Bell (tiamet) pouts some "Well for one thing, we don't necessarily like things that don't belong on our island." Her tone is slightly annoyed. "It is for the good of all that they have been disposed of."

[02:30]  Shaktar Woodford takes the hit to his stomach with a low ooffff of outrushing air and growls "Tink if you do not behave i will tie you to a tree."Looking at Tia "You did WHAT! to my boots? You know how hard those are going to be to replace?"

[02:31]  Tia Bell (tiamet) hops up floating off the ground as crows like Peter Pan

[02:32]  Mene (menefae) stills a moment at the growl, pointed ear quivering, then starts to squirm wildly. "I am behaving! I've not bitten ye yet! Put me down!"

[02:33]  Tia Bell (tiamet) lets out an amused response and settles her hands on her hips and does a nya nyah nyah wiggle "T'isna a problem for us to deal with. You took them off, and we got rid of them as is part of our duty in protecting the island fromnpssible lost things that could be bad for our environment." nods sagely "Though if we get Hooks boots... i think i would use one as an umbrella stand...." muses as one finger taps her chin.

[02:37]  Shaktar Woodford grumbles jiggling the tink on his shoulder partly to get her settles more comfortably and partly just to annoy her for his sore toes "So you mean to tell me you have nothing to trade for one of your own then? Hnmm so shall i cleanse her from the island as the price of my boots?"

[02:39]  Mene (menefae) keeps squirming, at first, even as his shoulder moves very nicely off her lower ribs and more to the softer, more forgiving flesh of her stomach. Until he mentioned cleansing her from the island. Lavendar eyes go wide as her hands fist in his hair, gently, steadily pulling to try to get him to tip his head back while she tried to lean up as far as she could to look at him, even while letting out a piercing squeak. "Don't cleanse meeeeeeeeeeee!"

[02:42]  Tia Bell (tiamet) looks slightly shocked by his statement and darts forward some eyes widening "You wouldna do that!" she burrows her hands into the pockets sewn into her skirting and she growls low finding something and she pulls out a pretty blue wrapper shiny shiny wrapped candy. "What about if I trade you one of these, would you let her go then?"

[02:48]  Shaktar Woodford growls looking down at the offered candy as best he can while the tink pulls his hair the look in her eyes softening his voice "Let go of the hair little one, I was just making a point to Tia. Feed the candy to the dog, it will hardly pay for a good pair of boots." Grumbles "Damn those boots where just getting comfortable too. You'll have to do better than that Tia."

[02:50]  Mene (menefae) sighs in relief, releasing his hair immediately and sagging down over his shoulder at his reassurance, going almost boneless for a moment. After a second of eyeing his broad, muscular back, she hums low in her throat... then dips the fingers of her right hand into his belt, slowly sliding them along his waist, back and forth, occassionally twisting her hands so just one nail scrapes along his skin, all the while humming a low ditty under her breath. After a though, she shakes her head down, letting her hair fall to hide what she is doing... and eyes all the pretty things that are within her reach on his body.

[02:54]  Tia Bell (tiamet) tucks the candy back into a pocket her amber eyes flickering angrily as she folds her arms across her chest. One brow arcs high as her eyes narrow. "Were the whole island at my disposal, if you do not find sweets a suitable payment. What would you have for them?" Her tone is measured and slightly icy not fond of having her offers turned down. "Would you have gold? Copper pieces from the colonies? Maybe a ruby the size of someones eye?" Her words whirl slightly almost cryptically. "Anything on the island, but what would do for her freedom?"

[03:01]  Shaktar Woodford grumbles squirming at the attention at his waist but not yet trusting her on her own feet Eyes going to Tia and trying to keep his voice measured "I would really like a new pair of boots, I'm not used to going without them and am not sure where i might procure another pair on this island."

[03:04]  Mene (menefae) hums some more, patently uncaring at this point to her role, since the negotiations weren't involving her. Instead, she moved her toes gently to his thigh, trying to use them for purchase to wiggle a little higher up his body, hands stretching down, gently tugging at his belt and peeking down the back of his kilt and pants. Her hair swung around as she leaned forward, very delicately unlacing the dangling black ties she could see, idly swinging her feet at the knees and playing with the flap on his kilt as she went.

