Thursday, November 1, 2012

What to do with Rule 7

When you're in Second Life and wandering through various sims I'm sure you've seen some people with a Rule 7 or Restricted tag on. This in no way, shape or form excludes them from role playing. This is written to help those who are restricted by Rule 7, as well as to help those who feel that their experience would be boring if they chase or choose to rp with someone under rule 7. So please read with an open mind.

Restrictions when it come to role play are usually created in order to create some sort of power exchange between those involved. These may not be limited to simply sexual role play. Sometimes a character is restricted from saying certain things, or discussing certain topics. They can be instructed not to wear certain items. This is not a rule, but just an idea about some of the things that can come up when meeting a character that is restricted.

So what exactly is Rule 7? Rule 7 is a part of the Village rules created to protect the power exchanges established in a storyline or relationship. Specifically it is intended to protect sexual restrictions, while allowing people to continue interacting on a social level as well as rp safely. This is not something to use because you feel like you don't want to role play a sexual situation. Picking and choosing when you want to 'enforce' rule 7 isn't going to work. But I'll cover that further down.

7. SEXUALLY Restricted prey can come to THE VILLAGE Slave Hunt™ and visit and interact with the people in the Village without threat of sexual restriction being compromised if they are owned and under these circumstances:

a) They have their owner clearly listed in their profile and listed as being sexually restricted.

b) Their owner must list the prey in their own profile and list that prey is sexually restricted.

c) Title their meter "sexually restricted to (owner name), non sexual RP only, see Village rule # 7".

d) Note this rule does not exempt you from being captured, or roleplayed with in other aspects, it only excludes you from sexual role play.
That is what Rule  7 is in the Village rules. As you can see, the only thing clearly taken away is sexual role play. There are still a lot of rp scenarios that are still open to them. What might some of these be? Well I hate to say it, but the ones I use most frequently during times like open hunt are chores.

Chores may not be the most glamorous thing to rp about. But they can be used to create some interesting situations. Some common ones that are easy enough to use reliably are cooking, drink serving, window washing, flower picking, and laundry. These are all tasks that have a variety of motions and parts that can be role played up. Giving both parties something to work out.

Another enjoyable task I highly recommend is dancing. Dancing is a very important feature, everyone should be able to rp dancing. There is so much to describe, everything from hand movements, to the flow of fabric and hair as one moves. Dancing is not sexual, but it can be erotic and entertaining depending on the writer. Not to mention it can be delightful to watch.

Rule 7 is not a pick and choose who you have sex with thing. Rule 7 can be taken away if you are found having sexual relations with someone other than the one listed in your profile and tag. It is not a rule to be abused. It is intended to help enhance rp. So try not to ruin it for those that use it properly.

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