[03:04]  Tia Bell (tiamet) crinkles her nose and looks thoughtful a moment, then looks at the fae he has slung over his shoulder. "If you can get the supplies she will make you a new pair of boots. But we ourselves tend not to kill anything that would be suitable for the kind of footwear you'd be accustomed to." She frowns slightly, her wings flipping agitatedly. All this fuss over some stinky smelly boots.

[03:07]  Mene (menefae): ((Hi, Aldwyn))
[03:08]  Aldwyn (aldwyn.beaumont): eep!
[03:08]  Aldwyn (aldwyn.beaumont): ((Hi!))

[03:08]  Tia Bell (tiamet) starts rummaging in Aldwyn's pockets looking for the 2 marbles Pan gave him "Where'd you put them?"

[03:09]  Bluepaws McMillan: (hiya Aldwyn

[03:10]  Aldwyn (aldwyn.beaumont) squirms around, "Hey, that tickles!"

[03:11]  Tia Bell (tiamet) grumbles and pins her knees at his sides as she runs her hands over his clothing looking for some lumps that should be the prizes she intends to take. "Not meaning to tickle you! Just trying to find what's mine!"

[03:12]  Shaktar Woodford looks thoughtful a moment as he considers the offer feeling the tinks hands at his pack he swats behind himself "That is not behaving Little one. Hnmmm i have taken deer and rabbits for food since i got here. If i give you one deer skin and 2 rabbit i think it fair that i get a spare set just in case another tink decides to cleanse my dang boots."

[03:12]  Aldwyn (aldwyn.beaumont) makes a grab for Tink's hands, "Pan gave them to me, they're mine now"

[03:12]  Tia Bell (tiamet) growls low a stormy expression crossing her face "BUt I want them! Canna you give them to me?"

[03:13]  Mene (menefae) squeaks faintly, pouting, then leans forward and puts her mouth to the middle of his back, very gently biting, then humming against his pinched flesh before murmuring, "I wasna exactly mis-behaving, neither..." She eyes the ties some more, then experimentally tugs one to see if she has it loose enough to come free.

[03:14]  Tia Bell (tiamet) looks over a wrinkle in her nose as she wiggles it, the pause letting her hands be caught "SHe can make 2 as long as you bring her enough supplies to do so."

[03:16]  Aldwyn (aldwyn.beaumont) reaches inside his shirt's hidden pocket and brings out two marbles, "Alright, since you asked so nicely.."

[03:18]  Tia Bell (tiamet) glees making a grab for the two marbles her amber eyes glittering with excitement. "Really?" she sounds gleeful and joyful at the idea of getting them so easily.

[03:19]  Aldwyn (aldwyn.beaumont) closes his hands before Tink can grab them, grinning at the little fairy, "Not so soon. I want kisses."

[03:21]  Shaktar Woodford Draws a sharp breath as he feels the teeth at his back grumbling as he feels the pack at the small of his back come loose and fall to the ground scattering his eating utensils and small packs of seasoning on the ground "Your gonna pick that all up tink and if anything goes missing we''ll discuss that cost later. little tink. I think i can agree to that Tia but i want your assurance i will not be long without my boots."

[03:23]  Tia Bell (tiamet) tips her head and pouts slightly. Her eyes look contemplating, examining his face before pursing her lips. "How many kisses?" Her tone is curious with a slight hint of suspicion.

[03:24]  Mene (menefae) tips my head, wondering what his problem is, even as she starts to tie the black string around his bow, forming an ornate spider web between the bow shaft and the string, gently but definitely tying the two together. She looks at the scattered items, then nods her head rather drunkenly, the blood having been rushing to her brain. "Aye, I'll collect dem for ye... and if ya have the supplies, I can have the boots for ye in a day or so, if they's already tanned. But I not be wanting any o the meaty bits left, and it will take longer if I have to tan them, myself. The pitch and sap, I can get myself."

[03:25]  Aldwyn (aldwyn.beaumont) gazes up at Tink as he ponders, "Oh, I don't know... until I'm happy?"

[03:29]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles and shifts sitting on him some as she digs in a pocket sewn into her skirting, she pulls out a small silver object, and takes his other hand tucking the small thumb sized cup into it and folds his fingers over it "there is a very fine kiss for you." her eyes go to the hand guarding the marbles "Now can I have them?" She looks over at Shak "You can have one pair of them within the week.... but she will need more time than that to do 2 pairs."

[03:34]  Shaktar Woodford nods setting the tink to the ground and freeing her wrists "The skins are cleaned and scraped but not tanned."reaching over and swatting Mene's ass as he turned to her "Gather my stuff tink and don't think a hunter wouldn't realize when his bow was tied to his belt."

[03:36]  Aldwyn (aldwyn.beaumont) looks at the little silver cups, "What are these? They're not kisses!"

[03:37]  Mene (menefae) plops on her feet, swaying dizzily and again grabbing his belt as the blood goes back and the world rights, her eyes almost rolling in her head. "Whoa." She looked at him in confusion, then smirks and sinks to her knees, collecting the items and putting them away even neatly, rather orderly and keeping the grass from inside, giving a bemused smirk. "I didna tie nothin' ta yer belt." Once done, she gets to her feet, cocking a brow and handing the pouch to him again, not having made an attempt to steal a thing. "It will take longer, closer to the week, to tan them, meself, but I can do it. Either bring me or the Bell the skins as soon as ye can, and I'll get started, but it takes a right good week for good leathers. Then I can measure yer smelly feet and get them sized, and the stitchin's will go fast enough. Agreed?"

[03:38]  Tia Bell (tiamet) blinks looking slightly insulted. "They are so kisses! Fine silver kisses from the mainland!" Her lips purse and her bottom lip quivers as she eyes the hand keeping the marbles from her.

[03:40]  Shaktar Woodford grumbles "Agreed, I have the skins prepaired so i'll leave them at Tia's house as soon as i can get back to my camp and gather them. I don't see you gatheriing my things little Tink."

[03:42]  Mene (menefae) looks at the pouch in her gleaming fingers, then at the mercenary, raising a brow with a small grin and lifting the pouch higher, wondering if the poor man had an eyesight problem, despite his skill with his blade. "Ahem... I believe these be the things yer lookin' for?"

[03:47]  Shaktar Woodford sighs taking the pouch and sliding the belt around so he can tie the pouch back in place "Thank you ..being so little i missed that you had them already." Taking the bow from his back and looking at the mess he hands it to the little elf "This too please."

[03:48]  Mene (menefae) smiles slightly, even at the crack about her height, completely unconcerned of what he thought of her appearance as she bobbed another of those slight curtsies. She positively beams when the spider-webbed mess of black lacing and bow is presented, handling it like it's a cherished gift and grinning excitedly into his face. "Isn't it BEAUTIFUL?"

[03:51]  Shaktar Woodford chuckles and shakes his head

[03:52]  Shaktar Woodford: "Yes it is beautiful made by my father and given to me when i came of age. I would like it in working condition though please."

[03:54]  Mene (menefae) gives a softly pained cry, facing falling as she hugs herself that he did not like her handiwork, tears filling pansy eyes and sadly taking it, smothering a small sniffle, sitting dejectedly on the ground and slowly, sadly beginning to unwind the black string from haft and string, sniffling a little. "I made it pretty for you..." Her fingers are sure, never stumbling as she unweaves what looks like a complicated mess, dejectedly handing him the first roll of string she'd taken, then working on the second.

[03:59]  Shaktar Woodford sighs and rubs the cheek of the little elf "It is beautiful work but my bow is my life and i need to be able to use it.. now if you where to make another for me with a different framework i would like that very much. Keep the strings. Of those i have several."

[04:01]  Mene (menefae) blinks, considering his words, rather surprised at that, and his touch, her eyes flaring slightly. For a moment, she looks uncertain, then gently tucks the ball of black string into a small pouch hanging off the side of her skirt, going back to unravelling the other. Her pluck rebuilds some before she finishes, handing him back the weapon and getting up, hands briskly brushing the dirt and grass off the butt of her skirt, tossing her head slightly and trying for a haughty sniff, though it still contains a hint of water. "Well... we'll just see, won't we? First, I needs be making some boots, apparently..."

[04:04]  Shaktar Woodford chuckles and nods "Yes i would appreciate my boots as soon as possible. Cold sore feet are not something i am accustomed to." grumbling "Should have asked for some new socks. Gonna need them."

[04:06]  Mene (menefae) looks at him curiously, red tresses slipping over her glittering skin, looking confused. "Socks? What for we need those for? Ye already use stockings." Curiously, she'd stare down at her own bare feet, slightly damp from the dew, the odd bit of grass or streak of dirt on them... then give a heavenly sigh and wiggle her toes in the castle lawn. "Aye, no being be needing socks if they got their feet or proper boots on"

[04:15]  Shaktar Woodford looks down at his own feet and sighs as he reaches down and strips the socks from his feet tucking them in his belt and standing barefoot as the small elf next to him. "Socks little one help keep the feet dry and warm, but these will have to be put up till i can get boot to protect them or they'll not last the week."

[04:18]  Mene (menefae) grins and wiggles her toes again. "Dry and warm makes them weak. Run like the wind, get them calloused and used to the elements. Ye never hear "get out of those wet clothes" said to a fae, ye dun, 'cause we un spend all our time hiding from the wind. It's not what hurts ye the most."

[04:21]  Shaktar Woodford chuckles "I think i have heard that a time or two of late. But i take your point non the less. "

[04:23]  Mene (menefae) tilts her head, wondering who else had been passing on fairy wisdom - and actually looking a little shocked he would remember hearing it, since it seemed most had it go in one holey ear and straight out the other. Instead, she hummed, hands behind her back, rocking on her heels, and then felt her lips twist. "So... how long til I be getting them skins?"

[04:26]  Shaktar Woodford smiles "Well if you walk with me for a bit we can get them strait away. They are in my camp in the woods .

[04:30]  Mene (menefae) considers, then raising her hand, pinkie held hi. "I want yet solemn oath we JUST be getting them skins. Swear it on all ye hold dear!"

[04:32]  Shaktar Woodford nods a small grin on his lips "You have my word little one... I am still not one to take what is not freely given. Well maybe something owed."

[04:32]  Mene (menefae) giggles, then swipes his pinky and deftly shakes, eyes twinkling. "Like a pair o boots? Fair enough. Lead on, yon mercernary! Ho!"

[04:34]  Shaktar Woodford smiles and shakes his head "This way little elf.. it's not over far."

[04:37]  Shaktar Woodford smiles and gathers the hide and two skins "These should do for the boots. Is there anything else that would help speed things along?"

[04:38]  Mene (menefae) tilts my head, considering, looking at your feet, then has to side. "Sadly, no. I canna measure your feet to untanned hide. Unless ye would like to donate some piss for me?"

[04:40]  Shaktar Woodford chuckles and shakes his head "No No, i think i'll pass. Let me know when the hide is ready and i'll sit for you."

[04:41]  Mene (menefae) nods. "Should take about a week, sadly, as I have to tan them proper-like, but then I shall send message somehow and get to those big ol feet of yers."

[04:43]  Shaktar Woodford looks down at his feet and grumbles "I suppose next to your own they are kinda big... I'll be looking forward to hearing from you then little elf."

[04:44]  Mene (menefae) grins, then winks a violet eye. "Dinna worry, they be big, but nicely shaped, for all that."

[04:45]  Shaktar Woodford smiles "I really would like to see more of your string work when you have the chance...."

[04:46]  Mene (menefae) blinks, then tilts her head, looking surprised. "Really truly?" She pauses a moment, then narrows her eyes. "Why?"

[04:48]  Shaktar Woodford chuckles and shrugs "It is not something i have seen and would like to see how intricate your work can be when not hanging from someone's back."

[04:50]  Mene (menefae) blinks, then giggles, sticking out her tongue again and sitting down, hugging her knees with a grin. "Oh, but I think I did *quite* well, considering what I had to work with. It looked just like a silver moonspinner's web!" She gave a gleeful giggle, then holds out her arms, gesturing toward the lacing up her arms. "I made these, though not as pretty as most."

[04:54]  Shaktar Woodford smiles and walks close to the small elf running his finger down the length of her arm tracing the intricate patterns there "very nice work..a skill that could come in handy indeed."

[04:56]  Mene (menefae) blinks, then shivers at the touch, watching his fingers quietly, then looking back up, brow confused. "Come in handy? I enjoy my knotworks..."

[05:00]  Shaktar Woodford smiles and reaches up touching the cords on his arms "That kind of work would come in handy when i have to use these to bind a catch."

[05:01]  Mene (menefae) looks at him, eyes narrowing, then back at her intricate wraps. After a moment, she does have to give a sour little nod of her had, having to admit that work like her's was a lot harder to pull free from or unravel if one did not know the ins and outs, then narrow her eyes threateningly at him. "Just who will ye be binding? Not myself or Ms Bell?"

[05:03]  Shaktar Woodford smiles and runs a finger along her chin "Smile little one, have either of you given me cause to use such binding?"

[05:03]  Mene (menefae) tilts her head, red waves cascading wildly, then makes a thought mou, pointing out, "She did burn your boots..."

[05:07]  Shaktar Woodford chuckles and shakes his head "Do not remind me. I have made good on that particular deed though. Hnmm I may need to look into a little something for later."

[05:08]  Mene (menefae) cants her head the other way now, red locks spilling over her breasts, a fingernail gently tapping on her log seat. "May look into what kind of something for what later? I canna follow your thoughts well..."

[05:10]  Shaktar Woodford smiles and lifts her chin tweaking her pretty nose "Ohh probably best I not elaborate one that just yet.

((RP fades out))

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Been There, Done That

 [18:12]  Sokanon: YAY!

[18:12]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): giggle
[18:13]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): awe

[18:13]  Sokanon: We both got a captive!

[18:13]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): pouts

[18:13]  Tia Bell (tiamet) hops up floating off the ground as crows like Peter Pan
[18:13]  Tia Bell (tiamet): Now
[18:13]  Tia Bell (tiamet): chores!
[18:13]  Tia Bell (tiamet): Come come we make dem clean in de castle

[18:15]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): or dust

((The captives, Sylvr and Stevon, are dragged to the castle by Tia and Sokanon))

[18:15]  Tia Bell (tiamet): NOw we has your attentions

[18:15]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): hmmmmm

[18:15]  Tia Bell (tiamet): you wanna be's free? *teasing tone*

[18:15]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): yeps

[18:15]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggles "Can has a kiss?" holds out hand

[18:16]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): grins course
[18:16]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): kisses Tia's hand
[18:16]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): and then slurps it
[18:16]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): making it clean

[18:16]  Sokanon looks at her captive, remembering Tia's thimble earlier and rolling the snowball in my hands, wondering if he can see my thoughts...

[18:16]  Tia Bell (tiamet) squeals and rubs it on her pants giggling "Ewwwwww okies dat works."

[18:17]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): goodies you can cap me any day

[18:17]  Tia Bell (tiamet) swats at Pan "stop dat you lil blighter!"

[18:17]  XxStevonxX: a penny fer yer thoughts

[18:18]  Tia Bell (tiamet) slobbers on Sylvr

[18:18]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): course.... fairs is fair

[18:18]  Sokanon blinks, looking at him, eyes going wide, then rolls my eyes toward Tia with a faint look of panic, a faint "mreeeep," sound rolling from my throat

[18:20]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): Yesh
[18:21]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): whatchya gioin to make Steve do
[18:21]  Sylvr (sylvrravyn): dances around on the table top

[18:22]  Sokanon hrms softly. "He just issued me a dare... said he'd been there and done that with being drug through the water. I'm going to prove him otherwise." Turning almost imperiously, I tug at his ropes. "Come, come..."

[18:23]  Tia Bell (tiamet) giggle giggle giggle

((Soka drags Stevon to the water, Tiamet following))

[18:25]  Sokanon pauses, looking at the water, breathing deeply, then tosses my head with a royal cant, eyes narrowing, eying him. My hands raise, sparkling, eyes gleaming as they reach above my head.... and then slowly lower before me. Every weapon, ever rope, falls slowly to the ground to lay at your feet, leaving just your clothing. I breath deeply, eyes challenging, then get an impish smile. "Do you prefer those clothes or not?"

[18:31]  XxStevonxX: i prefer to keep my clothes on
[18:31]  XxStevonxX: i would let my clothes loose if my hands were free
[18:32]  XxStevonxX: as i grab at her clothes,
[18:32]  XxStevonxX: yanking at the tunic

[18:33]  Sokanon grins a little, nodding my head and shaking my hood back after, smiling. "No." My hands raise again, stopping at my chest as my eyes begin to glow faintly, then close, faint light seeping from beneath the lids. The glow around my hands increase as they lower before me... wings disappearing in a faint shimmer of light, ignoring the grabbing of his hands other than to brush them away with surprising strength in mine. The tunic stays, but slowly my pants disappear, boots falling from my feet to lay in grass. Only as the partial transformation is complete do my eyes open, assessingly watching him

((Soka transforms to a mermaid from the waist down))

[18:35]  XxStevonxX: confused and amazed at the disappearing pants and boots, i cower down in surprise

[18:42]  Sokanon breaths deeply, feeling a bit at odds in a partial transformation, then humming softly, getting used to the scaled tail with my fae mein. My eyes gleam, using my tail to scoot the pile of items over toward Tia, then rolling into the stream, the salmon easily jumping around me, voice lowering to a purring taunt. "Still going with been there, done that with being drug through the water?"

[18:47]  XxStevonxX: mmm no, never been here, or done this. quite curious and antcipating the next thing, cautiously

[18:49]  Sokanon smiles, tying the rope securely to my waist, then cautions him. "Take a deep breath, and do not panic. I will not let you come to harm..." That said, I start off into the water, head awkwardly raised until I hear the breath, then plunging under, quickening, and towing him behind me

[18:49]  XxStevonxX: breathes deeply
[18:50]  XxStevonxX: enjoying the view
[18:51]  XxStevonxX: gurgle

[18:52]  Sokanon makes a low, thrumming, reassuring hum, twisting to look over my shoulder now and then, giving you a reassuring smile. Hearing your gurgle, I pick up speed, rushing through the gate and dragging you faster. Only when I reach under the castle do I turn, slowly wrapping my arms around you, lips moving to yours with a gentle pressure, encouraging your mouth to open under mine

[18:54]  XxStevonxX: i open my mouth , my pulling you close to me, mouth closing on yours
[18:56]  XxStevonxX: my arms wrap around her,

[18:57]  Sokanon hums, lips parting, head tipping to keep water from entering your mouth, tongue gently slipping across yours... and then my lungs sucking gently, drinking the carbon dioxide from your lungs, bubbles appearing from my necklike as my gills release it into my tunic, taking out the waste... and then breathing deeply, forcing clean oxygen back into you with careful pressure, watching for signs of giving you too much, sinking into your arms, against your chest, as you press me close, hands gentle on your back, reassuring, trying to get you to remember my promise

[19:00]  XxStevonxX: relaxes as i feel the welcome oxygen fill my lungs. the panic subsiding, the need to struggle easing. becoming comfortable, remembering the promise that no harm would come to me. beginning to feel the warmth of her

[19:02]  Sokanon smiles, lips gently closing, urging yours to do the same, then pulls back to smile at you. My arms squeeze.... and then shift, body tilting, strong pushes of my tail propelling us through the water in a dance, lips coming back to yours every so often, again sucking the carbon from your lungs, then slowly pressing in more air

[19:06]  XxStevonxX: gurgles more often, so she will touch my lips more often... enjoying the taste of her, enjoying the feel of her, appreciating the breathes of oxygen, keeping me alive, keeping me feeling, keeping me in her arms, looking into her eyes ignoring the beautiful surroundings because , despite being in a sea, gazes into the sea of her eyes

[19:12]  Sokanon grows a little confused, wondering if the strain was getting to him, or a silent panic lessening his ability to breath effectively. Very slowly, I ease the dance, taking a few deep breaths, then leaning forward again. This time, with a faint blush, I close my eyes and send my tongue on a foray, tasting, learning, teasing around your tongue and the roof of your mouth, then suck the air out after before breathing in a larger mouthful, filling your lungs with a slightly impish smile. Pulling back, I push off, turning and zipping through the water with incredible speed, whizzing back toward the way we came with insane speed, just controlled enough to keep you from being bashed into anything.

[19:17]  XxStevonxX: feeling the incredible strength she possesses, amazed at the speed and ease, unsure of what lies, ahead,but trusting now that she will not harm, i enjoy the ride

[19:20]  Sokanon reaches the shore, emerging drenched and gleaming, making a small choking noise before remembering to switch from gills to nose, coughing faintly and moving my hair out of my face. I tug you to shore, then unbind you, looking at your possessions, then making a disgruntled noise and sitting on the shore, hugging my tail. "We will need to find my sister. She seems to have pilfered a few things..."

[19:21]  XxStevonxX: oh my, well lets find her. your skills amaze and astound me.

[19:25]  Sokanon nods, then shifts, hands shifting, raising again, reforming my legs and wings, though still dripping wet... except for suspiciously dry pant legs. I reach for my boots, stuffing my feet in, then gesture at your items. "There is what is left. It looks like she took every weapon you had..."

((The two wander off after Tiamet))